View Full Version : Win 10 Pro 1703 update to 1709 Fall Edition...

05-11-2017, 8:02am
Hi Folks

I just downloaded and installed the latest Updates from MS and it took a loooong time and I have since discovered it was a large update to something called Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709).

Anyhow, all seemed to go well and after the update process had completed, everything seemed to work okay.

But, after powering off overnight and then re-starting the next morning, I found that all my Office 365 desktop apps would not launch, along with LightRoom CC Classic and DxO PhotoLab.:rolleyes:

So, I rolled back the update to my previous version (1703) and everything appeared wo work.

When I closed down again, it took a long time and I saw that the Windows 10 Fall Creators Update (1709) update had kicked off again...with the same results...so I did another roll back and once again everything appears okay...so far.

I managed to disable the 1709 Update so will hold off for a while before I try a hopefully fixed update.:rolleyes:

Has anyone else had any problems going from 1703 to 1709?



05-11-2017, 8:09am
--At least it's well-named:rolleyes:

05-11-2017, 9:29am
I should add that I performed all these tasks logged on as a local Admin on my Win 10 desktop PC. I do not log on with my (cloud based) Microsoft Account (the MS equivalent of Apple ID).

