View Full Version : Interesting Magpies

30-10-2018, 3:23pm
Just a couple from our garden. Sharing for interest.

Last season we were a little distraught to notice that one of the magpie youngsters was missing almost the entire top of her beak. It was very interesting to notice how Mum and Dad gave her extra attention. Whilst they were poking food down her mouth she coped very well but we wondered how long this feeding would go on. Anyway - this year "Beakie" (you have to name them don't you?) is still with us, and quite independant of the parents. She has taught herself to toss the food in the air and swallow it on the way down. She is so good at it that I can throw the odd morsel up for her and she rarely misses. She spears worms and such and then does her tossing in the air trick with them. Her tongue is always exposed and I worried about infection, but so far so good.

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1926/44903106314_d6a723b225_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2bpWa7b)[/url]

And also with our resident magpie family - a new baby.
We haven't seen Mum for a while, but Dad has stepped up and taken over the paternal duties and the youngster seems to be doing very well.

https://farm2.staticflickr.com/1923/44903106494_afaaa0e1c4_o.jpg (https://flic.kr/p/2bpWa7b)[url=https://flic.kr/p/2bpWaah]

30-10-2018, 5:48pm
Very interesting. It's amazing how they survive, sometimes!

30-10-2018, 6:20pm
Haha, what a heart warming story about Beakie. Glad to hear he/she’s doing well. :) I like your second pic with the two magpies.

Mark L
30-10-2018, 8:24pm
First is a good photo of Beakie Lyn.
Many moons back my folks had a maggie in the same situation. It seemed to get by okay. Can't comment on the long term condition of the bird because my parents moved.
We have a female king parrot that turns up that has lost her bottom beak. For a seed feeding bird this is devastating. We smash up husked seeds that she can pick up with her top beak and tongue and this seems to work for her.
We are thinking about moving house and I worry about what that means for this bird.:(

30-10-2018, 10:30pm
Very interesting. It's amazing how they survive, sometimes!

They are pretty smart Bianca. I think it is a pretty tough world out there.

- - - Updated - - -

Haha, what a heart warming story about Beakie. Glad to hear he/she’s doing well. :) I like your second pic with the two magpies.

Glad you enjoyed my little tale Geoff. We have grown quite fond of Beakie - she shows great spirit.

- - - Updated - - -

First is a good photo of Beakie Lyn.
Many moons back my folks had a maggie in the same situation. It seemed to get by okay. Can't comment on the long term condition of the bird because my parents moved.
We have a female king parrot that turns up that has lost her bottom beak. For a seed feeding bird this is devastating. We smash up husked seeds that she can pick up with her top beak and tongue and this seems to work for her.
We are thinking about moving house and I worry about what that means for this bird.:(

Oh dear. We get fond of them, that is the trouble. Hopefully she may have the odd trick like Beakie and unbeknown to you may be supplementing what you supply.
I am an optimist you see.