View Full Version : Do you use social media in relation to your photography?

Bear Dale
26-03-2018, 5:07pm
Do you use social media in relation to your photography?

26-03-2018, 5:11pm
Do you mean whether we post images on the likes of Facebook, Twitter...?

If so, then No/nihil/нет/όχι.../etc, from me :D

26-03-2018, 6:17pm
Yes, but social sharing only and quite sporadically. Most of my contents are grabs I find interesting from my phone rather than anything from my camera, partially cos my camera lacks any form of wireless communication.

John King
26-03-2018, 6:33pm
Instagram only.

Forget Twit Sphere and Faeces Book ...

26-03-2018, 6:41pm
What was the first one you said? :p:p:p

It would appear to be muck from the same stable as Fbook:eek:

26-03-2018, 11:33pm
Do you mean whether we post images on the likes of Facebook, Twitter...?

If so, then No/nihil/нет/όχι.../etc, from me :D

As above for me

27-03-2018, 5:15am
Yes but mainly when travelling. I find facebook an easy way to keep in contact with our children and other family members when travelling. Definitely not for any commercial reason.

27-03-2018, 6:29am
I post interesting or pretty photos on FB for friends and family. I'd rather people got 5 seconds of pleasure looking at something they don't normally see, than reading some dreary rubbish about how awful the world is. Always place a watermark now. Feels a bit pretentious since I'm just a beginner but my photos are improving :)

John King
27-03-2018, 8:31am
What was the first one you said? :p:p:p

It would appear to be muck from the same stable as Fbook:eek:

Thanks for that link, Am. An interesting read. The male/female ratio of Instagram makes it a better place than many IMO. Lack of EXIF data on images also helps ...

While I didn't know it was owned by FB, it is certainly a very different model. I have all my info locked down as tightly as I can on both. I am member of a private FB group focusing on local photography with my cameras of choice. It's years since I participated in it.

27-03-2018, 1:17pm
I use FB in a community group that is local, it's good for ppl that can't get about like us agile photographers[emoji6]. FB basically renders the image unusable in regards to resolution but a watermark helps. Just started a Instagram account but don't fully understand it.

Sent from my Pixel using Tapatalk

27-03-2018, 2:40pm
There are many many marvellous photographers on Instagram. Great for inspiration. Start by searching by topic - astro or waterfalls or portraits etc. You don't need aphone, in fact using a fomputer means you can view the photos quite a bit larger. Still not high def, but about the same a AP comps.

Sent from a mobile thing.

27-03-2018, 3:23pm
The last time I posted a photo on Facebook would be close to a year ago in Vanuatu. Basically just letting my family know all was well and that we were warm in the middle of winter in Australia.

If I can get decent wifi I might do the same this year in June when we are overseas. :)

So yeah, extremely infrequent for me.

Oh, just had a revelation. My brother-in-law asked me to post some macro shots at the back end of last year when we were both getting into it at the same time.

So for me, maybe two or three times a year I might put photos on Facebook?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-03-2018, 4:29pm
What do you mean by "social media"?

Everybody uses the term as if it meant something, but no-one seems to know what it is they mean. Most people seem to think it is a synonym for "gigantic American companies that spy on you and sell your personal data to scum like Trump and Putin".

I daresay I'd better use the same meaning in my answer, which is "no".

Bear Dale
27-03-2018, 5:05pm
What do you mean by "social media"?

Everybody uses the term as if it meant something, but no-one seems to know what it is they mean. Most people seem to think it is a synonym for "gigantic American companies that spy on you and sell your personal data to scum like Trump and Putin".

I daresay I'd better use the same meaning in my answer, which is "no".

I'm a Philistine and a Luddite when it comes to Social Media but I know what they are and what the term means, you must be one of the few people (maybe the only?) who doesn't know what someone means when they say "Social Media".

27-03-2018, 5:21pm
It dozen matter if you have 12 meanings: they'd all be meaningless.

- And stop comparing yourself to the phabled Philistines and Luddites.:p

27-03-2018, 8:45pm
I'm a Philistine and a Luddite when it comes to Social Media but I know what they are and what the term means, you must be one of the few people (maybe the only?) who doesn't know what someone means when they say "Social Media".

OK, what do you mean by it?

Genuine question. I have never yet seen a proper definition of the term. People use it all the time, but seem to have no clear idea of what they mean by it. "Facebook and stuff" seems to be about as precise as it gets. (Which is not to say precise at all.) Does it have an actual meaning?

Bear Dale
27-03-2018, 8:56pm
This will save me some typing -


If you're bored -


27-03-2018, 9:01pm
By the time I'd finished typing/correcting the text below, Jim had replied.
I'm addressing Tannin's post:D

Whoo, a minute! Are you thinking there would be an absolute one?
The best one might hope for would be some loose connection between
"social" ~ "society" (itself a loose description) allied with some modicum
of interaction-con*-communication - assigned the moniker "media".

But it's all commercial trickle-down that nets savvy parties certain rewards.

But on the +ve side, it does allow a sort of easy means of communication.

(From what I can understand:confused013)

* con: a necessary misspelling of the Latin c space u space m, which was
hashed out by the profanity-checker:eek:

Bear Dale
27-03-2018, 9:12pm
Zuckerberg alone owns about $70 billion worth of Facebook shares.

That's pretty insane that a 'thing' that's hardly tangible in a sense, can be worth that amount of money.

27-03-2018, 9:18pm
Zuckerberg alone owns about $70 billion worth of Facebook shares.

That's pretty insane that a 'thing' that's hardly tangible in a sense, can be worth that amount of money.

It goes a long way towards explaining his name: Sugar mountain. (Where sugar = dough:D)

28-03-2018, 12:05am
Hmmm ...

The variety of evolving stand-alone and built-in social media services introduces a challenge of definition.The idea that social media are defined by their ability to bring people together has been seen as too broad a definition, as this would suggest that the telegraph and telephone were also social media ...The terminology is unclear...

About what I thought.

But Lewis Carrol said it so much more beautifully that I can:

"When I use a word," Humpty Dumpty said, in rather a scornful tone, "it means just what I choose it to mean — neither more nor less."

"The question is," said Alice, "whether you can make words mean so many different things."

"The question is,” said Humpty Dumpty, “which is to be master — that’s all."

- Through the Looking-Glass, 1872.

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 8:21am
^ I think you're over thinking the whole thing.

28-03-2018, 8:40am
Hmmm ...

But Lewis Carrol ...

^ I think you're over thinking the whole thing.

But it's an open thread you started, and some rational romp is a refreshing (humorous) read,
You can't then curb it, especially when you ask us to consider as an awful fact...

Zuckerberg alone owns about $70 billion worth of Facebook shares.

That's pretty insane that a 'thing' that's hardly tangible in a sense, can be worth that amount of money.

Plutocrats can't always be right:confused013

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 8:51am
I'm not curbing it, I'm no censor :)

I'm just stating my opinion.

It just seems inutile to get into the semantics of it.

28-03-2018, 9:17am
It is perfectly sensible to respond to a vague, ill-defined, and almost meaningless question with a polite request for clarification of what the question means. This is not "over-thinking" or "pointless semantics", it's just an attempt to have a normal conversation.
Meanwhile, we still don't know what the question is.

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 9:37am
It is perfectly sensible to respond to a vague, ill-defined, and almost meaningless question with a polite request for clarification of what the question means. This is not "over-thinking" or "pointless semantics", it's just an attempt to have a normal conversation.
Meanwhile, we still don't know what the question is.

Who's "we" ?

You seem to be the only one that's troubled by the question or its conciseness, most other members weren't thrown into a state of agitated confusion over it.

Its not my job to educate you.

28-03-2018, 10:00am
Who's "we" ?

You seem to be the only one that's troubled by the question or its conciseness, most other members weren't thrown into a state of agitated confusion over it.

Its not my job to educate you.
You can include me in the "we".

I didn't respond to the original post because I did not understand what you wanted to know.

I could have given a glib answer of "Yes" to your question, but that didn't seem like a very sociable approach.

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 10:09am
You can include me in the "we".

I didn't respond to the original post because I did not understand what you wanted to know.

I could have given a glib answer of "Yes" to your question, but that didn't seem like a very sociable approach.


28-03-2018, 12:34pm
Do I?...Yes, sort of.

I have a 'photography related' FB page out there that doesn't get updated as often as it should. That's a shame in a very small way, all the images I've ever sold(1) were from there :D

I did start preparing/creating a web site/page to store, link or share from but thought that would be social media overload for this little black-duck. I can't even find the time to maintain a simple pre-prepare FB page. I may press on with it one day?

- - - Updated - - -

I just had a look, 81 followers on FB!...that's got to be some sort of record, surely? :grinning01: :grinning01:

Bear Dale
28-03-2018, 12:39pm
Do I?...Yes, sort of.

I have a 'photography related' FB page out there that doesn't get updated as often as it should. That's a shame in a very small way, all the images I've ever sold(1) were from there :D

I did start preparing/creating a web site/page to store, link or share from but thought that would be social media overload for this little black-duck. I can't even find the time to maintain a simple pre-prepare FB page. I may press on with it one day?

- - - Updated - - -

I just had a look, 81 followers on FB!...that's got to be some sort of record, surely? :grinning01: :grinning01:

Gazza you're a Social Media sensation :)

You'll have our own TV show like the Kardashian's soon that are famous (what for, I have no clue) :)