View Full Version : Lies

29-09-2018, 6:44pm
Little girl: "Mummy?"

Mum: "Yes Darling?"

Little girl: "Where did I come from?"

Mum: "Well Darling, once upon a time the angels made a man named Adam and a woman named Eve, and they had a baby. And some other babies. And then they all grew up and go married and they had babies too. And the babies' babies had babies, and so on, all the way down to us, Honey."

Little girl: "Oh."

She seemed satisfied with that. But the next day ....

Little girl: "Mum?"

Mum: "Yes Darling?"

Little girl: "Why did you lie to me?"

Mum: "I'm sorry Darling, but what are you talking about?"

Little girl: "I asked Daddy where people came from and he said we are all descended from monkeys! He didn't even mention angels or Eve or Adam, just monkeys!

Mum: "Oh, is that all! Don't worry Darling, nobody lied to you. We both told you the truth, but I was talking about my side of the family and your daddy was talking about his side of the family."

Mark L
29-09-2018, 7:52pm
That's pretty amusing.
I've just emailed it to 8 ladies that I know will enjoy it. I did make the comment to them that they'd probably already seen it and just didn't share thinking us fellas wouldn't understand.

30-09-2018, 8:34am
Guess you could say she's receiving a balanced education :D.

Our eldest son married a girl who belongs to a fundamentalist religion which takes the bible literally and believes the world is only 6000 years old - I guess that makes the Flinstones a documentary rather than a cartoon series :rolleyes:. Hoping our grandsons get some balance in their scientific education.

30-09-2018, 5:36pm
What's to say science has it correct in the first place? A lot of errors found are found many, many, years down the track. :)

30-09-2018, 6:46pm
What's to say science has it correct in the first place? A lot of errors found are found many, many, years down the track. :)

By scientists.

Mark L
30-09-2018, 8:45pm
What's to say science has it correct in the first place? A lot of errors found are found many, many, years down the track. :)
Post errors that relate here please.:confused013