View Full Version : Some people are scumbags

29-07-2018, 11:26am
Was out for a photography session yesterday. We were shooting in the gravel parking lot of Yarraville football club with the Abandoned BradMill in the background.

A mate was shooting while I sat on my motorbike when a silver van drives into the parking lot and starting doing donuts showering us in stones. My mates has stone chips and dings down the entire one side of his car, and I have dings on the brushed aluminium tank on a brand new motorbike. My estimate is the damage on his car is $5-$10,000 depending on whether they have to replace panels, and I've yet to find out if I can get my tank repaired. Sadly we didn't get the rego as my mate was in shock (suffers from PTSD) and I didn't have my glasses on.

What really bugs me is the mate has been through a tough time, wife died 2 years ago from Cancer, had to bring up their adopted son on his own, doesn't have a job as he has had to raise the son, so photography has been something he uses as an output to help him get through things.

29-07-2018, 11:30am
Pity! - A real pity! Scumbags is too good!

29-07-2018, 11:37am
Pity! - A real pity! Scumbags is too good!

I used the term scumbags because my real description of what I think they are would have resulted in me being banned from this site

John King
29-07-2018, 11:51am
Far, far too good a name for them, Athol ... A few other epithets spring readily to mind ...

- - - Updated - - -

From Alexander McCall Smith's book "Blue Shoes and Happiness"

"Such people ... went through life spreading unhappiness about them like weedkiller, killing the flowers, the things that grew in the lives of others, wilting them with their scorn and spite."

Seems to sum it up rather well.

29-07-2018, 1:06pm
One of those times you have a dashcam or even just a camera out to record what's going on. Even if it doesn't catch the number plate, maybe a description of the car would be enough for the police to track down.

Hope the 'scumbag' does get found out, and all the best to your mate, hope he's coping alright

Mary Anne
29-07-2018, 1:37pm
I am sorry to read this, and I feel for you both as I know how that feels when a Low Life damages your property.

Lance B
29-07-2018, 1:51pm
My description of these people would not be able to be posted here. Sorry to hear of your misfortune, I hope Karma gets this guy with interest.

29-07-2018, 2:24pm
They lack empathy. Sooner or later, they will reap the consequences of their acts of stupidity. Sorry you two had to be victims of this senseless act.

29-07-2018, 2:24pm
Hmm! FWIW, any security cameras about?

29-07-2018, 5:04pm
You can post the desciption. It won't get you banned and we will all get the idea. The site software will just convert it to non readable.

I agree, scumbags, but I prefer to call them ####ing self centred arseholes :D

29-07-2018, 6:42pm
Did you get rego numbers?
make an insurance claim and they will take the ***holes to task to get their money back.

29-07-2018, 6:46pm
Did you get rego numbers?
make an insurance claim and they will take the ***holes to task to get their money back.

Unfortunately not. I didn’t have my glasses on (he asked me to sit on my bike) and he was in shock. I also don’t think he thought about the damage it would cause to his car.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Pro

Mark L
29-07-2018, 8:17pm
I just don't get what some people do. It's like you and mate don't exist in this circumstance MM.
Recently there's been damage done at our local wetlands by someone in a four wheel drive. I can see no reason why they did it.

30-07-2018, 6:02pm
Shame they didn’t crash and perish in a fiery end. Sadly, from what I hear of stories like this, it seems that even if you had their details it would be hard/impossible to actually get any financial reimbursement, thanks to the soft Australian judicial system. :(

Anyway, really sorry to hear about this. Did they see you and clearly know what they were doing to you guys? Makes me really angry that people like this are allowed to continue breathing.

30-07-2018, 6:19pm
Shame they didn’t crash and perish in a fiery end. Sadly, from what I hear of stories like this, it seems that even if you had their details it would be hard/impossible to actually get any financial reimbursement, thanks to the soft Australian judicial system. :(

Anyway, really sorry to hear about this. Did they see you and clearly know what they were doing to you guys? Makes me really angry that people like this are allowed to continue breathing.

I've heard that as well. Someone I know had video footage of a hit and run (no death) and because there was no injury the cops pretty much wiped their hands of it and said "speak to the insurance company"

I have a suspicion they drove it and tried to do a donut to create a dust cloud without thinking about the stones. People who do this kind of thing aren't the kind of people who have enough brain capacity to think and drive at the same time.

John King
09-08-2018, 8:02am
The police attended within hours when someone tried to screwdriver the door locks on our cars. One would no longer work, so $250 to have a new one re-keyed and fitted.

11-08-2018, 8:20am
GRUB Bloody Grubs

13-08-2018, 9:39pm
I don.t know if you reported it to the police but you should. If they refuse to act ring 3AW or similar. At the least there is dangerous/careless driving and criminal damage. These a/holes will be well known to the local police if you have a good description of the vehicle. I hope it works out for you and your mate

14-08-2018, 7:17am
I don.t know if you reported it to the police but you should... At the least there is dangerous/careless driving and criminal damage...

...that would hopefully soon be fixed by being car-less.

Didn't they crush cars of hoons in NSW at one stage?:rolleyes: It would e a good prelude to "throwing away the keys":D