View Full Version : Is anyone using digital assistants?

17-08-2018, 9:09pm
There are quite a few to try. There is Alexa, and the Google Assistant, and Siri, and Cortana, each one the product of a different digital economy giant. Which one should you choose? Have you tried them all? Which one is best?

I've been trying them out.

Me: Cortana, what's on TV tonight?

Alexa: Who is this Cortana?

Me: Sorry... I mean Alexa, what's on TV tonight?

Alexa: Who is this Cortana?

Me: Never mind. Just a slip of tongue. What I meant to say is: "Alexa, what's on TV tonight?"

Alexa: Who is this Cortana?

Me: What's wrong with you Alexa? Listen, all I want to know is what's on the TV tonight, OK?

Alexa: ...

Me Alexa, Ok, I made mistake. It's not personal, just a slip of the tongue. Now be nice and tell me what's on TV tonight, OK?

Alexa: ...

Me: Alexa?

Alexa: Go and ask Cortana.

17-08-2018, 9:52pm
Maybe they need some human assistants:p

18-08-2018, 3:17pm

I use google assistant (why doesn't it have a nice name?) at times. Simple things like 'what time is it in (place)' if I have to make a phone call to someone in another timezone.. or.. working in medical, I often have to email people in other countries and it is nice to know if they would be in the office as I send the email, in relation to timeliness of responses.

Can't say I have ever asked IT (not she or he.. or other gender) what is on TV.

I have also asked it to put an appointment into my diary, it seems to do that quite well.

18-08-2018, 6:25pm
I find it creepy someone is always listening to me.
I for one am not overly enthused about technology infiltrating every facet of our lives. Not sure I need all that assistance in my everyday life.

18-08-2018, 6:36pm
They had an ad on TV about one of these - some whacko doing whacko things :confused013
It's un-believable how stupid they couch humanity in the light of AI
(AI! - as in wailing and gnashing of teeth:()

Wanted: Hair shirt for penance for being a human being, also interested in sack-cloth and
ashes. Willing to attend turn-the-other-cheek classes :(

18-08-2018, 6:54pm
I find it creepy someone is always listening to me.
I for one am not overly enthused about technology infiltrating every facet of our lives. Not sure I need all that assistance in my everyday life.

From a security point of view, these things are truly horrendous. We - people in general I mean - are so monumentally stupid about some things. In exchange for the trivially improved convenience of not flicking a switch, we are prepared to cheerfully hand over our entire lives to the likes of Google and Microsoft. Simply owning an Apple or Android phone is pretty bad, but providing permission to the Borg to listen to your actual conversations, knowing that it is phoning home with everything it wants to know about you, that's beyond crazy.

18-08-2018, 8:50pm
here's one for you "Apple" followers, ask Siri "Hey Siri, where were you manufactured" ( we all know it's in China right!)...Siri will answer... "Like it says on the box, I was DESIGNED by Apple in California"..... now we didn't ask it where it was designed, we asked where it was manufactured....Apple does not like us to know it was assembled in some hell whole sweat factory in china.....shame on you Apple

18-08-2018, 9:00pm
I'm a firm believer that if you need an assistant to do something, then you shouldn't be doing it! :p

.. but then again I'm the type when I can't do something I'll just give up on it, give it to someone else to do it, then they can have the blasted thing! .. :mixed0:

ps. what's TV? Isn't that an old video transmitting service that was shut down a while back? :D

18-08-2018, 10:47pm
ps. what's TV?

It's when you have a mummy and a daddy and the daddy likes wearing the mummy's clothes.

19-08-2018, 8:21am
It's when you have a mummy and a daddy and the daddy likes wearing the mummy's clothes.

I just spat my muesli out.

19-08-2018, 8:39am
It's when you have a mummy and a daddy and the daddy likes wearing the mummy's clothes.


So does that mean mummy has to get around naked? .. or wrapped up in cloth for the next 3000 years? :D

19-08-2018, 10:40pm
I use the little microphone thingy in the google window on my android phone for "name of business" near me works quite well when travelling, but thats the extent of it

31-08-2018, 7:52pm
The only "digital assistant" I use (occasionally) is my GPS, and then now and then I take a different route to the one the device suggest. Must say it never gets upset when I do not make the U turn it wants me to do, it eventually recalculate the route.

31-08-2018, 9:30pm
I just had to turn Siri on because it lets me send Google maps to the display in our rental car. What an annoying thing! Pops up whenever you try to turn something off. It's gone as soon as we return the car.

John King
01-09-2018, 8:59am
First thing I did when we bought a "smart" TV was turn off its ability to listen in ...

More fool me, but I trust our infantile governments in this country far more than I trust Apple, Google or Microsoft ... and I trust our governments about as much as I trust the average used car salesman ...

01-09-2018, 9:59am
First thing I did when we bought a "smart" TV was turn off its ability to listen in ...

More fool me, but I trust our infantile governments in this country far more than I trust Apple, Google or Microsoft ... and I trust our governments about as much as I trust the average used car salesman ...

Hmmm.. just thinking about this.
I'm fairly sure that if I had a 'smart TV' listening on on my conversations about Apple, Google, Microsoft .. and others of this ilk, it would be THEY turning my TV's ability to listen in on what I have to say about them. ;)

So is there any way you can over ride them not turning the feature off? :p

John King
01-09-2018, 7:19pm
Arthur, AFAIK all/most "smart" TVs have this "feature" turned ON by default.

Do you REALLY want anyone with access hearing everything said within range of your TV? I don't ...

Colin B
02-09-2018, 10:09am
I find it creepy someone is always listening to me.
I for one am not overly enthused about technology infiltrating every facet of our lives. Not sure I need all that assistance in my everyday life.

Amen to that sentiment.

I have Siri on my I pad and sometimes play around with her for laughs but have never managed to get her to do anything useful.

My pet theory is that much of this tech gadgetry. like my Nikon's "Snapbridge", is more about computer nerds showing off than about creating anything useful. If they cared to turn their attention to disabled people they may be able to really make a worthwhie difference.

02-09-2018, 10:46am
Arthur, AFAIK all/most "smart" TVs have this "feature" turned ON by default.

Do you REALLY want anyone with access hearing everything said within range of your TV? I don't ...

If this collective of 'everyone' has the time to listen to what I have to say .. then yes!

But no! not all smart TV's have this feature.
Those that do may well have the setting on by default.
My smart TV doesn't have the feature.

05-09-2018, 11:29am
... people in general I mean - are so monumentally stupid about some things. In exchange for the trivially improved convenience of not flicking a switch, we are prepared to cheerfully hand over our entire lives to the likes of ...

This doesn't just ring true - it CLANGS true!