View Full Version : How would I combine multiple photos into 1 image ?

16-10-2018, 10:28am
How do I combine 2 or 4 photos into 1 image?

That is let's say I have a before and after photo that I want to post to a forum or whatever, but not as separate photos. I want one to the left and one to the right of a single frame.

What's the easiest/quickest workflow for that?

(because the way I'm doing it is awkward and time consuming and almost certainly wrong).


Oh I've tried youtubing this but dont know how to describe it to do so properly :)

I know this is a very basic (somewhat embarrassing to ask) question but I know that I am doing it the very hard way... so much so that I can't even describe it properly.

Thanks all

16-10-2018, 10:36am
Using PSE 12?

16-10-2018, 10:55am
Here's a Photoshop recipe...

1. Load the two pics...
2. Note their aspect ratios and orientation, like: are they both the same?
3. Pick the larger of the two and Select All then copy (Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C).
4. Make a new file: Ctrl N. The size will be that which is in Clipboard (usually).
5. Change the size to make it ready to accommodate BOTH images. Eg: If pic
is 800 x 600 pixels, make the New file about 1700 x 650 pixels for wriggle room.
6. Paste the image into the new file (Ctrl-V). This will be Layer 1.

7. Pause here: to shift the image about, use the Move Tool. Holding Shift while moving
constrains the motion in a straight V or H direction. UN-Shifted is free movement.
Incremental movement of the image layer can be made by having the Move tool selected
and then using the arrow keys. Shift + arrow keys makes bigger movement jumps.

8. Repeat the above steps for the 2nd and subsequent images. This will be Layer 2, etc.

A few other points:
1. You can work on each image separately by selecting its Layer. (Quick is by
using Move tool and R-click to select the layer (or any text you may add).
2. Set Rulers visible and use H and V Guides, which you drag using the mouse
from either ruler into the image. Get rid of Guides using Move tool and dragging
them to any edge of the screen.
3. You can change the size of the image in a Layer using Ctrl-A then Ctrl-T...
4. If I can think of anything else I'll let you know...

Now tell me you don't use Photoshop. OK, I think it'll all work in Elements. If you
use GIMP the program is just as capable, but I do not know the right procedures
to do most things.

- - - Updated - - -

5. I thought of something else.
6. To save your work, best to use the PSD format, which keeps all elements of the
file intact.
7. Save As... to make a jpeg copy, re-size THAT copy later. Saving As a copy already
flattens the image for a jpeg file, so you do not have to flatten your working file.


16-10-2018, 11:44am
If LR5 has a "Print" Module, then navigate to a Folder with the 2 photos, select them and in the "Print" Module, arrange them to your taste.

The, in the Print Job Section, select "Print to" = JPG (the default is printer).



16-10-2018, 9:20pm
Thank you all. Yes PSE 12.
ameerat42 - awesome some handy extra info too will no doubt help me with more stuff in future. Cheers.
nardes - I have no idea I'll have a look. Cheers

17-10-2018, 6:09am
I don't have PSE 12 but a quick look tells me there's a button along the top on the r/hand side 'Create' and under that in the long list of options is 'Photo Collage'.

Should be able to follow ya nose from there :grinning01:

:url: (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JwfBci-gYNs)

Cheers - :beer_mug: