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08-09-2018, 8:57am
- but little GRACE! - Just Amazon.

I read this story in today's SMH (https://www.smh.com.au/business/workplace/in-amazon-s-hellscape-workers-face-insecurity-and-crushing-targets-20180907-p502ao.html) :eek:
Isn't it good to know that...

...Managers then lead a team chant, such as "Quality!", "Success!", "Amazon!", or "Prime!", sometimes while jumping in the air....
Here is another such story (https://www.news.com.au/finance/work/at-work/we-are-human-beings-not-slaves-and-animals-brutal-conditions-inside-amazon-warehouse/news-story/a7f9168efbe2b901f3c06f3efe503303).

08-09-2018, 9:07am
I don't buy anything from those bar___ds. They are, frankly, scum.

I haven't even bothered to read your links, AM, 'coz I already know how they operate in the USA. I've seen Asian sweat shops with better working conditions.

Simple rule:

(1) Look for a product you want using any convenient website. (Including Amazon, and anywhere else you like.)

(2) Having found the right product, type it into your search engine - you will usually find it on sale in lots of places, often including by the actual manufacturer.

(3) Buy it from one of those other places. (Very often you will get it for less money as you are cutting out the middleman. But never mind that, just don't deal with the bar___ds.

I've done this many times, with every satisfaction.

08-09-2018, 9:25am
Isn't it ama... - er, interes..., er sicque what a lot of hoo-ha and fanfare hide.
Chest-beating about modern slavery is only directed outwards from an industrial/commercial
viewpoint to so-labelled less-sophisticated ventures in less "advanced" regions. Brazen
labour exploitation is often lauded in the "in-the-know" places.

08-09-2018, 9:35am
^Very, very true.