View Full Version : Q re site sponsors

30-10-2018, 2:08pm
I had a look in the site sponsors sub-forum but a lot of the threads there are VERY dated.

Is there some central list of current site sponsors, and any deals they offer members?
eg someone that does photobooks, calendars, canvas prints etc.

30-10-2018, 3:06pm

In the meantime, have you clicked the Site Sponsors tab (middle top of any open thread in the advertising banner)?

It takes you here. (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?13499-Ausphotography-Site-Advertisers)

30-10-2018, 5:32pm
Many of the site sponsors come and go. Also the ones that are affiliate programmes need an over-haul as some of the sites no longer even exist. I just have not had the time to do a full review and address any broken links.