View Full Version : Android or iOS?

30-05-2018, 6:53pm
So how do you roll. Android or Apple?

30-05-2018, 9:02pm
Android is a truly horrible thing designed to do nothing other than spy on you and collect a huge database of information to sell. It doesn't even let you control the equipment you bought with your own money, and it sneaks apps you don't want back on again without your consent. For example, you can't edit or even read the HOSTS file. Zero privacy, terrible security, deliberate lock-in. I despise it.

IOS is the same as Android only more expensive, and with even less control. (Pay more, get less. How does that work?)

"Other" doesn't exist anymore, not in any practical way.

30-05-2018, 9:07pm
Android is a truly horrible thing designed to do nothing other than spy on you and collect a huge database of information to sell. It doesn't even let you control the equipment you bought with your own money, and it sneaks apps you don't want back on again without your consent. For example, you can't edit or even read the HOSTS file. Zero privacy, terrible security, deliberate lock-in. I despise it.

IOS is the same as Android only more expensive, and with even less control. (Pay more, get less. How does that work?)

"Other" doesn't exist anymore, not in any practical way.

So which do YOU use?

30-05-2018, 9:30pm
My seven-year-old dumbphone died last week. I'm damned if I'll pay extra for an inferior product. That leaves Andriod. Which I despise. But it's the only game in town.

30-05-2018, 10:12pm
Apple for me. It was Windows and Android all my life up until about maybe four years ago when a mate at work could get me a Macbook Pro at a good price and I went in and it all snowballed from there. I've only had the Macbook Pro and Apple phones since then and wouldn't go back.

It's not that I think Apple is better... not at all. They're illogical and frustrating at times, but I'm a convert either way. Once you get used to it all, it generally works quite well... even if they're not as logical as the Windows/Android mob.

31-05-2018, 5:48am
Apple for me. It was Windows and Android all my life up until about maybe four years ago when a mate at work could get me a Macbook Pro at a good price and I went in and it all snowballed from there. I've only had the Macbook Pro and Apple phones since then and wouldn't go back.

It's not that I think Apple is better... not at all. They're illogical and frustrating at times, but I'm a convert either way. Once you get used to it all, it generally works quite well... even if they're not as logical as the Windows/Android mob.

Interesting, isn't it. I use windows at home and have done so in all my past workplaces. My current workplace (been there 3 1/2 years) has Macs. I was really intrigued by how 'better' they were supposed to be compared to Windoze. Well they freeze up occasionally and need a restart, the same as PC. And everything I could do on a Windows PC I can do on the Macs. I really see no actual benefit of one over the other. Different menus, but really other than that, I could not say one system is better than the other. I do however, like that I can just open up a PC and put an extra HDD or SSD in, or add some extra ram. Much harder to make hardware changes to Macs. We recently had an SSD added to one of the Mac's at work. Cost about 2x the price of adding one the same size to a windows pc. The Mac had to be removed from the workplace and taken to the Apple Store to have this done (took 3 days to get the Mac back). If it was a windows pc, it could have been done in the workplace, in about 15 minutes. So on that alone, I would say Windows has a slight advantage. But otherwise, it is all rather ho-hum.. same old same old.

31-05-2018, 6:19am
Android is a truly horrible thing designed to do nothing other than spy on you and collect a huge database of information to sell. It doesn't even let you control the equipment you bought with your own money, and it sneaks apps you don't want back on again without your consent. For example, you can't edit or even read the HOSTS file. Zero privacy, terrible security, deliberate lock-in. I despise it.

IOS is the same as Android only more expensive, and with even less control. (Pay more, get less. How does that work?)

"Other" doesn't exist anymore, not in any practical way.
Ha ha ha :p...no wonder you have such long lenes, must be hard getting close to your targets with that shiny tin-foil-hat reflecting of the sun ((:eek:))

Cheers - :beer_mug: Oh!...and don't get too close to the edge :grinning01: :grinning01:
(Just meant as fun. No harm intended...)

31-05-2018, 7:08am
Interesting, isn't it. I use windows at home and have done so in all my past workplaces. My current workplace (been there 3 1/2 years) has Macs. I was really intrigued by how 'better' they were supposed to be compared to Windoze. Well they freeze up occasionally and need a restart, the same as PC. And everything I could do on a Windows PC I can do on the Macs. I really see no actual benefit of one over the other. Different menus, but really other than that, I could not say one system is better than the other. I do however, like that I can just open up a PC and put an extra HDD or SSD in, or add some extra ram. Much harder to make hardware changes to Macs. We recently had an SSD added to one of the Mac's at work. Cost about 2x the price of adding one the same size to a windows pc. The Mac had to be removed from the workplace and taken to the Apple Store to have this done (took 3 days to get the Mac back). If it was a windows pc, it could have been done in the workplace, in about 15 minutes. So on that alone, I would say Windows has a slight advantage. But otherwise, it is all rather ho-hum.. same old same old.

I tell you the single thing I miss the most, as inane as it seems.

Because I am constantly moving music and photos, I basically always had two windows open on my PCs, moving files from place to place.

Now, you can obviously still move stuff on a Mac (I much prefer to use Bridge compared to the horrible Finder) but it is nowhere near as simple and easy as just having two windows open and transferring with ease, as I did on the PC.

And in general, I still find it easier just to navigate a PC than I do my Mac.

Like I said, in time it all becomes familiar and you get used to it. But I definitely find the PC easier to use for the basic user of computers. Which is me. :)

All this said, the thing I am loving about the Mac is it’s speed. I don’t know if I just got unlucky, but every PC I ever owned, right up until the current day, just ends up slow. I don’t know if I just abused them too much, but you download a few programs, fill up a bit of space and everything just slows down.

Alternatively, I’ve had my Mac at capacity many times and it always runs at the same speed. Touch wood, but it’s just fast, all of the time. And that definitely suits me. :)

Like I said, I may just have been unlucky with my PCs, but I was unlucky for about 25 years with dozens of different computers. :(

31-05-2018, 7:34am
Android is a truly horrible thing designed to do nothing other than spy on you and collect a huge database of information to sell. It doesn't even let you control the equipment you bought with your own money, and it sneaks apps you don't want back on again without your consent. For example, you can't edit or even read the HOSTS file. Zero privacy, terrible security, deliberate lock-in. I despise it.

IOS is the same as Android only more expensive, and with even less control. (Pay more, get less. How does that work?)

"Other" doesn't exist anymore, not in any practical way.

My! You're nothing if not oft-quoth today, Tannin :eek::eek:

Just to expand on your "...not in any practical way".

They may be unheard of, but here are 6 (https://itsfoss.com/open-source-alternatives-android/) of at least 8 (and one I read about in APC magazine, if I can find it...)

And there's the LEAST known of them all: Windows! - an open-and-shut casement to be sure...

(But I agree with your tirade against the BIG 2.)

- - - Updated - - -

PS: Did I forget to say ANDR:cool:ID?

Mary Anne
31-05-2018, 7:48am
I am on my third iPhone so that speaks for itself :nod:

I have lots of Apple Products, even a MacBook Pro and I hate it, so I bought a new laptop 18 months ago it has Win 10 in it and I hate that too.

Though I love my PC running Win7 64 bit its 5 years old now I had it built to what I wanted then, though have had to get a larger SSD put in and more RAM.
And that's what I like about PC's you can do some of that yourself and your labour is FREE..

31-05-2018, 1:14pm
They mostly do the same things and any/most advantages that one has over the other is only temporary since it's so competitive these days.
So I'm an Apple user but for no other reason than I can't be bothered switching and relearning things. In my experience things tend to just work in the apple ecosystem, until they don't. In which case there is NO WAY around it, you're basically stuck. Luckily my IT demands are not very high.

31-05-2018, 6:33pm
Don’t quite get Geoff’s difficulty moving files on a Mac. Open two finder windows and drag from one to the other.
can’t do it on an iPhone unfortunately.

31-05-2018, 6:41pm
Don’t quite get Geoff’s difficulty moving files on a Mac. Open two finder windows and drag from one to the other.
can’t do it on an iPhone unfortunately.

Really? Oh dear, am I really that daft? I’ve never been able to have two Finder windows open at once. When I click on the Finder icon it only allows me to have the one open... doesn’t allow a second one to open separately. I’ll double check this tonight.

31-05-2018, 6:58pm
Right click on Finder and choose “New Finder Window”

31-05-2018, 7:44pm
Right click on Finder and choose “New Finder Window”

Yep, I soon worked that one out as I started working with Macs

31-05-2018, 9:11pm
Linux OS as an alternative to Win or Apple?

31-05-2018, 10:15pm
Yep, I soon worked that one out as I started working with Macs

Haha, yep, it is that simple. But the copy/cut/replace options aren't as simple, are they? And can you use thumbnails as on a PC? It all seems horrifically less logical than the PC, but maybe it is just the stupidity of the user. :)

31-05-2018, 11:18pm
Haha, yep, it is that simple. But the copy/cut/replace options aren't as simple, are they? And can you use thumbnails as on a PC? It all seems horrifically less logical than the PC, but maybe it is just the stupidity of the user. :)

The command key replaces the ctrl key. So copy cut and paste are command-C/X/V
In Finder, all the shortcuts are listed when you go into File, Edit, View etc. on the top menu bar.
Eg. A new finder window is Command-N when you're in finder or command-T for a new tab in the same finder window.
What do you mean by thumbnails? In the finder View menu, you can change your view type. Command 1, 2, 3, 4 goes through the different view types.

31-05-2018, 11:43pm
The only gotcha I can think of when cut/copy/pasting is that when you drag a file to move it, the OS will copy it when moving between two different drives, but cut when moving between two folders on the same drive. You can override the copying if you wish to cut by holding down the command key.

If you want to copy to the same drive you can hold down the option key to override the cutting.

You can also use command+c to copy, and command+v to paste. Command+x to cut only works for text. I have no idea why.

Right mouse click only gives the option to copy.

see? Perfectly clear and straightforward!

01-06-2018, 4:45am
Linux OS as an alternative to Win or Apple?

on a phone?

01-06-2018, 8:58am
Right click on Finder and choose “New Finder Window”

"Right click"? On a Mac? Huh?

- - - Updated - - -

The only gotcha I can think of when cut/copy/pasting is that when you drag a file to move it, the OS will copy it when moving between two different drives, but cut when moving between two folders on the same drive. You can override the copying if you wish to cut by holding down the command key.

Vastly simpler on a PC. If you are smart, you do all your copying/moving using the right mouse button (no keyboard required) - it simply asks you which of the possible actions (move/copy/etc) you want.

01-06-2018, 9:58am
Ah well, I use neither a mouse nor a keyboard, though that does mean I sometimes have to go back and delete a file after moving it.

And clearly we need a "Macs vs Windows" forum, since we've completely taken leave of smartphones at this stage. For what it's worth, I think iPhones and Android devices cut, copy, and paste exactly the same way. (?)

01-06-2018, 2:50pm
The command key replaces the ctrl key. So copy cut and paste are command-C/X/V
In Finder, all the shortcuts are listed when you go into File, Edit, View etc. on the top menu bar.
Eg. A new finder window is Command-N when you're in finder or command-T for a new tab in the same finder window.
What do you mean by thumbnails? In the finder View menu, you can change your view type. Command 1, 2, 3, 4 goes through the different view types.

Sorry, my computer lingo is rubbish. Perhaps I mean tiles instead of thumbnails? Not sure.

Either way, I’ve gone through the four view options and found any but the list type to be offensive. ;) Even little things like the lack of columns with the Mac, where instead the files are just listed in an endless single list.

All probably insignificant but stuff I guess I just got used to with PCs.

01-06-2018, 4:18pm
Well this got derailed rather quickly.
Tis not a Mac vs Windows thread - it's an iOS vs Android (for :sp: ) thread :)

01-06-2018, 4:21pm
Well, to be fair, there's the Windows OS for phones, but there little evidence of it in this thread:p:o

01-06-2018, 5:39pm
We bought a Windows phone once, I forget why. Never figured out how to do even the simplest things on it. Eventually gave it to the brother in law who seemed happy with it.

01-06-2018, 5:52pm
:D - you said it!

01-06-2018, 5:52pm
Currently use Android (an Oppo F1s) which doesn't do a bad job.

Originally used iOS/iPhone, as I prefer the interface, but after my third iPhone failed in 12 months (I can be rather hard on phones), I ended up switching.

Current Oppo has survived somewhere around 12 months, and has been dropped, kicked, left in the sun and even almost washed once, but still survives (touch wood!).

01-06-2018, 7:30pm
Sorry, my computer lingo is rubbish. Perhaps I mean tiles instead of thumbnails? Not sure.

Either way, I’ve gone through the four view options and found any but the list type to be offensive. ;) Even little things like the lack of columns with the Mac, where instead the files are just listed in an endless single list.

All probably insignificant but stuff I guess I just got used to with PCs.

Don’t worry, my lingo is pretty crappy too.
Anyways I thought you might have meant icon view (the name I only just found out after a quick google) like in this link:
But maybe not.
But in icon view, your jpegs show up as thumbnails which you can customise the size (as outlined in the link above).

But this is the reason I’m resistant to change OS whether computer or smartphone. I’m sure there’s a very easy way to do something that I used to do on another OS but I just can’t be bothered relearning the idiosyncrasies.

26-06-2018, 9:22pm
Android all the way - Apple is a good ecosystem because what they allow you to do, it works, but outside of that...

Though I do remember the old Windows phones, my first ever being the HTC Cruise.

30-06-2018, 1:09pm
- Apple is a good ecosystem because what they allow you to do, it works, but outside of that...

Not my experience with iPhones over the years.
Have to say tho, my experience has only ever been via others iPhone assuming that I have some knowledge of the stuff.

Two phones had wifi issues. Simply wouldn't connect to some wifi points, but would to others. Made zero sense to me .. my assessment was that apple's hardware people simply had no idea on how to actually make things compatible accoss the board.
Another iPhone issue I was asked to help fix .. when I explained my fix, sis wasn't overly happy with the reply(BTW was get an Android phone! :p)

I gravitated to Android solely on the basis that you could whatever hardware you desired. That could be as expensive as a top end $1K+ model, or a cheap as chips giveaway item.
I don't waste money on phones .. I get the cheap as chips giveaway models.
My standard modus operandi is to have about a $25-40 plan and get a phone free.

Android itself hasn't really been a problem for me .. but I've had major bluetooth issues with a recent Huawei phone. would kind of connect, and wouldn't connect to some handsfree systems in our work trucks.
Still have the phone, but replaced with an LG of similar 6.5" screen size.

recently tried to get my sisters security camera system up and running and running in remote view mode on her stupid iPhone. Under no circumstances would it connect, or allow some specific IP and port setting to be made.
Out of curiosity, I had a go at connecting my LG, where it allowed me to input a specific address port for the network connection ... and IP cameras all displayed immediately. Slow, and laggy but at least video feed coming through.

Once again my advice to sis was to get rid fo the stoopid iPhone and get an Android.

From my experience .. Samsung make the better 'Droid hardware by far.
I've been through a couple of no name brands, Sony, LG(x2), Huawei(never again), and many Samsungs .. Samsungs have always been better in some way.
Still have about 6 or 7 phones with various problems.
SGS2's with cracked screens
SGS3(unwanted), gave the second one to dad, who lost his temper with it and threw it across the yard one day. Totally destroyed screen now, but still works! :confused013
Sony(broken micro USB port, so won't charge)
Huawei(nothing wrong except it's garbage internal hardware bits).

freebie LG is all I need. I'm not an overly smart smartphone user .. I'm more of a modern version of Tannin.
I reckon phones should be used as phones, and computers should be used for computing! ;)

In the past 12+ months, I reckon the main 'apps I use on my phone are:
1/. googles mapping, because getting a semi trailer stuck in a supermarket car park is no fun! (95%)
2/. bank apps, coz I regularly forget to pay bills(as opposed to forget to pay regular bills!) and then remember at 12:30AM whilst having a break!
3/. the note app installed when I use MyPhoneExplorer to manage a phone .. properly! .. to create/maintain notes.
I used to try to remember arcane part numbers, such as LB809002487 with the specs M14x1.5 T12.
My old method was to write that down on a scrap piece of paper, but invariably I'd see a scrap piece of paper in the car and scrunch it up and throw it in the recycle bin .. forgetting what those jibberish number meant! :p

04-07-2018, 9:43pm
True, guess I forgot about the times when the iPhone is funny and doesn't work properly, but as said, what you're allowed to do within its ecosystem :P

I've personally used and stayed with Sony. Not the best phone, but I like the UI over the others, so I'm stuck in Sony's ecosystem now so I can send photos to my wife just by tapping the backs together rather than go through the whole bluetooth sharing thing since it's the same brand

05-07-2018, 5:29am
True, guess I forgot about the times when the iPhone is funny and doesn't work properly, but as said, what you're allowed to do within its ecosystem :P

I've personally used and stayed with Sony. Not the best phone, but I like the UI over the others, so I'm stuck in Sony's ecosystem now so I can send photos to my wife just by tapping the backs together rather than go through the whole bluetooth sharing thing since it's the same brand

Samsung has that feature too. They call it Samsung Beam. You can tap photos, files, music, movies, contact info, etc all across to another samsung phone.

05-07-2018, 10:04pm
For what it's worth, I think iPhones and Android devices cut, copy, and paste exactly the same way. (?)

Correct. Badly.

05-07-2018, 10:14pm
I've never actually managed to do it myself.

06-07-2018, 2:26am
To be fair, I can't think of a good method for cut and paste on a phone. We are talking about a tiny, crippled device which has neither mouse nor keyboard, so it isn't an easy task. The fact that I have been unable to come up with a better way after giving the matter deep thought and my divided attention for almost 15 seconds shows just how big a challenge it is. But isn't that why the design whiz-kids at Apple and Google get the big bucks? Let the buggers earn it!

25-07-2018, 6:38am
Android, because I hate the contemptuous way Apple treat their customers.

Apple tragics will race out to buy the latest and greatest, even queue up overnight to get their latest iFix....

Apple make interfacing (itunes) as convoluted as possible, sometimes removing stored media after itunes updates, making paid for apps unavailable, changing the way iTunes works, and the despicable practice of deliberate engineering of updates to make iDevices slower so the users feel a need to upgrade.

We've had 4 iPads over the past few years, the first 2 became so slow and unstable as to be unusable after software updates. The second 2 are still running, I have a continual battle with the automatic (no opt out option) update, the update is downloaded whether wanted or not and the only way to stop auto install is to delete the update whereupon the cycle starts over.

The afformentioned wifi connection issue also extends to bad behaviour, I've seeen apple devices crash networks because of badly behaved dhcp (ip addressing) use. Our salesman used to rock up to work with an apple laptop, ipdad and iphone in tow, the minute he entrerd the building the network would crash. The cause was ongoing use of expired DHCP leases by the iDevices.

As a technician I see these issues quite often. If you're interested check this link. https://serverfault.com/questions/278567/dealing-with-ipad-dhcp-issue

Let's not forget the dodgy lightning connector and the removal of the standard audio jack in the latest hardware.

25-07-2018, 7:06am
Ta for the link, Phil.

25-07-2018, 3:50pm
I have an Android because I'm a cheapskate, but I was annoyed with the level of faffing around required to get apps, menus etc. setup. Whereas an iPhone just works. Use a Mac laptop and Ipad otherwise. Will have to get an Apple SE next time because its the only non-crappy small phone around. All the Android phones keep getting larger and larger.

25-07-2018, 4:27pm
For Data, definitely Android - the first quote here (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1PwU9BgiFJg).

He didn't say "I am an iOS!" :angry34:

02-08-2018, 1:04pm
I have an Android because I'm a cheapskate, but I was annoyed with the level of faffing around required to get apps, menus etc. setup. Whereas an iPhone just works. ....

I hear this all the time and think ... :confused013

I've never faffed around getting menus, apps or anything to work in the various android devices I've had over time .. can't help to think what it is about android that some folks don't get.

Mine have always 'just worked'.

OTOH .. trying to get my sisters iPhone to connect to her security camera system .. setting IP addresses and specific port requirements .. and zip! .. nothing nada .. just wouldn't work no matter how many hours I faffed around in the settings.
My phone connected straight up found the connection and port and cameras all online. Problem was that I had no need to connect remotely to her security cameras.

02-08-2018, 4:05pm
We had a security camera connected to an iPone at one time. It connected effortlessly, no faffing around at all. Worked perfectly for about a month then just stopped, never to work again. I blame the camera.

03-08-2018, 7:04am
... I blame the camera.


I didn't have the luxury of blaming a camera .. or the other 7 cameras .. nor the box that ran all the cameras and it's OS, and HDD ... my phone connected straight up, and so did her laptop.

25-09-2018, 6:49am
I use Android - have for 8 years. I've never had an iPhone though I've been able to play with a couple.

My main reason for sticking with Android is its openness - it has an accessible file system. Eg I can attach an external drive or SD card reader to look at my photos. (Though I can connect my current camera via WiFi and don't even have to go to that trouble anymore).

The range of pricing is a close second, though. I buy mid-range devices now, for around $400, and upgrade every couple of years. With such a big range of Android devices out there, you can get almost exactly what you want... I want dual SIM for travelling and still being able to get my SMS from the bank. I also want micro SD storage to store my photos or other big data - maybe a movie or two for flights or rainy days, music etc etc. And of course lots of RAM so I can do more simultaneously. NFC so I can pay instead of using a card. Finger print sensor for convenience and security.

As to all those apps pre-installed on Android phones... Yes, I hate that so much. It's why I bought a Nexus phone and then a Moto X 2nd gen, and then Moto G5 Plus because Moto doesn't put all those unwanted apps on there. I also bought them outright and unlocked because I'm happy with my $10 a month unlimited talk/text and 1gb data plan.

I think my next phone is going to be Android One - these are updated directly by Google and have no extra apps either. But my current phone is still going strong at the moment.

Smart phone cameras are pretty good these days with auto-HDR etc - although probably not what you're concerned with in a camera forum. [emoji16] Still, it's the camera you have on you most of the time while out and about, if you're like most people. Android phones (that I can't afford) have been beating iOS phones in that regard in the last couple of generations, too.

One important thing where iPhone and iPad users have an advantage is with apps. So many times I read about this great app - especially photography related - and find it's only available for iOS. Or the iOS version has more features than Android (thanks Adobe. Not.) On the other hand, I see apps seem to cost more on iOS than the Play store...

I could go on, but yeah - Android for me. [emoji16]

25-09-2018, 7:57am
About "...than Android (thanks Adobe...)", don't you mean Google?:eek:

25-09-2018, 8:29am
About "...than Android (thanks Adobe...)", don't you mean Google?:eek:Heh. No - it's Adobe that prefers iOS for its apps and brings features there first or in some cases, only. Admittedly, it's less work for them with compatibility issues etc.