View Full Version : I Am Feeling Unfaithful - but I can live with it.

The Fisher King
17-02-2019, 4:11pm
I have really appreciated the phenomenal support I have received in the very short time that I have been here,yes I have said this before but I cannot deny it :nod:

After plenty of thinking about this camera and that camera and after been giving plenty of good advice I have changed my mind about my camera choice,although I don't intend to purchase that choice tomorrow sadly.

Drum roll please - I am looking at the Nikon Coolpix 900/1000 :D

I have made this choice because I am not very technical and never have been just looking to take a photo with flexibility.

Yes I don't think my choice photo wise would be better than any current DSLR camera but I am about the subject like birds as you might know rather than the bestest quality photo.

Yes the 1000 particularly is heavy but I intend to purchase a good tripod whether I buy the 900 or 1000.

I am very very sorry for being so unfaithful :lol:
I intend to resign my commission from the Australasian Metal Detecting whatever they call it :confused013 yes I am joking again :lol2:

I have reduced the finds from metal detecting in my area to a virtual stop plus my shoulders are saying it is time to retire which suits me because the time is right.

I will my sell all of my detecting gear after this winter paying for half of my camera gear plus I am taking delivery of nearly 2kg of new .925 silver jewelry this week that I purchase on another forum for nearly the cost of melting it.

So I have a plan unless I win the up and coming yourtown art union in less than 3 weeks :nod:

Always a pleasure.

The Fisher King :D

P.S. how I will get to 50 posts will be a challenge in the short term but I do hope to post a photo (Canon IXUS) after working out the "special code" to do so.

17-02-2019, 6:03pm

P.S. how I will get to 50 posts will be a challenge in the short term but I do hope to post a photo (Canon IXUS) after working out the "special code" to do so.

Why do you need to get to 50 posts? All that lets you do is access our classifieds. Otherwise you have access to everything the site has to offer now.

Re the special code to post, it is easy:

Use the help here: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I - number 2 is about attaching and uploading photos

Choose the critique forum relative to your photo. Start a new thread and use the above. Ensure your photo is under 400kb and less than 1200 pixels on the longest edge. Then follow the screens to select your photo and upload it.

The Fisher King
17-02-2019, 6:18pm
I thought incorrectly so it seems that the 50 posts and one month qualification was to stop the place from being cluttered up with dead wood so to speak,and english is my strong suit :lol2:

All I have to shot with (not a gun) is my sad little old Canon IXUS 8 x zoom,but as I said it is really about the subject.

So I might try to upload something when I get a reasonable shot of something.

Thanks again ricktas :nod:

Mark L
17-02-2019, 8:19pm
Drum roll please - I am looking at the Nikon Coolpix 900/1000 :D

I have made this choice because I am not very technical and never have been just looking to take a photo with flexibility.

Yes I don't think my choice photo wise would be better than any current DSLR camera but I am about the subject like birds as you might know rather than the bestest quality photo.

Yes the 1000 particularly is heavy but I intend to purchase a good tripod whether I buy the 900 or 1000.
I don't know the camera you are buying but if it needs a tripod reconsider a DSLR. And if not consider a monopod instead of a tripod. Much easier to use chasing birds.

You don't have to be "very technical" to use a DSLR in auto mode.
You don't have to be "very technical" in aperture priority mode.
Why wouldn't you want the bestest quality photo you can get of a bird?? Forget the camera and get a scope and commit what extra detail you see to memory?
Using a monopod over a tripod can be handy for chasing birds.

The Fisher King
17-02-2019, 8:51pm
The thing that worries me the most is falling way short lens wise,even if I could afford a long lens (1K+++) I doubt I would spend the money.

What kind of performance could I expect from the basic 18 - 55mm lens on normal bird type photo's in your backyard.

Mark L
17-02-2019, 8:59pm
^ fair comment.
Do what you where planning.
I gave up smoking a few years back and spent some of the saved money on a 150-600mm lens so I guess I'm coming from somewhere you aren't.
I do hope your planned stuff helps to get you into birds though.:th3:

18-02-2019, 10:24am

What kind of performance could I expect from the basic 18 - 55mm lens on normal bird type photo's in your backyard.

on a scale of 1-10 .. I'd estimate 0.1 .. if 'ya lucky .. on an ideal day, with compliant birds, that aren't afraid to eat out of your hand!

As already indicated, a camera like a P&S(which what those all in one megazooms cameras really are) .. you're never going to get exceptional detail out of the images, but you will get images.
How fussy you are in terms of what you end up photographing is the most important element in the whole process of camera choice.

You haven't yet indicated what your budget is, but going on the current pricing of a P1000, they're approx $1K.

If you can hold off for a short while yet, I can offer some feedback on the gear we were discussing back when .. re the D3xxx/5xxx + Nikon 70-300 AF-P lens.
I'm still waiting for mine to arrive, supposedly coming today(Mon 18th) .. taking far longer than I was expecting.
if it comes this week, I'll try to find some time at the end of the week, to give it a whirl and see how it performs.

If this link works for you, check it out for a visualisation of what we're all referring too in terms of output quality:

The link is to the DPR review of the P1000 where they have this image quality widget.
it should take you to a direct comparison between a P1000 and D5300.
At the bottom, you see 4 sample images. one is the P1000 set to jpg.
Change this to RAW format.
Then on any of the other sample image boxes, use the drop down to choose the D5300 .. or D3300 or whatever(they all use the same sensor).
The use the dropdown area where it says ISO, and change the P1000 to ISO1600, and note the loss of IQ as the ISO value is increased, but by the same comparative change to ISO, the IQ of the D5xxx camera, the IQ barely changes at ISO1600.
To achieve the same drop in IQ of the D5300, you need to set it's ISO value to about ISO25600!
That's about 16x the increase in sensitivity. This allows faster shutter speeds.

IN saying that tho, if you go back to page 5 of the P1000 review, they show some samples of shots captured, a giraffe, heron, etc. They don't look too bad, but they were all obviously shot at some type of sanctuary where the shooting process is made easier.
Out in the wild, natural environment .. not so easy, and dependent on subject matter chosen.

Have a peek in at the bird forum, and see some sample images of birds captured, and note(if available) the ISO setting used for the shots. Many are shot at ISO3200+ levels. Birds move fast, shutter needs to be relatively high(ie. 1/500 .. 1/1000s or so).
Tripods not really required, unless lenses are heavy(>1kg, usually more like 1.5kg or more).
This is where the P1000 will become a liability.
For shooting reptiles in full sun, 'baking their lives away' on rocks .. the above problem maybe not so much of an issue. But for small jittery creatures that prefer low light level environments .. definitely will be.

Will a P1000 work for 'ya? Almost certainly .... Will it work well? Depends!

The Fisher King
18-02-2019, 6:05pm
A champion reply from a champion bloke,no real surprise,thanks King.

I "get" what you are saying overall but those acronyms will last a life time :lol2: sorry :nod:

There is one thing I know about cameras that you don't,and that is the P1000 is $1,600 :confused013 not $1,000 I can imagine what you are thinking now :lol:

Sorry for taking the - - - - from all those important camera details but that kind of cements my point of just taking a photo.

I have spent and still spend a lot of time outside in and near the bush because that is where I live/d and me and birds are well acquainted.I never even thought of taking pictures of birds on the wing,but yes the low/er light will be an issue.

As they say there is plenty of fish in the sea,there is also plenty of birds in the trees in the sun or in more than likely enough light for me and my hopefully P900/1000 - P900 cost nearly 1/3rd being $600.00 :D

Please continue to give me advice which I appreciate.

Looking forward to any lens views.

Thanks again :nod:

18-02-2019, 6:21pm
A decision is a decision. Of course, you can grow out of things. I'd say, yeah, gopher for it.
Better to have a camera/pics than to just talk about same.

20-02-2019, 12:13am

There is one thing I know about cameras that you don't,and that is the P1000 is $1,600 :confused013 not $1,000 I can imagine what you are thinking now :lol:



OK! the choice is then a LOT easier.

$1600 buys you a lot of DSLR/mirrorless camera gear to get you 'what you think it is you want' ...
Technically, that doesn't mean it'll buy you lots of gear by mass/volume/amount ..

'lots', as in some very capable gear.

Apparently my 70-300 came today, but I was at work.
So I have to pick it up from the local P.O when I can .. tomorrow(99.9% likely), but I'm busy again tomorrow till later in the arvo.

The Fisher King
20-02-2019, 9:52am
Thanks King :D

I really appreciate your persistence and look forward to your longer lens critique.

I was on ebay and saw a 150 - 600mm lens (not Nikon) and it was gorgeous,the final price at auction was $1,300,I think that would quench my fire,yes it was new.

The seller told me that the higher the Cmos sensor the better the lens will work,I made sure I wrote that down for tomorrow.

As you can see from my emails I am still undecided which is good still getting information to lessen and poor purchase.

But as I also sadly said I am not a buyer today but "putting" some plans in place for tomorrow,but as you would know things can change very very quickly on the upside.

Thanks again :nod:

20-02-2019, 7:28pm

The seller told me that the higher the Cmos sensor the better the lens will work,I made sure I wrote that down for tomorrow.


They're lying! typical seller hype!
Be they average joe types looking to just sell their gear, or paid staff at a shop hoping the sale will boost their bonus for the week.

ps. I could never make a living selling stuff.. especially stuff I'm passionate about(passionate as in hobby level passionate! .. I'm not actually passionate about gear per se .. just that it's my hobby/interest and I'm ... interested! :D

anyhow, lens finally in my hands.

First impression is wow! .. not overly small, but light as a feather.
It feels flimsily manufactured in terms of material, but made quite well(for what it is). Zoom action is rough compared to some lenses(eg. Sigma 150-600 feels silky in both a tactile sense and audible way too).
Not badly tho ... just feels like it's made of air.
I have the 18-105 and 18-140 both VR lenses too, and they're both heavier.
rear end lens cap is disgraceful, and Nikon should be sued into submission for the cheek of using such garbage! it's a push on type cap, which is pretty much guaranteed to get lost somewhere eventually.
I have many rear caps, fist thing I did was to chuck the old one in the draw, and use a proper cap. You can get these for $1 or so off cheapo retail sites.
Other disappointment(in Nikon) no lens hood. Really! .. they cost like $1(I've bought knockoffs, better quality than Nikon genuine hoods for a dollar on ebay!) .. they can't supply a cheapo lens hood? :rolleyes:

First impression so far on it's workings tho: I've shot about 20 or so images with the D5500. Focus is fast. Not lightning, just fast. Does baulk sometimes. Dunno why, just does.
But after a few focuses(where you just focus here or there, or whatever) .. it 'recovers'. and focuses fine again.
I think it has to do with turning camera off/on .. maybe.
it's certainly faster to focus than either of the 18-1xx lenses I have to compare. Very quite focusing too.

One thing I really liked. It balances really nice on the D5500. Not so good on a heavier body tho.
Doesn't work at all on the D300(heavier) but fitted for feeling how it feels. D800 is another level.. 2x heavier than D5500, and it just plain feels strange. Big long lens hanging from front, but feels like zero weight.

But the D5500(and D3xxx bodies) seem perfectly suited to this lens type.

IQ is very good, as expected and noted by Thom Hogan.
Just some random shots in the back yard, no birds(they hate me!) so shots of static stuff. IQ seems to be very good.
Can be made good, but operator dependent too.
But in saying that, being such a light lens, operator dependent proficiency will be easily improved with usage. Lens weight helps here, and lower usually = better usability.

One thing I'm not so sure about. The way VR works.
I have 3 Nikon VR lenses now, and a few more from Sigma/Tamron.
They all work roughly the same way. When set to on, but not yet engaged, you can see the vibrations through the optical viewfinder through the lens. One the VR kicks in proper, you then see it stabilize the VF.
The image through the VF then has a 'floaty' feeling. Instead of the harsh vibrations you saw pre VR, it moves gently in a floaty kind of manner.
Not this lens tho.
When VR kicks in, it vibrates more! .. for a few secs(maybe two tops) .. and it feels weird(er).
So with VR not yet active, you may have very slight to non vibratory viewfinder, but then VR kicks in(you hear it click) and VF starts jittering about! :confused013 Then it does the usual floaty looking thing.

I have at least one image at 300mm and 1/5s which came out sharp enough. Another is of a rendering worthy of calling sharp too.
The shots were from a quick burst of 4 shot succession. What came out strange with this was that the fist one was far too blurry to call a photo, second one came out as explained above .. a keeper, then third one blurry again and last one sharp(enough).
300mm and 1/5s it's not unreasonable to say luck had nothing to do with it .. VR did it's thing, so it works OK.
It's just weird the way it kicks in.
Back to 1/5s shots again and on tripod, and keeper rate was better, I don't have a remote and couldn't be bothered to get the phone app going(it's not user friendly), but I'd say I got slightly better sharpness with the cheapo camera plate on a flimsy tripod.

Outside again, shot some flowers blowing wildly in the wind, keeper rate was high using high ISO and faster shutter speed.
This is where we commented previously that a small sensor camera will become a liability of sorts. They're really only good up to a limited sensitivity level. Higher sensitivity(which helps to keep shutter speed higher) and the image quality drops significantly.
This is a major factor when trying to captured small creatures, and using cropping to make up for the shortfall!

So that AF-P 70-300 VR lens is certainly good value for money. Just make sure it's the VR version, not the non VR one!
Mine cost about $240 or so off ebay. local sourced too.

if you have this lens in mind, be very careful about what camera body you choose! It's very important, as this lens only works with limited camera bodies .. so ask or research it's caveats.

I'll post some pics soon too.

The Fisher King
20-02-2019, 8:33pm
Thanks King :nod:
I am now seeing the value of a short camera course or preferably someone to hold my hand :lol2: even helping me to purchase the right camera.

If I had the money to spend keeping my peace of mind intact an appropriate DSLR Nikon/Cannon with a 150 - 600mm lens seems right (saying that still in some ignorance)

I really like the idea of just having one lens to start which should/could change in time,I don't want to photo people just wild life,so I think the 600mm could/should suffice.

I have just purchased/stolen plenty of quality .925 silver jewelry with plenty more coming costing me nearly zero after I sell some more stuff,good stuff is easy to sell.

My camera dream is one step closer than it was yesterday.

Thanks again King :nod:

20-02-2019, 8:39pm
I must own to a bit of TL;DR, AK, but at first I had a similar reaction to the statement you cited.
But then I dismissed my reaction to it because I couldn't "figger the statement out".

There were a couple of puzzling aspects:
1) What was the lens? - From the price quoted I thought maybe a Sigma 150-600 C (not Sports),
or perhaps the equivalent Tamron. (This, though, didn't intrinsically affect the statement, apart from
there being a large sum of money involved and some justification for the expenditure at issue.)
2) What did the seller really say/mean with "the higher the Cmos the better...", AND, what did TFK
understand by this?

OK, that may be three points. So I tried an interpretation along these lines:
If you have a "higher MPx-count sensor", you might get better results with the lens because you will
be able to resolve more detail than if you had, say, a much lower MPx-count sensor. Again, a surmise,
and it doesn't take sensor physical size into account. And then the corollary: You wouldn't need such an
expensive lens otherwise.

In that case some veracity may be ascribed to such a statement. - But further conjecture would be
pointless, - ie, academic/a waste of time/etc.

So I stopped "worrying " about it.:D

20-02-2019, 9:20pm

OK, that may be three points. So I tried an interpretation along these lines:
If you have a "higher MPx-count sensor", you might get better results with the lens because you will
be able to resolve more detail than if you had, say, a much lower MPx-count sensor. Again, a surmise,
and it doesn't take sensor physical size into account. And then the corollary: You wouldn't need such an
expensive lens otherwise.


I'm sure this is what "The Seller" had in mind with their use of the term "the higher the CMOS".

I'm thinking of the various possibilities of that term, and how it can be interpreted.

Higher: as in vertical ascent? .. higher altitudes to a degree could help with the CMOS providing better output, but in general has no bearing on CMOS output.(I'm sure it's not that)
Higher: as in high as a kite! ;) .. ummm ... illicit substances have zero effect on non living lifeforms .. so definitely not the interpretation. Maybe they were high on something dubious to offer the sales blurb.
Higher: as in greater pixel count. Technically higher is an incorrect terminology usage, and "more" would have been an appropriate term to use. I s'pose you could use it in conjunction with the term 'efficiency' .. higher efficiency CMOS could have a real world meaning.

Anyhow, onto the topic of such .. greater Mp numbers in of themselves doesn't necessarily provide greater image quality. Yes it will resolve more detail, but only if the lens can resolve detail!
Think of the blurry/out of focus lens situation. no matter the pixel numbers, if the image through the lens isn't sufficient, then making it larger in any way via the sensor won't resolve any more detail.

From what I've seen, either the Tamron or the Sigma 150-600's would do pretty OK though with more pixels for a given sensor size area.

TFK! think long and hard before committing yourself to a 150-600 type lens. While not the largest lenses to be had .. also not the type of lens you'd place on a list with the intention of " ... just having one lens to start ... "
Far from it! In fact, for that idea in general, this lens type(no matter which lens manufacturer) wouldn't ideally be on the consideration list!

Just one lens type lenses:

18-1xx mm type lenses are pretty much perfect. 18-55, maybe no so much, they're cheap for one specific reason, to get kits into customers hands as cheaply as possible.
Lenses can do the job role of making an image, but 99.9% of people with an interest find them limiting.
18-1xx mm lenses ideal in that they're still small and light.

18-2xx mm lenses have more compromises, and will usually come with weight penalties
18-3xx mm lenses more compromises over the 18-2xx lenses and more IQ penalties.
18-4xx mm lenses more compromises in IQ terms again.

150-600 lenses that currently exist are long, large, heavy ... carrying one for any length of time will probably fatigue the body(and eventually the mind).
You have to be quite committed.
They usually don't focus closer than a couple of meters(some 5m, others 3m .. etc.)

The Fisher King
21-02-2019, 5:33pm
I went to Harvey Norman today to look at and hold some quality cameras,the salesman told me about the mirrorless cameras which he now owns saying his DSLR was too heavy to carrying around so he didn't go :eek:

The mirrorless is way smaller having held it which was part of his reason which suited me also having smaller hands.

Man oh man cameras are confusing when you don't know anything,seems like stating the obvious but it be so :nod:

So buying a camera for me has come down to this which I am trying to simplify,I am trying to forget the dream and face reality but.

The dream - DSLR with 150 - 600mm lens mirrorless or not?

The reality - budget $1,000 max hence Coolpix 900 ?

Anyway I am raising enough $$$$ to buy a camera over the next few months wheeling and dealing buy this and selling that.

Yes I have $$$$$ today but spending some will lessen my peace of mind,and once it is gone it is gone.

Don't worry I will commit needing to get outside having some fun :nod: sooner than later listing my metal detecting gear on Gumtree within the next 2 weeks :D SOLD!

This post is my 26th putting me just over half way to accessing the classifieds :D

21-02-2019, 9:22pm
mirrorless dslr .. arguments for and against on both sides of the fence.
I personally have a preference for DSLR .. the advantages of the mirrorless system has yet to outweight the benefits of a proper vf(optical that is).

for the D3xxx and D5xxx, they're basically mirrorless weight spec cameras, so advantage of a mirrorless will be zero to minimal.

Major advantage for a DSLR is battery capacity. At that level of camera, I'd expect at least 2x the battery capacity over an equally priced mirrorless camera.

Nikon don't make a mirrorless APS-C camera, Canon do, and Fuji do. Sony also do, but a totally different form factor, the A6500 type is more like a P&S form factor.
Olympus and Panasonic also make them(only make them!) and they have a m4/3rds sensor. More crop factor.

Price wise tho, I think they'll end up more expensive for similar level equipment.
Canon could be cheaper, more likely similar money .. just have no experience with their lenses.
And I prefer the Nikon camera body ergonomics(dials, switches) and their focusing/metering systems.

Jorge Arguello
13-03-2019, 9:14am
Yes, D3xxx and D5xxx are very light.

If you want to change lens, from small Nikon 1, then micro 4/3, APS-C, 35mm, medium 30x40mm cameras. But also, bridge cameras with fixed lens. Today all cameras are really good. In general, all the cameras has good advantages over others, but none looks to be the "over all" winner in all aspects.

The old said: Check your wallet, go to store and hold the camera yourself, and you know which one you should chose.

All the best.

18-03-2019, 11:24am
You really should join a group of photographers pro or hobbyist, where pple can talk in person to each other , with legs on the table, for hours talking, discussing about photography gear and all type of photography. Not immediately a course , coze you got no gear. Just hang out with these guys (and ladies).
IMHO there's no need for the most expensive camera body , important is the glass = the lens.
Instead of Nikon you can start checking out Fujifilm camera. You can hire(rent) and enjoy the gear first and may even decide differently.

26-08-2019, 2:18pm
so, in the end which camera did you go with?

not that my opinion matters but i think you should go with what ever camera you want to go with. people have their own opinions and likes and wants and there is no wrong camera only the right camera for you ;-)

John King
26-08-2019, 4:20pm
All I have to shot with (not a gun) is my sad little old Canon IXUS 8 x zoom,but as I said it is really about the subject.

Some of the very best images I have ever seen were taken in India by an architect/artist friend with his 'crappy little 6 MPx Ixus' ...