View Full Version : "Exception" Error Message...

02-06-2018, 8:45am
Has anybody seen this error and do you know what causes it?

It happens when I try to click the [+] box against This PC.
(There's no problem opening files on E-drive.)

I'm sure it's a recent occurrence, as I have used this program before
(raw converter for Σ files). I'm running Win 10, but I think that doesn't

The text reads:
"The specified module could not be found. (Exception from
HRESULT: 0x8007007E)"

Error message...

John King
02-06-2018, 9:48am
Am, uninstall the pertinent program, reboot computer then reinstall. It appears to me that the module is either not installed or is corrupted.

If this happens again, do a boot time CHKDSK on your system / boot disk. Then repeat above procedure.

02-06-2018, 9:49am
Ta, JK. I was thinking of doing the reinstall part, but wondered what "module" may have been at fault.
I tried to ID the DLL names, to no avail.

Will do that...

02-06-2018, 9:53am
I was thinking it could be an issue with a single file/folder or network device or something like that.

I searched that error and noticed that all of the answers revolve around M$'s Visual Studio or SQL Lite
So I'm thinking that whatever software you're using to do "that", was programmed using Visual Studio or something like that.
So it has some dependency on some underlying bits of code that you and I will never understand.

What I usually do(or have done in the past) with issues like that that is figure out what the underlying dependencies are for the software being used, and update those requirements(or just re-install).
I dare say that this software probably has some dependency on .NET and or Visual C++ so maybe try to install the most up to date .NET/Visual C++ software :confused013

What software U using here?

Go to add/remove programs, look for Miscrosoft's .NET runtime and Visual C++, and take note of the version(s) listed.
What you could find is that there are multiple versions installed tho.

Theoretically you should be safe to uninstall all the older versions(in fact uninstall them all) and re-install the latest version.
Search for .NET and Visual C++ off the M$ website, download and re-install.

More moons ago than anyone will care to remember, I had an issue with Nikon's ViewNX2 in one of it's early versions, where it would throw an error similar to this .. some module exception.
It only happened when I clicked on a specific folder tho.
Turned out that one image in that folder caused the problem. Once that image was removed, the error was eliminated.
But that wasn't the cause of the error tho. The error was caused due to a missing/corrupted/overwritten dll when I installed some other program, that installed another version of .NET(earlier) and it borked the module that ViewNX2 was trying to use via the latest .NET version to view that folder(with that file in it).

Usually, the reason you have older versions of Visual C++ and or .NET are because the program you install does that installation, not simply because you already have them!
The earlier versions are normally safe to uninstall, as the later versions replace them, but in some situations you may have a badly written program that may depend on the early version.
I've never come across that situation myself tho.

ps. note that if you do try to uninstall the old Visual C++ versions, and install only the latest version .. and search for Visual C++, you only need the redistributable look for a *redist sounding file.
You don't want the Visual Studio(which is a huge install!!) program.

02-06-2018, 10:03am
Looking there now...

AK, this is what I found (no .NET files), and the program was SPP6.6 raw converter, installed 13/05/2018...
All the Visual C++ files...

02-06-2018, 10:15am
if you want the latest runtime files:

download the .NET runtime file (https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/windows)(needed to run programs created using .NET). The 'developer pack' is for those looking to create the programs themselves.

download the vc_redist exe's (https://support.microsoft.com/en-au/help/2977003/the-latest-supported-visual-c-downloads). I install both the x86 and x64 versions, even tho my PC is 64bit. Again, the theory is that you shouldn't need the x86 version, but again this is relying on the fact that the program you're using has been created 'properly' .. but also that it may be very old .. pre x64 or something.. so better to have both installed.

You could just install without doing nothing else on you PC, but I always uninstall the older versions first, then reinstall the updated versions. "6 of one, half a dozen of the other"!

02-06-2018, 11:16am
AK. See the edited post above. Do they look up-to-date/redundant?

- - - Updated - - -

Here's something:
I just uninstalled the whole program, re-booted, reinstalled, and again re-booted as it said to do.
The same error occurred.
But wait, there's more!

I checked the Icon Properties:
"C:\Program Files\SIGMA\SIGMA Photo Pro 6\SIGMA_PhotoPro6.exe"
(This is the default location as set in the installer.)

Went to have a look in the folder - Nothing! Nothing at all. Yet the program sort of starts.
So I did a check of the exe file on C drive - nothing found!

Suddenly I have developed an imaginary itch of the scalp, as...
:scrtch: :crike: :umm:

Will try yet another install, this time on a different drive, just to see what happens :confused013

02-06-2018, 5:37pm
I don't think installing on another drive will help.
Re-installing may help, but no guarantees.

It's been a long while, so memory is a bit faded.
When I had issues with .net/Visual C++ runtime in ViewNX2, I tried re-installing, but it gave the same errors(some MCF/dll missing error .. which was supposedly part of the .NET runtime files.

What I've just done, and sometimes do to clean up all those installs of .NET and C++ over the years and other software installs is to remove them all, install only the latest version of .NET and C++ files, run the programs that I know depend on them and if they don't work then re-install them again.
It seems that some programs NEED some old version of C++ and or .NET for them to work.

So, while I like and use ViewNX2 a lot .. majorly! .. is my most used and heavily depended upon software, I do acknowledge that it was coded by a intellectually handicapped protozoa, probably about 500 million years ago.
Having just uninstalled all my .NET/C++ versions, and installed only the latest versions, ViewNX2 wouldn't run. So re-installed it(nothing wrong with it, just testing), it's working again with only .NET latest version, but has re-installed C++ version older than the 2017(update) I only installed.
It installed C++ from 2013 and 2010!
it obviously has a dependency on those C++ versions, that C++ 2017updated doesn't have.
What and why .. who knows :confused013

I have Sigma Photo Pro 6.4 installed on my PC too, and with .NET 4.7.. something and those 3 versions of C++, it has no problemo opening/viewing anything.

Other question: Did your Win10 PC recently update from version 1709 to 1803, which is the Fall Creators Update?
That may have had something to do with the issue, as part of the 1803 update, is the .NET update to that 4.7.something.

Can't say that is the problem for 'ya, but something to keep in mind.

So, not knowing your PC's installed software state, and hence the dependencies they rely on, I'd say:
1. uninstall all old versions of .NET and C++ runtimes. (that's what I did earlier today)
2. install only the latest versions of those two runtime addons.(that will clean up your list of runtime files installed in that screencap)
3. try to run SPP again. If it has troubles at all, then uninstall it and reinstall it again.
The theory is that when SPP installs, it probably installs a version of those runtime files it needs, even tho you have the latest version. Just as my reinstall of VNX2 installed what it needed again.
4. check other software that may have a dependency on one of those old versions too, if a problem, then re-install as required.

02-06-2018, 5:57pm
AK. You're right in that installing on another drive did nothing, so it's ditched from there too.:nod:
The installer file is a 134MB program, yet it finishes install in about 2 seconds! after selecting
the language and drive location :confused013 Also, the user manual - a substantial tome - does not have ANY
troubleshooting section 2 x :confused013 What you suggest is a bit of a dark art to me, so I have not tried any.

Finally, I have written to Σ USA about it. My interim solution is to use V5.5.1, which works well with my raw files.
This later version has some extra features especially for the files from the Quattro cameras. I also suspect that the
registry has CARP from the previous installation in it, but I wouldn't know how to clean it out.

The :crzy: thing is that a few people on the DPR Σ forumwrote about this same problem with earlier versions about a year
ago. Then I had no problems with those version and took no notice. Do you think I can find those threads now? - And
neither can they!

02-06-2018, 10:41pm
..... I also suspect that the
registry has CARP from the previous installation in it, but I wouldn't know how to clean it out.


I haven't used Photo Pro 6 all that much, more curiosity and experiencing X3F files for myself than any real usage(as you'd be up too).
But searching the registry I find basically nothing.
Basically nothing in that I find only one single solitary reg entry under

Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\App Paths\SIGMA\SIGMA Photo Pro 6\

where a key for Sigma_PhotoPro6.exe resides.

Other than some very small and deliberately sought software, I've never seen a software install that basically leaves no footprint larger than a single entry like that.

Note that I also have Photo Pro 5(.5) installed too.
Initially I thought that maybe SPP6 was just an exe update for v5.5, but it's not.
SPP 6 is it's own standalone program.
v5.5 is 32bit(x86), whereas v6 is 64bit(x64), and they don't seem to share any components.

For the SPP6 install you should see within the SPP6 program files folder all manner of folders and files and dlls that it needs to function.
If yours is empty, then something has gone wrong.
With my minimal usage of SPP6, the size of the Program folder is 23Mb.(don't know where it hold user data tho. most likely in the AppData folder under your user name)
There are 3 sub folders:
[BData] contains many files named C8X_N(where X= 0-3, and N= an integer between 1-6) .. eg. C80_1, C82_6 .. etc. no file extensions for those at all.
[LensDatabase] contains a series files with a .lpi extension where the file names are a series of 3 integer numbers, eg. 104.lpi, 135.lpi, 411.lpi .. etc
[Sensor] contains 5 files, must be relevant to converting raw file data into images, all 5 files should be .dll files. they vary between 200-1400kb in size.

So for me, it's installed seeming as per usual, but it leaves almost zero trace of itself in the registry!
v5.5 installs many registry keys in so many places, a registry search for it is tedious.

ie. trying to clear the registry of SPP6 'CARP' would probably do zip! .. nada! .. nothing and pretty much bu(r)gger all, me thinks.
There's basically nothing other than the single entry, as described above, to 'clear out'!
v5.5 appears to be totally independent of v6, in that they don't rely on any similar files/dlls/dependencies(that I can see), primarily due to the fact that v6 is 64bit and 5.5 is 32bit .. and that they seem to have no commonality in the registry or anywhere else on the PC.
(other than that ehy may be installed on the same PC! :p)

So: if you have no files/folders within the SPP program files folder, then I'd say a re-install is probably a priority.

More strangeness: my SPP6 install executable is about 80Mb in size, yet the entire SPP6 program files folder is only 23Mb once it's installed.
Registry has no data worthy of reporting in terms of actual file size .. so I had to check and see exactly what it is that the .exe contains.
That is the SPP installation exe, not the once installed SPP6 program.
Primary source of data size are the multi lingual user manuals in pdf format under a folder named common files(makes sense)
And the next largest file is the file dotNetFx40_full_setup executable.
So it seems that SPP6 does in fact rely on .NET to operate.

No dark art to uninstalling all those .Net and C++ runtime files list in your screencapture.
All of 'em! can be safely removed, no harm to PC ... EXCEPT! .. that some other software may not work if they are removed.
I say may not work because it's hit and miss as to what will and what won't, which is different for you, as it is for me.
But if any software doesn't work because it's been badly coded, because it requires a particular version of .Net to work, you simply re-install that software.
This bad software then installs it's version of .Net, but you still have the latest and minimal versions installed on your PC.

Normally tho, well coded, good, programs that may have installed an earlier version(eg. v4) will be written to also work with v4.7.
That's my understanding of the .Net environment. The latest versions are backwardly compatible with the older versions.

So in your case(which is basically as in my case now) for SPP6, you can look for a .Net installation under installed programs and delete it(what I did earlier today), and install v4.7(the updated/latest version) .. as I did myself too.
What happened to my PC:
SPP6 continued to work fine for me, having removed v4 of .Net and installed v4.7. This is well coded, good, software.
What also happened tho is that VNX2(which I rely on heavily) stopped working and spat out 3 errors(missing dlls) .. because my .Net v4 files had been removed, and it didn't understand that v4.7 are the new files to look for .. ie. bad software ;)

As for entering into the dark depths of the Registry, I do sometimes delve into it manually via Regedit, but since started to use CCleaner .. much more effective way to 'clean' the registry of redundant garbage.
In the 3.1million runs of cleaning the registry of clutter via CCleaner, it's never let me down. I have once borked it doing it myself manually tho via regedit .. :p:o .. never using CCleaner :th3:
Regedit is tedious.
CCleaner also has a cleaner interface to access your installed program list as well, so I use it for that purpose too.
CCleaner is a PC tuneup kit in the same vein as FSViewer is to viewing images of various types! ;)(ie. fast and free).

The only thing that CCleaner doesn't do in the registry, that I sometimes need, is to search for data(as in searching for 'Photo Pro6' as described above).

Summary: I'd say that there is an issue with your installation file for SPP6. it shouldn't take too long if your PC has .Net v4 installed already.
The rest of the routine seems to be extract the contents of what is basically a zip file, into the Program Files folder it makes for SPP6.

Dunno what zippy/unzippy software you use, but can highly recommend 7zip. If you use that, right click the SPP6.exe and use the open archive option and 7zip will show you the contents of the .exe.
Shouldn't only take 2 seconds to unzip the SPP6 files into the Program Files folder tho .. maybe 5-10 sec and then create a desktop icon.
But if you didn't have .Net4 installed, then it'd take at least 30sec to install that as well. Everything else is just simple extraction of files.

03-06-2018, 9:10am
OK, ta. So the .NET result is the thing... - Going that way... Will re-report:cool:

- - - Updated - - -

OK, I already had the latest .NET installed and it would not install over it again, giving me a message to the effect.

The VC_redist.x64.exe installed ok.

NO change to the performance of the program.
- it will process a file if it's opened from the R-click context menu;
- it looks as if it opens properly, but the whole folder list is expanded, though with
thumbnails from the last folder still displayed; AND
- it still throws that error if I try to expand the folder list under "This PC" :(

03-06-2018, 1:29pm
OK, ta. So the .NET result is the thing... - Going that way... Will re-report:cool:

- it still throws that error if I try to expand the folder list under "This PC" :(

Remembering I'm not a programmer, but basic understanding of how the ecosystem works.

SPP6 is like an interface for the user. it's programming relies on the .Net and C++ runtimes to 'connect' to the PC.
That is, if you have FileA.xyz, normally the GUI in that environment doesn't directly open the .xyz file, a dll is used to talk to the CPU to convert the .xyz into an image(bitmap) on your screen.

Hope that makes sense to start with:

Same with talking to PC components as above.
The program(SPP6) doesn't understand what a HDD or network or USB connection is, it relies on the .NET and or C++ runtime system(that you don't see) to 'connect' to those systems.

So! as you click the This PC link, there is a missing/corrupted/replaced/updated dll(or whatever) that SPP6's interface isn't reading/translating for SPP6 to understand what that device is.

This PC is just a link to all the devices on your PC.

The tedious part!
Try disconnecting any/all devices from the PC and try that This PC link again in SPP6.

As you can aleady use it to a degree on a file, this assumes that a file is stored on a HDD on the PC, so SPP6 can see some hardware(namely at least one HDD, maybe more).
The trick is to figure out which device on the PC is causing the issue in SPP6.
Could be a networked drive, USB drive, SD card ... etc.
Again not knowing the specifics of your PC setup, only you can do the tedious trial-tribulation on your PC to work out what's causing the problem.

You say that you can open a file in SPP6, the question is where is that file located, ie. HDD, USB HDD, SD card .. etc.
Whatever storage device that file(any file) is on therefore isn't the issue with SPP6's missing dll issue.

As an example: lets say your files that you can open in SPP6 are stored on a HDD drive, that is in the PC, on a SATA connection, then you know that SPP6's issue isn't a connection to an SATA HDD.
So using Windows to access you PC, (and again only an example), navigate to a file on a USB storage point, and use Open With and SPP6 as the program to open with.

one of two things will happen:
1. file will open, nothing wrong with that device type(ie. USB connected HDD)
2. file will not open/SPP6 will throw an error .. ie. most likely the issue is that SPP6 doesn't understand what a USB HDD is, and can't read the data on it.

Do that for any device type you have.

Also, try disconnecting Network devices, and so on.

That's the tedious method, and basically trying to find the source of a problem that you can't really fix anyhow.

So having thought about it last night and the two easy ways(still tedious tho) is as before. Uninstall all those C++/Visual Studio/.Net installations. In 99% of conditions you don't need them all.

1/. the proper PC fixing hack's way is to then uninstall SPP6 reinstall the latest C++ and .Net .. You don't need Visual Studio, Remote Debugging or SDK named software unless you want to learn/do any programming of software yourself.

2/. With Windows Explorer! .. navigate to C/Users/Yourname/AppData/ folder. If you can't see AppData, it's because you have system files hidden setting in WExplorer.
Inside AppData, look for the Local folder, in there is a Sigma folder, and in there will be all your personal settings and history of the program.
Note if you have other Sigma software, they will also be listed in that SIGMA folder too. (eg. I have Sigma Optimization Pro installed too, as well as SPP5 and SPP4 .. they each have their own folder for settings.

What I've noticed in the SPP6 folder is a folder named [Log] in there is a strange set of parameters for the program. those parameters are all in .txt files, so easily readable.
What's strange is that the data in those txt files looks very similar to registry key strings(not sure, as I already said .. not a programmer) .. but I've seen and modded registry strings, and those txt files look remarkably similar.

SO! .. I think (considering the lack of any real registry data for SPP6), that it's setup to use the AppData settings area as the main source of it's settings storage point(where almost every other program does that in the registry instead).

Note that most programs have multiple folders used for settings in the AppData area, maybe in LocalLow and maybe in Roaming(usually Local and Roaming, and not much in LocalLow).

Also note that in geenral you can delete everything in that AppData area without too many issues for your PC, but there is no guarantee of that.
But as an example of how I use that sometimes:
A few weeks back, my son complained of a problem on his laptop. For nearly two years it's never caused any issue, he installs more crap on it than I install software on mine. Not exactly sure what he stores, but always complaining of no more space on his SSD.
So what happened was that it boot up fine, then logged into a black screen as his initial desktop.
I logged into my profile on his lappy, no problem. Spent about 6 hours looking for possible issues in his user profile area, came up blank!
So as a last resort, I deleted many of the AppData subfolders he knows he didn't need any more .. eg. uininstall Adobe Acrobat, but it leaves an entry in the AppData/Local directory .. no use for Acrobat, so why should it leave traces of itself on the PC?
Adobe is the worst offender for leaving massive chunks of useless data in AppData ... ViewNX2 not far behind tho!
So: deleted as many known redundant folders, rebooted PC into his user .. CARP! same blank black desktop!
Back into my profile, then saved the entire trimmed down AppData folder to another location(as backup) then deleted the entire AppData folder off his PC.
Doing that, technically he no longer existed as a user on his PC, but having then rebooted again, he logged into his profile and .. voila! .. he got his desktop back .. minus some background image he had on there.
Obviously doing that will reset all preferences and settings for all software, but once he set himself back up again with his programs .. no problems.

** So as an alternative to uninstalling SPP6, another method to 'reset it' could(or should!) be to simply delete the SPP6 folder entirely out of the Local folder in AppData.
You won't affect the ability to use SPP6, that is it will still work. You won't delete SPP6 .. just it's memory of itself on the PC.
The program still works via the 'Program Files' data .. just won't remember what you have already done before the deletion, and will open itself as it initially did so when you first ran the program.(that's what I did for me).
I don't have the problem you're having, so can't definitely say it will fix the problem. for me it only resets SPP6 to first run conditions.

Do you have multiple users on the PC, and do the other users have access to SPP6?
If so, does it have the same issue in their profiles as you have in yours?
if not, you can copy/paste their SPP6 AppData folder into your profile.

03-06-2018, 1:49pm
AK. I can answer yes (have done) and no (not applicable) to all in your latest post.
The new thing you mention is the Logs folder. I didn't notice one, but looking again...

- - - Updated - - -

:oh! - I can't. I forgot that the latest action was to uninstall it all again :o
(Next time.)

03-06-2018, 2:24pm
AK. I can answer yes (have done) and no (not applicable) to all in your latest post.
The new thing you mention is the Logs folder. I didn't notice one, but looking again...

- - - Updated - - -

:oh! - I can't. I forgot that the latest action was to uninstall it all again :o
(Next time.)

Ok, so if you uninstalled it and re-installed it, without deleting it's AppData entries, it will re-install and work as per prior to the uninstall.
Normally, when you uninstall a program and want to start it fresh, you'd clear out the registry of it's entries, so that when you re-install it, it's a fresh install.

SPP6 has no registry data, so doing that doesn't help.

eg. when I install VNX2 sometimes, if I leave the registry alone after uninstall, it installs, and next time I open it, it's opened at the exact same file and location that I last used it.
Uninstall it and clear the registry of it's data(ViewNX2's data!) and on opening after reinstalling it, it's then opened without any clue as to what it did before installation.
ie. it's memory of itself prior self.

SPP6's memory is in that SPP6 folder in AppData.

Most likely tho doing all that may not fix the issue(hopefully can, but I'm not confident it will), as I still think that problem you're having is linked to the Visual C++ runtime files.

Like I said, there is no issue** with removing (or repairing) all those Visual C++ installations .. personally I'd remove them all.

** Other than some other software may require specific versions, not the latest!

eg. Firefox doesn't need Visual C++ or .Net .. it's obviously coded using whatever system they preferred .. not M$'s .Net/Visual Studio environment.
And I'm fairly confident that the most likely culprit of the issue you now have is probably due to the recent Windows Update.

Go to Settings->System->About(down the bottom) on the page that opens, what version of Win10 do you currently have .. it'll be either 1709 or 1803. 1803 is the recent update done a few weeks back.
A major update, and this is where they installed the latest .Net update too.

03-06-2018, 2:42pm
I did remove the Appdata files as well, each time. They did not uninstall with the rest.
Yes, that will be my next go - the Visual C++ files.

It is V 1803, done about a week ago.

I just took a break while I wait for Σ to reply :(

04-06-2018, 10:13am
I reckon it'll be the 1803 update thats doing it!

For some strange reason I'm not getting the 1803 update .. not that it's important to me, or that I even want it .. just strange that it won't do it, even tho I've even tried it manually!
Checked kids laptops, and they all updated to 1803.

Only reason I could think of for my end not getting the 1803 update is that I'm running a OEM version of Win7 updated to Win10 OS.
That is I originally bought the OEM(self built) version of Win7, not the full retail version .. and then updated to Win10 when it was available.

And in saying that tho I have updated the C++ runtime files, first to v471 then to v472, which are the updated C++ runtime that came with the 1803 update.

edit: apologies! C++ update is to 2017 v14.14.26429 .. not v471/472!
confused myself there .. the .Net update versions are v4.7.1 and v4.7.2

04-06-2018, 10:56am
Yes, that's the Net version installed. I still have not received a reply from Σ :confused013

04-06-2018, 10:22pm
.... I still have not received a reply from Σ :confused013

1 final Q!
Which version of SPP6 are you using?

I just updated my Win10 1709 to 1803(more out of curiosity than need!) .. and went searching for software glitches and incompatibilities(found 0 so far).

Having found 0 issues, I still went searching for other software updates and noticed SPP is currently at v6.6.0 (https://www.sigma-global.com/en/download/cameras/sigma-photo-pro/#windows). My version was 6.4.1.
So with my update to 1803 for Win10, I have no issues with SPP641.

05-06-2018, 8:47am
The latest, 6.6.0. Lots of folk are using it on the Σ forum. I did not have any trouble
with 6.4.1, though I only tried it 1nce or 2ice.