View Full Version : How to choose a camera brand based on a photography forum advice

02-09-2018, 8:48am
A glimpse into the life of what an admin has to deal with:

The Question: I am a newbie to photography, which camera brand should I choose?


1 to tell them that Canon is the best and no other brand comes close.

14 to share similar experiences of Nikon and how Nikon should be chosen because their cameras are better.

6 to remind everyone that there are brands other than Canon and Nikon.

7 to caution about the dangers of choosing the wrong brand.

17 purists who use film and are offended by digital only discussions.

6 to argue over whether it's 'Cannon' or 'Canon'.

Another 6 to condemn those 6 as stupid.

22 to tell THOSE 6 to stop being jackasses.

2 industry professionals to inform the group that the proper term is "F-stop" not "aperture".

15 know-it-alls who claim they were in the industry, and that 'aperture' is perfectly correct.

14 who start talking about micro 4/3rds and that anyone who doesn't convert is stupid

27 who start fighting with the micro 4/3rds users about being called stupid

249 to post meme's and gif's.

19 to post that this forum is not about camera brands and to please take this discussion to the gear talk forum.

11 to defend the posting to this forum saying that we all use cameras and therefore the posts are relevant here.

16 to post 'Following'.

36 to debate which method of choosing a camera brand is superior, where to buy the best and what brand of camera work best for the genre the newbie is interested in and what brands are no good.

7 to ask if that brand of camera is really worth the money.

19 to tell them that if they should go mirrorless because that is the future.

45 People to post pics of their own camera gear.

15 People to post "I can't see S$%^!" through the EVF and you need to look at DSLRs with optical viewfinders.

7 to post URL's where one can see examples of different EVFs and comment how good they are

4 to post that the URL's were posted incorrectly and then post the corrected URL's.

13 to comment "Me too".

5 to post to the forum that they will no longer post or are leaving because they cannot handle the $!%cking EVF/Mirrorless/DSLR controversy.

6 to report the post or PM an admin because someone said "f÷×$"

22 to ask if there is a flounce in progress.

349 to post flounce memes.

4 to say "Didn't we go through this already a short time ago in another thread?".

13 to say "Do a search on camera brands before posting questions about camera brands".

1 to bring politics into the discussion by adding that (insert politician of choice) isn't the brightest, and you need flash to photograph them.

4 more to get into personal attacks over their political views.

5 admins to ban the camera brand owners who took it all too seriously.

1 late arrival to comment on the original post 6 months later and start it all over again.

02-09-2018, 10:47am
It's funny 'cause it's true...

Perhaps also ?
1 person to mention DxOMark scores
15 to argue the relevance/accuracy of DxOMark's testing methodology


02-09-2018, 11:41am
Just a heads up that I will be posting a photo of my Olympus XA (film camera) to this thread in about six months.

I may or may not call Cannon users "stupid" in the same post.

Mark L
04-09-2018, 7:43pm
45 People to post pics of their own camera gear.

Out of the lot of them these are actually the only people that own a camera of any brand. Show-offs.

04-09-2018, 7:47pm
^ Actually, logic suggests that they own at least two. Or that they have some friends which, seeing as they are photographers, seems unlikely.

05-09-2018, 12:07am
Actually, I think you've read the stats for line #2 incorrectly.
It could only be 13(not 14) .. I no longer recommend Nikon as a preference, partially due to the probability that it may(or may not) fall apart on you a few hours after the expiration of the warranty period.
Of course I'm not privvy to the raw data of the stats, and it may well have been originally 15 Nikon fabois, and my exclusion from that esteemed list subsequently brought it down to 14.

Other than that .. Rick's stats list pretty much sums up the average gear related thread on pretty much all fora dedicated to photography equipment.


05-09-2018, 11:44am
-- And when all of the above appears on a car forum, they close the site :confused013

15-09-2018, 9:15pm
....and the Pentax users read the post and just walk away...