View Full Version : Anyone seen my Mojo ?

07-12-2018, 7:58am
I have been sent to the naughty boys corner. I am guilty as charged. I admit to being missing in action for the period mentioned.

In my defence I submit that the failure of my kidneys and the subsequent chemotherapy treatment has probably been the cause of my Mojo taking a holiday.

I am however on the improve, and am hoping my Mojo may return in the near future. I have missed the banter and camaraderie of the forum.

I hope everyone has an enjoyable Xmas. :christmasparty:

07-12-2018, 8:08am
Good to hear you are on the improve and I wish you all the best for a full recovery.
Mojos are an unpredictable beast and come and go, some times on a whim, and sometimes with good reason like yours.
Leave the door open and camera at the ready and I am sure the Mojo will finds its way back home.

07-12-2018, 8:23am
Was thinking of you the other day, a fleeting thought, but still a thought :grinning01:
Sorry to hear your health woes, glad to hear you're on the mend. Cheers - :th3:

07-12-2018, 8:37am
Good to hear you are on the improve and I wish you all the best for a full recovery.
Mojos are an unpredictable beast and come and go, some times on a whim, and sometimes with good reason like yours.
Leave the door open and camera at the ready and I am sure the Mojo will finds its way back home.

Thanks for the kind words Mark.

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Was thinking of you the other day, a fleeting thought, but still a thought :grinning01:
Sorry to hear your health woes, glad to hear you're on the mend. Cheers - :th3:

Onya ya Gazza. :th3:

I hope you have been stirring the possum in my absence.

07-12-2018, 8:47am
Cage. Since you run Win 10, have you looked here?

C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\My Interests\Photography\Lost\Mojo... :D

WB, BTW. Will shift to Intros.

07-12-2018, 8:51am
Get better soon Kev and best wishes with your ongoing treatment.:)



Mary Anne
07-12-2018, 8:51am
Glad to read you are feeling a little better Kev.
When you find your Mojo, let me know your secret Please as I need to know how to find mine.
Take care and all the best for Christmas and the New Year :party6::santa::christmasparty::party6:

07-12-2018, 1:53pm
Welcome back indeed, and all the best in your recovery.

In case you’re looking to get back your PP mojo too I could kindly offer you an abundance of photos in need of PP as you await the return of your entire mojo? ;)

Lance B
07-12-2018, 3:40pm
Sorry to hear of your illness, Kev. Glad to see you're on the mend and back "into it" as they say.

Like you, I too had a bit of f break due to "lack of mojo". I still took photos, just I didn't think they were really worthy of posting and thus dropped off from Ausphotography for a while.

Anyway, glad you're back and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and may the new year be a better one for you. :christmasparty:

Mark L
07-12-2018, 8:34pm
Like Gazza I was also recently wondering where this caged Kev went. Went to hospital.:(
All the best with your medical recovery stuff.:th3: Good to see you popping up here again.:th3:

08-12-2018, 5:14am
Welcome back. Good to hear your health is improving. As for Mojo.. me thinks it is your Phojo you are seeking?

08-12-2018, 9:03am
Cage. Since you run Win 10, have you looked here?

C:\Users\User\AppData\Roaming\My Interests\Photography\Lost\Mojo... :D

WB, BTW. Will shift to Intros.

Cheers Am :cool:

- - - Updated - - -

Get better soon Kev and best wishes with your ongoing treatment.:)



Many thanks for the kind wishes Dennis.

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Glad to read you are feeling a little better Kev.
When you find your Mojo, let me know your secret Please as I need to know how to find mine.
Take care and all the best for Christmas and the New Year :party6::santa::christmasparty::party6:

The Mojo is an elusive little imp isn't it? I believe our love of photography is deeply imbedded and only needs a little help to reactivate it.

All the best to you and yours too Mary Anne for the festive season. :christmasparty:

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Welcome back indeed, and all the best in your recovery.

In case you’re looking to get back your PP mojo too I could kindly offer you an abundance of photos in need of PP as you await the return of your entire mojo? ;)

Cheers Geoff.

And I'll pass on the PP offer, thanks all the same. :lol2:

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Sorry to hear of your illness, Kev. Glad to see you're on the mend and back "into it" as they say.

Like you, I too had a bit of f break due to "lack of mojo". I still took photos, just I didn't think they were really worthy of posting and thus dropped off from Ausphotography for a while.

Anyway, glad you're back and have a Merry Christmas and Happy New Year and may the new year be a better one for you. :christmasparty:

Cheers Mate.

Bit of a shock as it just came out of the blue and was really discovered by accident. Anyway the prognosis is looking positive.

All the best to you and the family for the Chrissy season.

08-12-2018, 9:09am
All the best Kev - keep improving. Mojo comes and mojo goes, it is a moving feast, so it will return.
I hope you have a Happy Christmas, rest up, and I hope that 2019 will be good to you.

08-12-2018, 9:16am
Like Gazza I was also recently wondering where this caged Kev went. Went to hospital.:(
All the best with your medical recovery stuff.:th3: Good to see you popping up here again.:th3:

Cheers Mark.

Hospital is not a good place. There are a lot of sick people there. :(

Thanks for the kind words and I'm ready to start lurking. (Well someone has to keep an eye on you and Gazza :nod: )

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Welcome back. Good to hear your health is improving. As for Mojo.. me thinks it is your Phojo you are seeking?

Cheers Rick.

I appreciate your thoughts.

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All the best Kev - keep improving. Mojo comes and mojo goes, it is a moving feast, so it will return.
I hope you have a Happy Christmas, rest up, and I hope that 2019 will be good to you.

Thanks Lyn.

2019 has got to be better than this year but hey, I'm still seeing the grass from the green side every morning.

All the best to you and yours for the holidays Lyn. :christmasparty:

08-12-2018, 2:11pm
Wishing you all the best . :flowersnap: :flowersnap:

10-12-2018, 6:54am
Hey Kev.
You know, mojos, they come and go .. but AP is always here to cheer 'ya up! :th3:

ps. still looking as to where mine went too. Been AWOL for a few years now.

.. hope you get better soon mate!

10-12-2018, 8:35am
Here's wishing you a full recovery mate. In the meantime it's wonderful to see so many lovely comments :) The warm feiendship on this great site is what makes all of us keep coming back :nod:

11-12-2018, 7:41am
Wishing you all the best . :flowersnap: :flowersnap:

Cheers Ionica. All the best for chrissy.

- - - Updated - - -

Hey Kev.
You know, mojos, they come and go .. but AP is always here to cheer 'ya up! :th3:

ps. still looking as to where mine went too. Been AWOL for a few years now.

.. hope you get better soon mate!

Hey Uncle Arthur.

I'm sure we will both find our mojo again. As I said to MA our love of photography is deeply embedded and just needs a little spark to ignite it again.

All the best to yoiu and yours for the festive season Mate. :christmasparty:

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Here's wishing you a full recovery mate. In the meantime it's wonderful to see so many lovely comments :) The warm feiendship on this great site is what makes all of us keep coming back :nod:

Thanks for the kind thoughts Aussierose.

All the best to you and yours for the :santa: hols.