View Full Version : RH Pinky Extender...

09-12-2017, 3:20pm
Does anybody know where I can get one of these? I am trying to avoid the problem of
always hitting the wrong key, and hitting ; instead of '.
As a result I;'m always having to edit out typos :hb: See picture below...

Hitting the wrong key - ; instead of ' :rolleyes:

Mary Anne
09-12-2017, 4:41pm
Never heard of one Am. Good luck with that :nod:
I am sure everyone makes typing mistakes I know I do and it does not bother me at all fixing them up.
Perhaps Females have a tad more patience than Males :D

09-12-2017, 5:14pm
Ah, that must be it, M A.

I will issue 1000 apologies which people can use whenever they see an
inadvertent ; instead of ' :o and they
can also use the following guide:

Do read don't when I type don;t, etc...

09-12-2017, 9:26pm
Maybe its not the pinky extender you need but a better teacher

Back in pre-history when I started Uni (1971) there was suddenly a need for typed assignments, even for Engineering students.

I hinted to my father that he might get his secretary to type the for me.

Dad's response was to buy me a small portable (manual) typewriter and then teach me to do it myself. I always had trouble with the keys on the periphery, reaching out sideways to get the a's and p's, but q's were worst.

A number of years later and PC's became common which helped a bit, and one day I got a new keyboard that had little dots on the f and j keys. When I asked what they were for it was pointed out that they were where your index fingers were when you place your hands on the keyboard. Hmmmmm.... Dad had taught me with them on the g & H keys, which explained a lot. Too late to change then, but at least no real pressure needed on a computer keyboard.

10-12-2017, 7:22am
Yep right hand pinky should be resting on the ; key.

10-12-2017, 9:03am
I learned to touch type in the 70's (complete with a piece of paper stuck to the typewriter to cover your hands, so you couldn't see the keys) :)
I was taught your index fingers should always rest on the F & J :) (feel for the little bump on the keys) this is your centering point

rest your fingers from left to right, on the middle row with left little finger on the 'a' and your right little finger on the ';' ...... no extender needed :)
with a bit of practice, you will start doing it without thinking :nod: (and looking)

10-12-2017, 9:39am
Mate, your problem is language. If you keep on insulting your little finger by calling it a "pinky" it will think it is American and, as you know, Americans are linguistically retarded. Call your little finger by its proper name and it will happily respond to your increased respect by typing properly.

10-12-2017, 9:55am
Mate, your problem is language. If you keep on insulting your little finger by calling it a "pinky" it will think it is American and, as you know, Americans are linguistically retarded. Call your little finger by its proper name and it will happily respond to your increased respect by typing properly.

Hmm! It's all Dutch to me. (https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pinky) (See 2nd definition.)
Now it's odd that it relates to only one little finger/toe. If to two, then a good
example of double-Dutch:confused013