View Full Version : This weekend I will shoot a sunset. Hilarity ensues. [Rant]

Hired Goon
04-12-2017, 1:05am
Warning: a rant.

I decided that this weekend I would try for a nice cloud+reflection sunset shot from Lake Samsonvale, which is about 30 minutes from my house. Haven't done this in a while, and family duties have been conspiring against me trying to get out for a sunset for many weeks. So I tell myself that this weekend I would head out 2 of 3 nights of the weekend. I like my odds so far.

Friday: leave work early, get home, grab my gear, get to Lake Samsonvale about 30 minutes before sunset. The clouds look great, there's no wind, the reflections are happening ... looking like a great sunset! Open my bag ... no camera. It's still at home charging! Grrr. Drive home without taking a single shot, looking wistfully at the colours in the sky.

Saturday: nice cloud formations all day. Get to the lake 30 minutes before sunset (remembering my camera this time). The clouds then decide to close in for a dull grey sky, and there's lots of reflection-killing wind. Not looking good. Hang around just in case the clouds miraculously let the sun peek through ... nope. A bust.

Sunday: threatening rain and storms all day. Pick up the kiddies from a party at 5:00pm, lots of dark skies and thunder rumbling overhead. Not good. I've been ordered to cook dinner for the family to make up for not being there the previous two nights. Right on sunset the clouds open a crack and the Brisbane skies are bathed in an eerie orange light, and clouds are on fire ... and I'm stuck in the kitchen. Ya gotta be kidding me.

Sometimes the Gods Of Photography smile upon you.

Sometimes they poke you in the eye.

- - - Updated - - -

Although I did take a couple of shots on the dull grey Saturday sunset, hoping that something might look interesting. Here's one from blue hour:


At least the foreground has some colour and focus, not so much elsewhere.

04-12-2017, 8:03am
:lol: - I think we can all relate to this. Although I don't think I've ever gone out for a shoot without my camera - I have however forgotten my remote and the plate from my tripod and have often been thankful for 2 cards as have forgotten to take one from the computer.

04-12-2017, 8:38am
At least you got the blues, HG:D

Anti-rant: except it's IMO too bloo, there's no loss in this shot.

04-12-2017, 2:34pm
Haha, what a horrible story and one I can definitely relate too. I can taste your frustration on each night. Good times.

As for the shot, if you use PS I’d be curious to see how it would look with the warming filter applied to it once... maybe even twice in the grass. Great cloud formation, but I agree it’s a little too blue for me.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Hired Goon
04-12-2017, 8:28pm
Anti-rant: except it's IMO too bloo, there's no loss in this shot.

For some reason the white balance SOOC was this about this blue (compared to dull grey shots before and after) so I kept it that way. Kinda emphasizes blue hour to me and contrasts nicely with the green and yellow, IMHO.

And the tale of woe continues:

Monday: I knew as the storm was clearing this afternoon that tonight's sunset would be a cracker. Got home from work at 5:55pm and realized that I had just enough time to get to the lake for sunset. Then I remembered that I had to pick up the wee lad from sportsball at 6:30pm ... which is right on sunset. Grrr. But I took my camera with me anyway, just in case. The sky was amazing as I expected and I took a couple of cloud shots that maybe I can use for blending in other images. Something positive, however slight.

09-12-2017, 8:53pm
As with fishing, the best image is the one you didn't get to take......

Mark L
11-12-2017, 9:25pm
Forget them frustrating sunsets and start taking photos of birds.:)