View Full Version : 24.9 BILLION Pixel Zoom

19-12-2018, 10:55am
Now i wonder what this "lens" would cost?

24.9 BILLION Pixel quantum technology allows you to zoom in on peoples faces from a satellite. This is what is being disclosed to us so imagine what technology is available that they will not admit to using.

The link has been checked by Avast Premium and is clean.



19-12-2018, 11:40am
Wow - thanks, fascinating stuff (ignoring the privacy and misuse issues.:))



19-12-2018, 4:12pm
Link doesn't work for me.

19-12-2018, 4:47pm
Link doesn't work for me.

I don't know why, i have checked on 3 computers, posted the same link on facebook and had about 12 comments and Nardes, above, accessed the link. I'm afraid I can't offer any suggestion or assistance because I can'ts see anything wrong.


19-12-2018, 7:10pm
It sure...w:crzy:rks for me! [/Giddy from panning about the place.]

I've shifted this thread to "f/stop", Snooks.

20-12-2018, 5:39am
It sure...w:crzy:rks for me! [/Giddy from panning about the place.]

I've shifted this thread to "f/stop", Snooks.

Thanks for that AM. I'don't know why I didn't place it here to start with :confused013

20-12-2018, 8:15am
I don't know why,
Works now. Interesting. Thanks for sharing.

Mary Anne
20-12-2018, 6:38pm
What a great well whatever it is I liked zooming down to the people on the walkway, I thought that was sand in the long barge but it was to muddy.
Sadly the flowers looked a tad sick probably at 100% it would look that way, but up top further while zooming around was Magic :nod: And Thanks for Sharing Tony :th3:

Mark L
20-12-2018, 9:20pm
Link doesn't work for me.

I had to turn my adblocker of for the link to work.

- - - Updated - - -

24.9 BILLION Pixel quantum technology allows you to zoom in on peoples faces from a satellite.

This image wasn't taken from a satellite. Says it was "captured on the Oriental Pearl Tower."
Impressive nonetheless.:)

20-12-2018, 11:50pm
I had to turn my adblocker of for the link to work.

- - - Updated - - -

This image wasn't taken from a satellite. Says it was "captured on the Oriental Pearl Tower."
Impressive nonetheless.:)

That's why i should read it fully (lol). My son sent me the link and said it was from the satellite.

But yeh, i still though it was an amazing level of seeing what is happening in close up detail.

25-12-2018, 8:26am
Now i wonder what this "lens" would cost?

24.9 BILLION Pixel quantum technology allows you to zoom in on peoples faces from a satellite. This is what is being disclosed to us so imagine what technology is available that they will not admit to using.


Not a lens, and not from a satellite.
It'll be a 'gigapixel stitch' job, taken from the top of a building. Dunno the building(possibly called Oriental Pearl Radio and TV tower??), but if you scroll around you'll see the big white advertising disk they've added in PP, with the big pixel studio branding on it and the comms tower radio/TV branding.

There are plenty of stitch artefacts from the stitch process, mostly in the water, but I did notice one chap and his doppelganger down there too.

25-12-2018, 9:50am
...but I did notice one chap and his doppelganger down there too.

D'ya think that bloke getting out of the cab paid his fare?:cool:

25-12-2018, 10:27am
With these gigapixel images, you seen one, you seen them all ..

So to make them interesting, I spend a bit of time looking for as many stitching anomalies as I can bother with.
The twin taxis, the ghost bus ... half appearing out of nowhere, major road stitch blunder(that kind of thing shouldn't happen!), doppelgangers, etc.