View Full Version : Happy to have found this place :)

28-03-2018, 12:24am
Glad to be here. Just a beginner. Hopefully will some more soon!

28-03-2018, 1:13am
Welcome to one of the very best photography sites around, CNeb. I'm sure you will learn much of interest, and find some good company along the way.

28-03-2018, 7:31am
Welcome to AP. Pull you chair up, join in and learn. Hope we get to see some of your photography soon.

Mary Anne
28-03-2018, 1:41pm
Hello and Welcome to AP :2smile: Will look forward to seeing what you post on the Forums, as beginners get lots of Help here.
And do have a go at commenting on other Members photos, as that's what makes Forums work :nod:

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 5:26pm
Welcome :)

Its a terrific place, enjoy!

28-03-2018, 11:05pm
Hi and welcome to AP

Glad you found us :)