View Full Version : Prints & Enlargement Images

02-02-2019, 9:55am
Hey AP members,

I’m looking to enlarge and canvas some images.. Where would the best place to send the images to be enlarged or put on canvas? The likes of BigW etc I find the quality not that great and seems to crop the images no matter what I do so looking for a more professional place but is not going to cost me an arm and a leg to have them done.

Jess :)

02-02-2019, 10:10am
Just about the cropping problem you mentioned, Jess, I used to get that until I resized the image
at the input machine. Either select the correct paper dimensions to match your image format,
eg: 3:2, 4:3, or shrink the image to fit the long side into the paper you choose. This will give you
white borders on the edges, but you can trim that off. At least you will have the full image.

As for where to look, others can come to the fore, as I only use BigW or Officeworks, and then
only when hens grow teeth:D

02-02-2019, 10:52am
try these places
hardly normal is quite expensive, and kmart is do it yourself

28-04-2019, 8:58pm
Unique art, Tamworth or brilliant prints, QLD