View Full Version : 31st January: super blue blood moon eclipse

12-01-2018, 2:00pm
Here is one for the boffins.

On the 31st January we are going to have a "super blue blood moon eclipse".

What the hell, you ask?

On the 31st January we experience something we have not since March 1866.

It will be super because the moon will appear to be about 14% larger than usual. It will be a blue moon because it will be the second full moon in the same month. It will be a blood moon because the sun light that hits the moon will have passed through earth's atmosphere making the moon look red. And finally it will be a lunar eclipse where the earth's shadow will pass across the moon.

Unless it happens to be cloudy that night.

Mark L
12-01-2018, 8:39pm
And at what time of night night will this be happening? Approximately is good enough.:)

13-01-2018, 7:08am
Replace "Sydney" in the Search Box with your preferred location.




14-01-2018, 9:12pm
thanks Deninis

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks for the advanced advice Rick, I can build up some sleep reserves.

15-01-2018, 4:19pm
I’ll have to remember this is going on behind the thick cloud cover this night will no doubt offer. ;)

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23-01-2018, 6:18am
sometimes I wish I had a 600mm lens

30-01-2018, 2:25pm
Just a reminder:

Total Lunar Eclipse tomorrow night.


Mid-totality details:
Brisbane: around 11:30pm Wed 31st January 2018.
Sydney: around 00:30am Thu 1st Feb 2018.



Clear skies to everyone.:)



30-01-2018, 2:34pm
Ta, Dennis.

30-01-2018, 6:16pm
For a good :lol: scroll down to the heading "Eclipse Viewing Safety"
in this link. (http://spaceweather.com/) /:lol:

31-01-2018, 9:00am
Here is a test shot taken last night as a practice for tonight's event, although it looks like we'll be clouded out in Brisbane. Oh well, maybe I can catch up on some beauty sleep instead.:)

Taken through a Celestron C9.25 F10 telescope with a x0.63 Reducer to reduce the focal length from the native 2350mm/F10 to approx. 1500mm/F6.3 at ISO100, 1/320 sec, 5D Mk III, 21 frames stacked to improve image quality.

Clear skies!



31-01-2018, 11:22am
And here is the colour saturated version where I have pumped the saturation to show the distribution of metals (mainly iron & titanium) on the lunar disc.:)



31-01-2018, 11:26am
The first is more or less natural colour I guess. Stunning detail anyway.

31-01-2018, 12:57pm
I’ll have to remember this is going on behind the thick cloud cover this night will no doubt offer. ;)

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Well, in the most predictable occurrence of 2018 so far, today has been overcast equipped with showers, with zero percent chance of it clearing until tomorrow. :(

Great shot, Dennis.

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Bear Dale
31-01-2018, 8:37pm
Total bust here, absolute THICK cloud cover :(

31-01-2018, 8:55pm
Bust here too. Anyone get any vision of the moon at all tonight?

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Mary Anne
31-01-2018, 9:46pm
Been lightly raining here for a few hours and no Moon in sight.

31-01-2018, 10:35pm
Bust here too. Anyone get any vision of the moon at all tonight?


Yeah, good conditions here tonight.

I'm in the proces of capturing images as we speak. Still a while to go before eclipse has peaked .. will post some semi eclipse images in a moment or two.

01-02-2018, 12:01am
Absolutely nothing at all to see all night from the NSW Central Coast. My mum, in Port Macquarie was talking about glimpses here and there between cloud cover. Down here, not even a peek. Just thick cloud all night. :(

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01-02-2018, 6:39am
Clouds cleared up for us in Melbourne. This was my shot with a monopod at 1/4s. Was too lazy to get out the tripod


01-02-2018, 9:04am
Clouds cleared up for us in Melbourne. This was my shot with a monopod at 1/4s. Was too lazy to get out the tripod


Great shot mate.

01-02-2018, 9:07am
Thanks. Much appreciated.

Mary Anne
01-02-2018, 2:46pm
Clouds cleared up for us in Melbourne. This was my shot with a monopod at 1/4s. Was too lazy to get out the tripod

Well Done I like the colour and detail, as I did not get to see the Moon it's good to see it on here. And Thanks for Sharing :th3:

05-02-2018, 5:37pm
NASA was live streaming the event btw - so there will be decent vids up soon

Mark L
05-02-2018, 9:42pm
This was my shot with a monopod at 1/4s. Was too lazy to get out the tripod

I can relate to lazy. ;)
Maybe clone out the white spots that I presume are stars?

Craig Zilko
16-02-2018, 10:19pm
Was standing in the southern Gobi Desert, Mongolia and watched this, not a decent camera in sight but a sight to behold .... hence my lack of participation here is due to geographical isolation :)