View Full Version : I have to get this off my chest

16-09-2018, 3:24pm
Maybe I'm just grumpier than usual today, but I have to complain about a certain manufacturer of chips that has a similar name to a company that makes golfing attire.If you don't get the company I am referring to, their product comes in a cardboard tube with a shiny surface inside.

And it was this very shiny surface that attracted me to the container. I saw an article a number of years ago when some industrious person had taken one of these chip containers and, with a deft hand with a pair of scissors and some sticky tape, had manufactured an attachment that fitted over an on-camera flash and directed the light downwards to directly in front of the lens.

An excellent device, and for those of us still learning in macro photography, a great way of providing illumination to a close-in suibject.

Imagine my disgruntled feelings when I picked up a new tube of chips last week with the intent of making a new flash divertor, to find the sods have now made the chips with a smaller diameter and the container won't fit on my flash anymore!

Has anyone else had these moments where they have found something that they had happily "repurposed" had been changed to make it no longer useful?

16-09-2018, 3:45pm
Gosh! - Wouldn't it just make you spit [generic product name plural here], Liney?!

I have (years ago now) re-purposed the foil covered stiff cardboard sheets from a couple
of very fancy and expensive cakes. They became reflectors. - And once, when stuck on the
road somewhere I had to re-purpose a piece of coffee tin into a shim for a car bearing. It did
work, and I didn't change ot until a couple of weeks later, even though I had got the new
bearing a few days later. - Lazy [insert 3-letter word for clod of soil here]!

There were quite a few things that I can't now recall...:umm:

16-09-2018, 4:36pm
I can’t believe it, the gall of them to reduce the size of the container, not to mention the smaller diameter of the actual chip,,,, you should lodge a complaint Liney or buy a smaller sized flash unit.


16-09-2018, 5:12pm
Take it back, clearly not fit for purpose.

Obviously the chips are not the primary reason for the purchase, just a freeby give away to make the tube more attractive

16-09-2018, 5:14pm
No idea who that could be. Intel? Samsung? TSMC? Qualcomm? Micron? Hynix? Texas Instruments?

16-09-2018, 5:49pm
No idea who that could be. Intel? Samsung? TSMC? Qualcomm? Micron? Hynix? Texas Instruments?

If I was still speaking Pommy I would have called them "Crisps" but I got out of that habit after a couple of discussions with shop assistants...

Mark L
16-09-2018, 8:11pm
Has anyone else had these moments where they have found something that they had happily "repurposed" had been changed to make it no longer useful?

My better half tried many times to repurpose me. Never worked and she continues to find me not very useful. Our relationship has remain monopodgamous though. (thankfully she hasn't found a way to repurpose my monopod)
At least your circumstance has major consequences. Good luck with finding another cheap solution and now you need to find another excuse to eat chips.

16-09-2018, 9:05pm
No idea who that could be. Intel? Samsung? TSMC? Qualcomm? Micron? Hynix? Texas Instruments?

See I was thinking along those lines and wondering what drugs Liney was taking.. and where could I get some. I was not in the slightest thinking chips as in Pringles.