View Full Version : Is this your new camera?

18-03-2018, 8:18pm
Two years old now, but if you haven't seen this yet, it might make your current rig look a bit ordinary.


18-03-2018, 9:11pm
Which one? I may not be able to afford all of them.

18-03-2018, 9:43pm
Mate, you're just not trying hard enough. According to my back-of-the-envelope calculations, you could go for the one in Chile simply by giving up take-away coffee for 32,247 years. Easy if you put your mind to it.

18-03-2018, 10:41pm
GEEK-WHIZ! Some impressificating stuff:nod:

19-03-2018, 8:31am
Thanks Tony - that was quite an astonishing collection of imaging devices, covering such a massively varied range and scale of subject matter.:):th3:



20-03-2018, 1:03am
While we are on the topic of extreme cameras, this one is interesting too. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0GZrrLW7lQE

20-03-2018, 1:58pm
The growth nd use of technology is remarkable and happening so much faster it seems. I want batteries to keep up with the increased power of the technology as it seems to be lagging behind at present.

20-03-2018, 11:14pm
(OK, I'm a mile off-topic now. But why not?)

You have to love the way these guys do PR. OK, this is romanticised and glossy and motivated by, among other things, the desire to sell very, very expensive cars; nevertheless it's beautifully done.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A0FZIwabctw (Watch this one first.)

But what other company would have the extraordinary guts it takes to do this? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bvim4rsNHkQ (Watch this one after the first one.)