View Full Version : Top tips?

21-10-2018, 6:32pm
With the warmer weather coming in, I've discovered a new way to attract insects for macro photography
I paint something outdoors and leave it to dry........:hb:

Anyone else got any good tips for image content that comes from the side effects of household chores?

22-10-2018, 8:35am
For macro, people can catch the insect, put it in the freezer for a few minutes. Slows its metabolism down, then they place it back into the environment and it will just sit still, till its body warms back up, and photos can be taken. Note I have not done this myself, but it has been something that has been part of photographing insects for decades now. It doesn't harm the insect, if handled carefully.

22-10-2018, 10:00am
^ I tried it on my children but they made so much noise the neighbours complained.

22-10-2018, 11:47am
^ I tried it on my children but they made so much noise the neighbours complained.

You need a bigger freezer for children than you do for insects, and quite often need a good hour rather than a few minutes, and ensure the chirping stops before you remove them.

22-10-2018, 11:57am
I thought that if...

...you wanted to achieve true 1:1 reproduction, remove the lens from your camera to allow some
inquisitive creature to crawl inside, where it could expire on the sensor surface, and... :umm:

-- Think of the detail you'd capture :nod:

Mary Anne
22-10-2018, 1:15pm
There is a Female Green Jumping Spider that manages to come into our house and walks around on the ceiling.
Hubby and I get it on our fluffy duster put it outside on a Hibiscus and the next day there she is back on the ceiling again.
Next time I see her I will get a shot or two when I can. Leave your container of Honey in the pantry instead of the Fridge.
Open the door when the lights are on and the Moths should fly in, easy to shoot the next day when they are sleeping.
No way would I do that Freezer Tip though plenty of the Macro shooters on here did that years ago.

Bear Dale
22-10-2018, 2:52pm
Just macro or general? If general.....ALWAYS make sure you leave home with a camera battery or two AND a card or two.....trust me........its miserable when you don't :(

23-10-2018, 7:25am
If you like shooting beach sunsets and sunrises.. get yourself a second tripod. I have two. One is only used at beaches, it gets washed with the hose and even then it is still so full of sand, that the legs won't lock properly, but it's still the tripod I use at the beach. Which leaves my other tripod in good condition for all other shooting.

23-10-2018, 7:45am
Be very careful following Rick's advice re a second tripod. I tried that once a few years ago, and the damn things breed! I had just one tripod for ages, then I bought a second one, and now they are all over the place. Big ones, little ones, carbon fibre ones, twist-locks and flip locks. I tried protecting them by putting contraceptives on the feet, but I must be doing something wrong 'coz it isn't working.

24-10-2018, 12:25am
Be very careful following Rick's advice re a second tripod. I tried that once a few years ago, and the damn things breed! I had just one tripod for ages, then I bought a second one, and now they are all over the place. Big ones, little ones, carbon fibre ones, twist-locks and flip locks. I tried protecting them by putting contraceptives on the feet, but I must be doing something wrong 'coz it isn't working.

Just curious, do you have a lot of children?

24-10-2018, 7:02am
No children Jim, only lenses. And tripods. And cameras. And computers. And books of course. And socks, for some reason. I have tried spraying the house with oral contraceptives but it doesn't work. I have also tried leaving my wallet lying around in pleasantly-lit rooms with soft romantic music playing in case I can persuade $50 notes to breed, but without luck.

24-10-2018, 7:47pm
Well thanks for all the responses, I must admit I was being a little sarcastic when I posted the original about how wet paint attracts insects, but some good responses all the same

25-10-2018, 5:38pm
^ I tried it on my children but they made so much noise the neighbours complained.

Mark L
25-10-2018, 8:08pm
I have no children and only one tripod. Never used a condom and what's this about oral contraceptives?? I still don't need to use them I'd think.
Freezers for children :eek: another Royal Commission coming up here.

Anyone else got any good tips for image content that comes from the side effects of household chores?
You're better of not doing the chores and going elsewhere for your content. Surely it's better to pay a painter so you can go and take photos.:confused013