View Full Version : New to the world of cameras... and photography

18-12-2018, 9:43pm
Hi!!! My name is Tegan and I'm a mum to 3 little ones. I had my first taste of photography when a photographer friend asked me to take photos of her. She literally set the whole thing up and I just had to press the button at the right times, but I fell in love with her camera and the power it brought instantly. So, my Christmas gift to me from my husband (he doesn't know yet, he'll find out Christmas Day haha) is a Canon EOS 200D. I am so keen to start capturing everything from nature, to my kids, to pretty much anything and everything! I don't yet know exactly what my niche is, I guess I want to experiment with everything first until I fall in love with a certain style of photography. But in the mean time I am here to learn, grow and accept as much constructive criticism as you guys can throw at me.

Looking forward to checking out everyone's work and learning from you all!

Tegan x

18-12-2018, 10:15pm
Welcome to the site Tegan, looking forward to seeing some of your work. If you get the gist of photography quickly you may find yourself growing out of this camera. It has full manual function so enjoy experimenting. For your B'day do some homework on "good" lens that will fit your new found niche.

Mary Anne
18-12-2018, 10:57pm
Hello Tegan and Welcome to AP.. How wonderful that you have caught the camera bug and that's a good attitude to have too.
Plenty of Members to help you here and The New To Photography Book (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book) is a good way to start.
Lots more info by clicking on that Library Button up the top like *How Do I* post photo here and lots more.
Good advice from Filter above about lenses, try and get the best you can afford as lenses last for many year, cameras not as long.
When you finally work out what Genre you want to learn first tell us about it and we can offer advice on what lens to buy where you can shoot different Genres from that one lens.
So will look forward to seeing what you post on the CC Forums when you are able. In the mean time try and comment on Members posts.
You can ask them what lens they used or what setting they had the camera on that will help you a lot also :nod:

19-12-2018, 6:54am
Welcome aboard, Tegan. Looking forward to seeing your work. :) Which lens do you have for the 200D to get started?

19-12-2018, 6:59am
Welcome to AP.

19-12-2018, 7:41am
Hi Geoff79, I just have the standard lens that comes with the camera - EF-S 18-55mm f/45 IS STM. Very much looking forward to learning different types and what they do... and saving $$ to get them :laughing1:

19-12-2018, 4:31pm
Welcome to AP. Join in, chat with members, share some photos and you will learn a lot here.

Mark L
19-12-2018, 8:24pm
G'day and welcome aboard Tegan.
Take you time learning this photography stuff. Sometimes slower is faster. Don't be discouraged as you learn. Mary Anne posted a good link that I'll repost .... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:New_To_Photography_Book
It is really worth taking the time to work through this.
Hoping you get involved here and all the best for Christmas.