View Full Version : Attaching images via Flickr

28-05-2019, 6:03pm
Has anyone else run into problems with their Flickr account since their change over divorce from Yahoo? I can't get into my original account nor a new account I set up. For the new second account I do have a welcome email but when I try to log in it does not even recognize my new email log in so can't set up a new password (sure the one have been using is correct):confused013:confused013
Will directly link to the site till they sort their mess out.

Mary Anne
29-05-2019, 7:36am
Brigitte I just posted one of my images from flickr on here to see if it worked and it did.

https://live.staticflickr.com/3940/32913206970_778ee04dc6_b.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/S9qMKG)

Perhaps they have fixed the problem by now.

29-05-2019, 1:22pm
Perhaps they have fixed the problem by now.[/QUOTE]
Great that you have not have to go through this. From what I have read I'm not alone and even people with paid accounts have run into the same problem. Their help just sends one a round and around in circles till you you become dizzy and give up. There is no live chat. Your lovely photo has cheered me up, will keep trying.:nod:

29-05-2019, 5:52pm
Update - I have still not been able to get back into my original account so opened up a new one. I only use my Flickr account to link through to here so no great loss.

29-05-2019, 6:30pm
^^What! - Is it working/not working? I haven't even been able to upload since my first
few a couple of months ago. Flickr! - What upload of rubbish!

- - - Updated - - -

My take on hosting sites of late:
Flickr - see above/who cares :rolleyes:
OneDrive - links don't last/a joke :rolleyes::rolleyes:
Dropbox - getting a link to share is like pulling hen's teeth :rolleyes::rolleyes:

11-06-2019, 3:12pm
Update 2 - just used my initial Flickr account to log in after I had done a clean up of my machine - I could log in using the saved bookmark site :lol:
I was also logged in to the new 2nd account I had created :lol: If I log out of these will I ever get in again :confused013 Both accounts use the same email. Do I know what I'm doing:confused013
Do they know what they are doing :confused013 Will try to figure out the next problem when it arrives:nod:

11-06-2019, 4:30pm
^It sounds perfectly l:crzy:gical to me, Brigitte.:p

Mary Anne
11-06-2019, 4:52pm
Strange that you have problems with your account, I don't. One way to see if you can log in again is to try it.

I just logged off and logged in again, no problems so easy :confused013