View Full Version : OK, So How Do You Actually...

28-02-2018, 6:50pm
...Clear History when you CLOSE CHROME?

REAL solutions would be much appreciated, NOT the drivel you find on-line.

(I thought I had done this the other day, only to find tonight I still had that History.)

28-02-2018, 7:16pm

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You do it there or in chrome?

28-02-2018, 8:14pm
I follered the advice from pundits and did - tried to do - it in Chrome:rolleyes:

Ta lotly for this novel approach. I will give it a whirl.

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Er..., just one thing. Where did that dialog window come from?:scrtch:

28-02-2018, 8:23pm
I follered the advice from pundits and did - tried to do - it in Chrome:rolleyes:

Ta lotly for this novel approach. I will give it a whirl.

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Er..., just one thing. Where did that dialog window come from?:scrtch:
Find the 'internet options' in your 'control panel'.

I'm not saying that's going to work, I've never tried, but looks like a good place to start playing. Cheers.

28-02-2018, 8:34pm
I've found them, but I can't change them from "Internet Explorer" - which I don't even use.

My current workaround is to either "not use Chrome" (needs a lot of polishing up:rolleyes:),
or clear History manually.

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Wait! Found it (using Search), but it appears to be global, and I just want to do it for Chrome, because
I can set it easily in FFox.

28-02-2018, 10:59pm
Firefox rules!(mostly, but not 100% .. maybe 99% .. or something like that) .. I dunno .. just rambling .. or something

.. anyhow!


My current workaround is to either "not use Chrome" (needs a lot of polishing up:rolleyes:),
or clear History manually.


Clunky way to do it ... easier way to do it is:

Easy-ish method #2
Depending on number of users, default/guest, or just your own history in focus here:

But for your own user account in Windows, you can easily make a shortcut to a particular folder.
Folder is:
C:/Users/<your user name>/AppData/Local/Google/Chrome/cache.

ps. I have no idea how this works for default/guest type user situations, as I only have me on my PC .. but I'd reckon it'd be similarly foldered. look for cache folders in Google/Chrome Appdata directories.

In there is all your 'history' .. (and maybe more, but haven't delved that deeply into it).
Clear the contents of that folder, history is cleared.
Make a shortcut to that folder, open it, Ctrl-A to select all contents, Shift-Del to remove it with extreme predjudice! :th3:

That's a whole lotta less steps than delving into settings, and button pushing acrobatics.

Easier method #1
An even easier way to clear history is to set Chrome to always open in stealth mode .. or whatever it calls do not remember my steps operation.(actualy, just checked .. it's called 'incognito'
If you have a shortcut to Chrome(desktop or quick access bar) rightclick Chrome icon and select incognito mode when you open 'er up.
It doesn't remember any history nor nuffin else .. so the easier way to remove history is to not build up a history. :nod:

pps. I hate Chrome. I hate it on the phone, I detest it on the PC.
But to fully access my NAS's ability, the imbeciles at QNAP only made some tools work fully in Chrome! :confused013 (only the archangel of stupidity knows why they did that .. but the rest of the NAS works pretty much as perfectly as I wanted it too).

So thems' the breaks! .. I gotta force myself to use Chrome on the PC sometimes.

28-02-2018, 11:51pm
It's a two-step process:

1: Uninstall Chrome.
2: install a proper browser that doesn't spy on you: Vivaldi, Opera, Firefox, Seamonkey, PaleMoon - it's not as if there aren't plenty to choose from.

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Find the 'internet options' in your 'control panel'.

I'm not saying that's going to work, I've never tried, but looks like a good place to start playing. Cheers.

That is a deliberate trick played on you by Microsoft. It dates from the time when they were still trying to pretend that Internet Explorer was the Internet. No, I'm not joking or being cynical, that really is why "Internet Options" in the Control Panel is nothing of the kind, it's just a sort of half-broken shortcut to Internet explorer. Why did they do it that insane way? It was originally part of their attempt to escape prosecution for illegal monopoly practices by pretending that Internet Explorer was "an integral part of Windows", which (then and now) was a transparently obvious lie. That would have been be around about 1996, give or take. Sadly, their less-than-truthful habits have not changed.

01-03-2018, 8:01am
Ta, guys... AK and Tannin. I agree 100%. I only used it (a little bit recently) for some media
casting -- itself a questionable quause:rolleyes: I use FFox MOTT, and when it's slack it desn't
mind being called Firedog! I will continue to manually clear Chrome History when the mania takes
me, and completely ignore it MOTT.

01-03-2018, 9:23am
Could you just use an incognito mode in Chrome?
From my understanding, that does not save history, or cookies etc.

01-03-2018, 9:28am
Yep, that's right, Mark. The point seems to be that you can't set it in any
"normal" way.

John King
01-03-2018, 12:42pm
In descending order, my least favourite hardware/software suppliers are:

Apple (for grossly unethical, if not outright criminal, manufacturing practices; slow, expensive products that are all proprietary as hell in some way; cheap components; etc, etc, etc)

Google (for both Android and Chrome, as well as stupid phones without external storage - no microSD card)

Adobe (for being grasping and rapacious in their support of their products - or lack thereof! And for general incompetence in programming)

Microsoft (bloatware; lousy programming practices; pricing and licensing practices; did I mention bloatware?)

I'm sure that others can add to this list ...

I use Firefox on everything.

01-03-2018, 12:58pm
Ta, JK. I guess the Ole Fox is not such a dog by reputation after all:D

01-03-2018, 2:48pm
download CCleaner..... press clean.... easy

01-03-2018, 3:56pm
Did it recently, but fanks!

01-03-2018, 5:21pm
In descending order, my least favourite hardware/software suppliers are:

Apple (for grossly unethical, if not outright criminal, manufacturing practices; slow, expensive products that are all proprietary as hell in some way; cheap components; etc, etc, etc)

Google (for both Android and Chrome, as well as stupid phones without external storage - no microSD card)

Adobe (for being grasping and rapacious in their support of their products - or lack thereof! And for general incompetence in programming)

Microsoft (bloatware; lousy programming practices; pricing and licensing practices; did I mention bloatware?)

I'm sure that others can add to this list ...

Not sure that we could, John. You have nailed the worst of them first go.

Firefox is on its last legs now. It's still been good to use thanks to Firefox ESR, which remains compatible with the essential Classic Theme Restorer (which fixes their idiotic fixation of turning a once-excellent browser into a pointless clone of Chrome) but that will run out of support very soon, at which time it's goodbye Firefox.

As for a list of the very, very best, I came up with:

1: Borland

... and couldn't think of a #2.

John King
01-03-2018, 5:27pm
Firefox is only almost dead on Vista/XP and prior. Works very well on Windows 7 Pro 64 bit. Even if it only has 8 GB to play in.

02-03-2018, 4:43am
.... I use FFox MOTT, and when it's slack it desn't
mind being called Firedog! I will continue to manually clear Chrome History when the mania takes
me, and completely ignore it MOTT.

I've had some occasions where Firedog would take up to 30sec between each key press to register that key press! :confused013
Not on all pages/sites tho, so it may have been an issue with the way some pages have been coded too.
Tried in Chrome and Edge and while still slow on that same site/page ... at least they were a bit more responsive.

So I went looking at reasons why, checked extensions etc, etc.
Found that unchecking GPU acceleration feature helped a bit .. lot!
Go to Options scroll down to Performance.
I've unchecked the use recommended performance mark, set process limit to 1(but may vary that a little as I try different settings), and unticked hardware acceleration(the GPU assistance thing).

AP has mostly been fine when I visit and type replies, but the other site I regularly visit is where I get the 30sec delay with each keyboard stroke! .. at least that's now a thing of the past.

OH! and if you want to check how Firefox is running with some of those settings fiddled with .. before you fiddle, check task manager in the processes tab to see how many threads Firefox uses.
Pretty sure you'll see it has 5 threads running with the 'use recommended settings' tick mark enabled, and process limit set to 4.
If you set set the performance level to it's minimum(eg 1 process limit) .. you may still see in Task Manager that firefox still uses 4 processes! :confused013
So setting performance restrictions manually(ie. forcing it to a limit) it may ignore that limit and do it's own thing anyhow! :rolleyes:

ps. those settigns are s'posed to improve multiple tabbed browsing performance.
Of recent times, I reckon I regularly have 10 tabs open in one go, and switching between them, eg. sometimes to compare prices/info/data/specs .. or whatever.
I've yet to notice any slow down using the minimum performance settings with (say) 10 or so tabs open in one go.

02-03-2018, 6:50am
TA, AK. At this time FFox is performing admirably. - Fleet of foot, you might say.
However, I will store these things away in the cargo hold for future rough sailing.

John King
02-03-2018, 9:52am
I have up to 12 FF windows open at any given time (usually about 8), with up to a dozen tabs in each window.

It runs like a cheetah, even on my XP Pro workstation (32 bit, 4 GB ram). Slows down a bit on that PC if I also run Bridge, Photoshop (Outlook is always open).

Geoff Port
02-03-2018, 4:08pm
I have been using FF for years with no hassles at all. Can have multiple windows with multiple tabs in each running with no problem. I have 9 extensions and only 3 plug-ins running. Auto updates runs and at present I’m on V 58.0.2 Therein lyes/lays (whatever) my only beef. They update all the time with no real improvement in many instances. Move buttons around, change the look of things when it was all good six versions prior.
I use an HP probook with win 7 pro.
Absolutely refuse to use chrome or Explorer.
I really hope you guys are wrong regarding FF reaching the end of its tether.

02-03-2018, 4:14pm
Of course we/they are.:nod::confused013:cool::p

Anyway, there's still no solution to the Chrome problem. Maybe there isn't one:confused013
If that's the case I'm OK, and will just delete any History manually.

John King
02-03-2018, 4:58pm
Am, if you burrow down in settings/advanced/clear browsing data/advanced (!!) Time range, you MIGHT be able to do what you want to do ...

A 'Clear Browsing Data on Exit' tick box would seem to be a simpler approach :nod: :rolleyes:.

03-03-2018, 7:38am
I did just that, JK, - to no av:(il.

Such a simple thing to implement, and I bet they even removed it on purp:rolleyes:se!

03-03-2018, 8:27am
I really hope you guys are wrong regarding FF reaching the end of its tether.

Sadly, we are not. Some years ago, a braindead nutcase faction took over the management of Firefox development. Firefox was no longer the most popular browser in the world at this time - Google had been shoving Chrome down people's throats with unlimited marketing funds and malware-inspired download scams such as, for example, bribing Adobe to give users pre-ticked Chrome downloads when all they wanted was a routine Flash Player update. Despite its significantly more user-friendly design, Firefox was now playing second fiddle to the dumbed-down, technically inferior Chrome, but it was a close second and a strong product.

So what did the meatheads at Firefox Central do? They started a deliberate campaign to dumb down Firefox and make it look and work like Chrome. They made many unwanted changes, including a moronic new user interface called "Australis". Users didn't like it, and power users hated it like poison. So what happened? Firefox uses all over the world said "If all Firefox is giving me now is a second-rate copy of Chrome, I'll just use real Chrome and be done with it." It gets worse: the morons have now permanently broken the one single main reason loyal Firefox users stick with the product: add-ins. As a result of all these idiotic management decisions, Firefox market share has rotted like a bad tooth. One third of all the web-active computers in the world used to run Firefox. Now it's 6.5% and still sinking fast.

Those Australis-loving, Firefox wrecking morons need to have their unmentionables taken to with a rusty knife. (Assuming they have any, which I doubt.) It was a great browser. Best in the world. And they killed it. 6% and still going down.

Firefox is dead.

03-03-2018, 8:31am
But it still has about:config, which Chrome does not (seem) to have the likes of.:confused013

Geoff Port
03-03-2018, 8:32am
Sadly, we are not. Some years ago, a braindead nutcase faction took over the management of Firefox development. Firefox was no longer the most popular browser in the world at this time - Google had been shoving Chrome down people's throats with unlimited marketing funds and malware-inspired download scams such as, for example, bribing Adobe to give users pre-ticked Chrome downloads when all they wanted was a routine Flash Player update. Despite its significantly more user-friendly design, Firefox was now playing second fiddle to the dumbed-down, technically inferior Chrome, but it was a close second and a strong product.

So what did the meatheads at Firefox Central do? They started a deliberate campaign to dumb down Firefox and make it look and work like Chrome. They made many unwanted changes, including a moronic new user interface called "Australis". Users didn't like it, and power users hated it like poison. So what happened? Firefox uses all over the world said "If all Firefox is giving me now is a second-rate copy of Chrome, I'll just use real Chrome and be done with it." It gets worse: the morons have now permanently broken the one single main reason loyal Firefox users stick with the product: add-ins. As a result of all these idiotic management decisions, Firefox market share has rotted like a bad tooth. One third of all the web-active computers in the world used to run Firefox. Now it's 6.5% and still sinking fast.

Those Australis-loving, Firefox wrecking morons need to have their unmentionables taken to with a rusty knife. It was a great browser. Best in the world. And they killed it. 6% and still going down.

Firefox is dead.

Well thanks for that wonderful explanation Tannin.
Just made my day.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

03-03-2018, 8:35am
Not really: many of the most useful options don't work anymore. Try, for example, adjusting your tab close button position. That's been impossible without add-ins since the Australis disaster in 2015. And now they have broken the add-in system so you can't do it at all - except by ditching Firefox completely and using something superior, such as PaleMoon or SeaMonkey.

03-03-2018, 8:37am
I have Pale Moon. It's from (nearly) the same crowd. Might get into it more:umm:

03-03-2018, 8:37am
So, doesn't PornHub have an option that clears history on exit?...asking for a friend :grinning01: (lol...)

03-03-2018, 12:49pm
I don't know why, Gazza. -- Just always did it as a habit.:confused013
But in cases of computer being used by others it would be good to have.

I guess I just see it as a basic thing to be able to do:confused013

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--And clean out the temp files each time:nod:

24-05-2018, 3:06pm
So several months after the previous post in this thread... where does Firefox sit now? Has it been improved / gotten worse ?

Plenty of people are still telling me its better than Chrome, but I'm struggling to figure out how. (aside, of course, from ethically).

I've read the following but there is a lot of fence-sitting going on.


This one talks about FF Quantum (is that the same as Australis?) https://techhundred.com/2018/02/05/firefox-quantum-vs-chrome-vs-edge/

so does this and calls it a redesign and says its a very positive step (which sounds like spin to me) https://www.digitaltrends.com/computing/best-browser-internet-explorer-vs-chrome-vs-firefox-vs-safari-vs-edge/

This one lists many more Cons for FF than it does for Chrome and highlights that Mozilla have had their own 'ethics' issues too....

24-05-2018, 3:10pm
I use it all the time. Lost a few (for me) handy add-ons, but replaced some and... manage.
I like it much better than Chrome for its accessibility/ease of doing/finding/controlling things.
(But I'll probably have a good square and rant about it next "major update":p)

24-05-2018, 6:24pm
Firefox Australia was where they wrecked the user interface.

Firefox Quantum is where they broke all the add-ons - in particular, the one you use to fix the wrecked interface.

Firefox Next is the one where they make it spy on you the same way Chrome does. FF Next hasn't been announced yet, but any fool can see which way the wind is blowing.

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PS: any review that regards Edge as a browser good enough to compare to any of the real ones isn't worth reading.

24-05-2018, 6:31pm
Thanks for the forecast, Weatherman:eek::D

Colin B
26-05-2018, 5:47pm
I run Windows 7 and use cCrome as my default browser.

The easiest way to delete history (and leave no traces) is to use the settings to dump all history, cookies etc on exit.

Here is the litany:

Click the three dots in the top right hand corner which opens the toolbox, hover over "History" and click "settings" in the subsidiary menu which opens. Or you can go straight to "setting near the bottom.

Click the downward pointing arrow labelled "advanced" at the bottom of this page which opens the "privacy and security" menu.

Click on "Clear Browsing Data" to open another menu which enables you to have Chrome clean up all history, cookies and other junk on exit.

I have done this and find that if I close my browser then re-open it and check my history there is nothing there so I guess it must be a permanent setting. I also have CC Cleaner clean up my computer after I close my browsers , mainly to avoid accumulating a lot of useless electronic "fluff" on my machine.

If I want visit sites which are , shall we say, not safe for work I click the three dots and open an "incognito" window which, theoretically anyway, leaves no electronic breadcrumbs to show where I have been although I would bet there is some clever socks somewhere who could beat that.

For all my criminal activties I prefer to rely on face to face communication.:)

26-05-2018, 5:59pm
Strange! That's exactly what I did, but it did not play:confused013
I will go through it again soon and see if it's changed its mind.