View Full Version : 01000001011101010111011 help!

09-12-2017, 11:25pm
I tried to convert the binary in the site header/logo to ASCII but it seems to be incorrect. It starts off promising enough but then doesn't work

Given (I hope I've transcribed it correctly)
01000001011101010111011 0101000001101000011011110111010001101111011001110111001001100001011100000110100001111001

I get
Auv ÐÞèÞÎäÂàÐy

The first two characters "Au" give me hope that there is a secret message to be discovered but the rest is quite obviously gibberish. I will continue working on deciphering the mystery though.

09-12-2017, 11:39pm
01000001011101010111011 is not very useful for help. I doubt you'll get an answer. My suggestion is that you try 000: they usually pick up by the third ring.

09-12-2017, 11:57pm
I tried to convert the binary in the site header/logo to ASCII...

And why not?

10-12-2017, 12:25am
Speaking of 000, did I ever tell you about the time I visited my old mate Dave? Dave and Maureen are on a farm out Gunnedah way. I found the place easily enough but when I got to the gate there was a large, three-legged pig there. Now I'm a touch wary of pigs, they can be a bit scary sometimes, but this chap seemed friendly enough. And blow me down if he didn't flip up the catch on the gate with his snout and push it open for me with his shoulder. How cool was that? Anyway, as I drove on, the pig sat up on his hind legs, bowed, and waved me through with his one front leg. I motored on slowly, watching in the mirror as he closed the gate behind me, and then put on a bit of a sprint to catch me up and lead the way to Charlie's homestead.

I hadn't seen Dave for years but he hadn't changed much - still the same laconic old coot he'd been for the last 30 years. He'd looked about 60 when I met him, and looked about 60 now. We said g'day and he introduced me to Maureen and a couple of random kids.

"So listen Dave", I said, "what's the story with that pig of yours? He's pretty smart."

"Oh, you don't know the half of it", Dave drawled, "Charlie is the best pig I ever saw. Hell, when young Jennifer here was little, Maureen and me had to go into town for a footy club do. We reckoned she's be allright on her own for an hour or two, which we probly shouldna, but you live and learn. Anyway, she fell in the fire dam and she woulda drowned if it wasn't for Charlie. Bloody good pig. He jumped into the water and towed her out, an' he brought her round with a bit of mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, and then he dialed 000. Damn smart pig. Ambulance came and she was right as rain. Look at her now, near as tall as I am. Good thing the local copper is a mate of mine though, I might have been done for child neglect or something. Anyroad, it all worked out allright in the end, so that's the main thing."

"Dave, that's the most amazing thing I've seen in quite a while. But he didn't really dial 000 did he?"

"Course he did. Here, watch this - Charlie? Beer!"

Charlie cantered smartly up the verandah steps, flipped the fridge open with his trotter, came back with a stubbie of Tooheys for Dave. Back up the steps he went, and then stopped, looking at me.

"Well, tell him what you want mate", said Dave, "Tooheys or VB?"

"Got any XXXX?"

"No worries."

Sure enough, Charlie trotted back with a stubbie of XXXX for me. I'd worked up a bit of a thirst and took a long pull on it. "So tell me Dave", I said, how come he's only got three legs?"

"Mate", he said, "when you got an animal as good as that one ... well ... you don't want to eat him all at once."

10-12-2017, 6:28am
Someone's having a lend of 'ya!
I 'spose it should be something like:

01000001 01110101 01110011 00100000 01010000 01101000 01101111 01110100 01101111 01100111 01110010 01100001 01110000 01101000 01111001

compared to what you've worked out.

01000001 01110101 01110110 10100000 11010000 11011110 11101000 11011110 11001110 11100100 11000010 11100000 11010000 1111001

I guess someone made a bit of a whoopsie with the graphics

10-12-2017, 7:44am
Way way back, we ran a competition for members to create the site banner. I am not sure if the actual threads related to it, still exist. I will do some delving into the site and see if I cannot find out more about our banner for you.

10-12-2017, 7:58am
The competition ran in August 2009. Members were given a brief and then had to design a new logo for the site. The winning banner (and still our current banner) was created by Wanderer (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?4427-Wanderer).

The actual threads where the competition was run etc no longer exist, sadly. When we moved servers many years back, we cleaned up the databases and in the process of doing so, we inadvertently deleted a heap of old threads that had not be viewed for quite some time.

10-12-2017, 11:21am
Thanks everyone for the informative replies and clues.

I wonder if Wanderer left something out of the code when he designed the logo. Hmm.

Tannin, are you saying the pig knows the answer?

Mark L
11-12-2017, 7:55pm
Tannin, are you saying the pig knows the answer?

It would have known the answer but I reckon the pig no longer exists Craig.

12-12-2017, 9:50pm
It would have known the answer but I reckon the pig no longer exists Craig.

I like ham and bacon as well