View Full Version : A Very Happy...

21-12-2018, 6:17pm
Southern Summer Solstice to all on AP!

- Or thereabouts...

21-12-2018, 6:19pm
Winter before ya know it...

21-12-2018, 6:43pm
Winter before ya know it...


24-12-2018, 8:46am
Winter before ya know it...

Counting down! :):)

24-12-2018, 6:20pm
Time flies away quick enough

24-12-2018, 8:15pm
Yep, feel ya pain. I prefer the summer as well as long as it stays under 40°

25-12-2018, 5:21pm
...<snip>... as long as it stays under 40°

If you're talking Fahrenheit, then me too! :th3:

Mark L
25-12-2018, 9:13pm
And the next week starts to get hot, hot, hotter.
I blame this on you and thus please don't mention winter again until it's here Gazza. ;)

26-12-2018, 6:16am
And the next week starts to get hot, hot, hotter.
I blame this on you and thus please don't mention winter again until it's here Gazza. ;)
Time to get the air-con fixed I reckon....

26-12-2018, 5:43pm
Time to get the air-con fixed I reckon....

That’s a hot week! Call me a glutton for punishment, but I still just love it. I think it’s combatted well by the fact that I just hate the cold... but I love summer. Even it’s mostly the vibe, if not the temps.

The main difference for me is being in the water at 6am in board shorts, compared to sitting through an early alarm in winter and sleeping in, or worse yet, driving to beach at 6am, putting on a steamer, freezing my face and feet off so it feels like they’re numb former parts of myself, and then still shivering for the next two hours or so.

Jeez I hate winter. But this... this I can handle. By 2pm this afternoon, I had spent about 7 of 8 hours in water. Yum. :)

01-01-2019, 9:30am
Winter before ya know it...

Aye, the nights are fair drawing in.....