View Full Version : Hugin Pano S/W...

19-03-2018, 3:32pm
Do yHu use Hugin for stitching?

I used to till some years ago, and then I found its interface became too convoluted to enjoy.
I won't say it was difficult, but it became bothersome to use. Each iteration seemed to
just make it worse! At one point I could no longer just save a quick pano, but had
to save it as a ".pto" project. But worse than that, the later programs kept throwing errors and
stopping. To do anything with the latest (64-bit) version, you've got to hunt through screenloads
of vague interface :confused013. Today I struggled with a pano and - guess what? - I found that
the version I did using MS-ICE was more accurately stitched than the Hugin one!:confused013

So I thought I would try to find an ancient version. I remember the last good fun I had was about 2009,
and I found a few from that era. I'm sure that the 2011 and onwards versions were problematic.

A bit of an exasperated rave, but does anyone have any pointers with Hugin? (Like "dump it"!)

--Oh, how the bloatware has swollen!

That pano (part of) comparison. (Check out the wave fronts)...

29-03-2018, 2:44pm
Not HUGE Hugin fans on AP?

I thought after 39 views someone might...:confused013

30-03-2018, 9:24am
Not HUGE Hugin fans on AP?

I thought after 39 views someone might...:confused013

Never tried it .. so 40 views now and one lame, inexperienced response(as usual from me).

main reason for my reply tho is to try PTGui.

Problem now is cost tho! (about USD129 or something!!) .. quite expensive if you don't use it regularly.

I got it when it was more like $50 or so, and the AUD was worth something too .. so was quite cheep(back then).

BUT!(a big BUTT! :D) it's about as good as it gets .. or got(back then) .. and I've never even tried to find an alternative.

I remember ICE was quite good, but not enough control over what you wanted to play with .. whereas PTGui had a ton of control over how to stitch images, where to line images up relative to each other .. etc.

Had a go in Ps years back and while it was OK .. nothing like PTGui's ability.

I'm not much of a panorama creator ... let alone expert, or advisor on such topics .. and pretty much still a noob on the topic. And I didn't want to leave you in this thread, all alone either :p

I've had this PC now for about 3 or so years(can't recall exactly, but about that long) .. and I do so few panorama stitches .. I only just realised I've yet to re-install PTGui on this PC! :eek:
My other problem is my PTGui is an old version(maybe 5-7yo) and I doubt I can just update to the latest and greatest either, so it'll probably cost me a small fortune to do so.

If ICE works for 'ya .. stick with it.
If you have issues with ICE, and can afford to remortgage your house to afford PTGui .. the control over where you want images to stitch up to(relative to each other) .. it's the 'ducks knees'

30-03-2018, 9:36am
Ta, AK. If there was ever a free (trial) version of PTGui I would have tried it.
Good old Hugin was always the best, but the present version - :eek::eek::eek:

MS Ice does not have as much in it as Hugin (and apparently PT...) but it is
pretty accurate in most cases (that I have found). I'll keep fighting with H to
see if I like it again:rolleyes:

Mary Anne
30-03-2018, 11:48am
I have hugin on my desktop computer though I’m lucky if I do one pano a year, probably have to update it :D
Though when I do a pano I use ICE, old habits die hard Am.
Years ago I downloaded the free trial for PTGui and never got to use it, though if you buy it it’s yours forever with no upgrades costs
Now days if I want a pano of sorts not shot from my iPhone I crop some off the top and bottom of a image.
Easy to see I am not into Land or Seascapes. Sorry no Help really.

30-03-2018, 12:07pm
Ta, M A. I might be able to help you. - DON'T upgrade Hugin:eek:

Mary Anne
30-03-2018, 1:44pm
Oh ok Am Thanks For That :nod:

30-03-2018, 7:12pm
Your story seems quite familiar Am. I installed Hugin once upon a time, but found that it put me to more trouble than I liked for results that were less perfect than I preferred. So I tried MS ICE and it did everything by magic and pretty well too.
unfortunately I replaced my PC with a Mac four years ago, and for some unaccountable reason Microsoft decline to make ICE available for the Mac. So now I have Hugin installed again but I’ve never used it. It must be well out of date.

02-04-2018, 7:26pm
Hugin was the first stitching program I used aeons ago, but I haven't touched it since I got Photoshop... sorry!

Mark L
02-04-2018, 9:04pm
Just get the exposure and composition of your photos right and use ICE. It works.:th3:

02-04-2018, 9:17pm
I know. Ta, ICE is nICE:D -- In a good way, of course:eek:
It's gotta be better than "I like Ike!":cool:

Mark L
02-04-2018, 9:34pm
^ you must try and resist posting sometimes AM.

02-04-2018, 9:41pm
But that would not improve my panos...?