View Full Version : am i reading things correctly?

02-04-2018, 10:04am
i am reading an article about the K1-2, which says that the frame rate increases if the camera is switched from full frame to crop mode
at least that is the way i read the article.
is my understanding correct?

02-04-2018, 10:12am
What article?

- - - Updated - - -

However, for many video functions on phones/cameras, a reduced image size
does allow for a higher frame rate.

02-04-2018, 10:29am
i am reading an article about the K1-2, which says that the frame rate increases if the camera is switched from full frame to crop mode
is my understanding correct?


According to the specs, 4.4fps in full frame mode, 6.4fps in APS-C crop mode.
The reason will be the buffer fill/write rate.

Full frame mode has more data per images(eg. 70-90MB / image), APS-C mode more likely to be 25-30ish MB / image .. so for every 6.4 APS-C images per second, you have less total Mb to write to the card every second.

One thing I like about Pentax .. is their philosophy that the customer is king!
You can update you K1(series 1 model) to a K2-II model for a reasonable sounding fee(I think about $500 or so).
It takes a while to do, as they change physical bits internally AND subsequently label your series 1 model as a -II model too.

A very cheap update :th3:

02-04-2018, 4:08pm
Fee for change has been announced at $700...mine will be done!

02-04-2018, 7:42pm
thank you all for your comments
question is, is the cost worth ir?