View Full Version : Any photography outings in Melbourne in the next few weeks?

31-12-2018, 5:45pm
I am visiting Melbourne at the moment (from Rockhampton QLD which is usually hot at this time of year) and was wondering if any Melbourne Photography Clubs have anything planned between now and 15 January? I always enjoy getting out and about with other photographers.

Thanks and Cheers


31-12-2018, 7:24pm
Hi Rex, maybe check out meetup.com (https://www.meetup.com/en-AU/find/photography/?allMeetups=false&radius=16&userFreeform=Melbourne%2C+Australia&mcId=c1000654&mcName=Melbourne%2C+AU&sort=default)


31-12-2018, 8:54pm
Thanks Phil. Good advice, and I've already done that - I have signed up for a Photography Meetup at the Abbotsford Convent next Sunday. Unfortunately not too much else happening in the next few weeks (unless I want to pay a fair bit of $$$).



02-01-2019, 6:36pm
Hi Rex,
Contact Melbourne Photography Excursions on facebook and see if you can tap in to some outings for your stay. Meets crop up every few days. A great group and if you need transport you can always put out a request. Where are you staying? If I go to something you could likely tag along as a guest - I can check. Cheers Karen

03-01-2019, 7:31am
Thanks Kwaal, much appreciated.

I have applied to join the group. It seems that the number of members is close to the magic 500 cut-off, so hopefully I am successful.

Off to NGV today to photograph the water wall (and whatever else takes my fancy).



05-01-2019, 8:36pm
I hope in the next week to get out to the blue lotus water garden in Yarra Junction - maybe next Fri or more likely Sat (possible Wed). Let me know and if any of those dates suits we can hopefully tee something up.

06-01-2019, 6:37am
Hi Kwaal

Thanks for the offer! I am not available on Wednesday or Friday, but next Saturday works for me.

I don't have access to a car, so can we meet up somewhere in Melbourne and go out together? I am house-sitting in East Keilor but can get to any train station, bus stop or tram stop in Melbourne.

Thanks and Cheers. Rex

06-01-2019, 1:50pm
MPE have a meet there on Sat so I think I will go then. It's at 10am. I live on the other side of the city from Keilor but if you can train to the city and then Lilydale I can pick you up there and the gardens are another 1/2 hour on. The group is relaxed. You can wander with someone or just do your own thing. If you like we can go on and have a look around Warburton or elsewhere in the Yarra Valley.

06-01-2019, 4:53pm
Hi Kwaal

I just checked the PTV timetable to arrive at Lilydale Station before 9.30 am on Saturday and it is over 2 hours from my house to there. Which would be ok, except there is a scheduled service disruption to the Lilydale line on Saturday which means a bus would replace the train. Which they say is slower, but they don't say by how much. So I can't guarantee to be at Lilydale Station by 9.30 am, even if I catch an earlier train. So, alas, I think it best if I forego the meet-up this time.

Thanks for your offer to give me a lift to this meet-up, which is very much appreciated. Maybe next time!

Cheers, Rex

06-01-2019, 10:15pm
Where's NGV?

Man... I live in Victoria but know nothing about it lol

Gonna have to look up meetup.com myself lol

Other than that, I'm free till the 17th... It's more so being able to get our for a meet - gotta cross check with the wife. But if you're interested, let me know. If there's a place you're keen on, I'll see what I can do - happy to give lifts - just can't do Sundays, and a few days here and there due to errands.

07-01-2019, 5:36am
Hi David - thanks for your post. Two places that are hard/time-consuming for me to get to by public transport are the Lotus Water Garden in Yarraville, and Healsville Sanctuary. I noticed that you live in St Albans which is only about a 10 minute drive from where I am staying in East Kilor. But both Yarraville and the Healsville Sanctuary are about a one hour and 10 minute drive from St Albans, so you may not be keen to drive that far (and back). If you wish to go, I can cover the cost of the petrol.

The meet-up at the Lotus Garden is on this coming Saturday, starting at 10 am. No meet-up at Healsville that I know of, just a lovely place to visit. It helps to have a telephoto lens if going to the Healsvillle Sanctuary.

The NGV is the National Gallery of Victoria. It is just a 10 minute walk or a 1 minute tram ride from Flinders St Station. The current show there on M C Escher is mind-blowing, and the rest of the exhibits are wonderful as well.

I will also be doing some photography around the CBD and Southbank at various times but I don't have dates/times for those yet. Let me know if interested.

Thanks and Cheers, Rex

08-01-2019, 10:06pm
I'll ask my wife about this Saturday - don't think we have anything on but will double check.

Thanks for clarifying NGV, and with regards to it, I'm guessing this is something you could easily get to on your own, very much similar other meet ups?

Regarding Yarraville, do you mean Yarra Valley? Yarraville is just a 12 minute drive down the freeway from us. Yarra Valley is the more picturesque locale.
In line with that, I'm assuming the Blue Lotus Water Garden is what you're refering to? (I found a regular Lotus Watergardens somewhere else).
If so, I'd be keen and happy to give you a lift (again, will check with wife, so no promises)

Not sure if you're planning to do both the BLWG and Healesville in one day though, or you wanted to do separate days (might be more difficult to convince my wife then lol)

Either way, will check back in and no problems, hour drives are a walk in the park for me

09-01-2019, 9:40am
Hi Rex,
Hopefully you can tee something up with David. The gardens I am going to on Saturday are in the Yarra Valley. I will keep an eye on your posts and I might be able to meet up somewhere along the line.
Cheers Karen

09-01-2019, 5:38pm
Hi David

Yes, the Blue Lotus Water Garden in Yarra Valley. Sorry for the confusion. Karen said the photogs are arriving there on Saturday at 10 am, which is the opening time. FYI, I am staying at 35 Dennis Avenue in East Keilor. I am happy to cover the travel costs. Please let me know if this suits.

Cheers, Rex

10-01-2019, 7:11am
Rex, what sort of photography are you interested in and have you managed to sort something out for Sat?

10-01-2019, 2:07pm
Hi Karen

Thanks for asking. I photograph whatever moves, and whatever is stationary - ie everything :-). I particularly like portraits, birds, landscapes, macro, architecture, zoos, flowers. Probably least favourite is street photography.

Re Saturday - waiting to hear back from David.

Cheers, Rex

10-01-2019, 7:56pm
Let me know if things don't work out with David. I could prob pick you up from the city and drop you off at a train line (with no delays) or a tram or bus stop (I wouldn't leave you in the lurch!) I am planning on a whole day of photography.

11-01-2019, 3:14am
Sorry for the late response

I won't be able to go out the whole day as there would seem to be some tentative plans this Saturday

Would it work if I dropped you off at Karen's and you can travel with her in the morning?
and she can drop you off at the station at the end of the day?
I'll also see what I can do in terms of picking you up from somewhere if it helps out both yourself and Karen

If this works, what time do you plan on heading out Karen?
And I'll work with Rex to get to you on time

If not, will see what i can do to rearrange the day to take you Rex

11-01-2019, 8:10am
Hi Karen and David,

Thanks to both of you for your kind offers.

Karen - would it help if I caught the train to and from Sandringham Station? They have an altered timetable at the moment but that shouldn't change the times too much.

If you would prefer to chat about it rather than sending emails, my number is 0422 615 355.

Cheers, Rex

- - - Updated - - -

I should have checked first - its about an hour from Lilydale!

Is there another train station closer to Lilydale that I could go to? But not on the Lilydale line.

Cheers, Rex

11-01-2019, 10:41am
Hey Rex

Any reason you need to get to Lilydale to get to the lotus water gardens?

Anyways, I can take you directly to the gardens of you want, I just won't be able to stay and attend, so hopefully Karen will be ok to drop you off at a station to get home afterwards.

My number is 0414 943 328

11-01-2019, 11:02am
Hi Rex and David,
I had originally suggested a pick up from Lilydale as I go that way to get to the Yarra Valley. It might be easiest if I collect Rex from the city.
My plans for the day are 10am the Blue Lotus Water Gardens, followed by a few hours at Healesville sanctuary and then to the mouth of the Powlett River, Daylston for sunset.
Rex I would plan to collect you at 830am - I will give you a call.
Cheers Karen

11-01-2019, 5:13pm
Hi Karen and David

Thanks very much for your efforts; I really appreciate it.

Karen has a full day planned (not just the Lotus Garden) which is more that what I wish to do on that day, so I told her I think I will skip the trip there this time. I will be back in Melbourne in the future and would love to catch up with you folks the next time I am here.

My email address is rexboggs5@bigpond.com, so please flick me an email so I have your email addresses. I can then contact you the next time I come to Melbourne.

Thanks again and Cheers
