View Full Version : DIY diffuser for macro

24-10-2017, 7:15am
Just got my Speedlite flash for my Canon 450D. I’m using it with the 75-300mm lens and a raynox snap-on macro convertor. I was wondering if anyone had some tips or patterns for making a diffuser to get diffuse flash light down near the end of the lens.

24-10-2017, 9:04pm
Something like this is.....

24-10-2017, 9:11pm
I have one of those. I’m going to make a big cardboard and alfoil assembly to stick on top of my camera like this https://petapixel.com/2013/04/22/how-to-make-a-cheap-diy-flash-diffuser-for-macro-photography/
just wondering if anyone has had experience with doing this.

24-10-2017, 10:33pm
I did this exercise years ago and used a 2 litre milk container as the starting point.

It is a good firm platform and you can easily cut it to shape and stick alfoil in where you want it.


And this is what I used it for


PS: I christened him Hanibal Kermit because he was always snacking on other frogs.

25-10-2017, 9:11am
I did this exercise years ago and used a 2 litre milk container as the starting point.

It is a good firm platform and you can easily cut it to shape and stick alfoil in where you want it.

And this is what I used it for

PS: I christened him Hanibal Kermit because he was always snacking on other frogs.
I like that, it seems to fit the flash nicely and to good effect, those shiny subjects are difficult not to blow out with a flash. "Hannibal Kermit" LOL:lol:

25-10-2017, 9:34pm
A long time ago some people used Chip Cylinders to get the light to the subject.

26-10-2017, 12:31am
A long time ago some people used Chip Cylinders to get the light to the subject.
Interesting. that seems pretty sturdy

16-11-2017, 11:52am
So are you going to share a pic of what you concocted? :eek:

17-11-2017, 7:25am
So are you going to share a pic of what you concocted? :eek:
Sorry of course. Cardboard with alfoil glued onto the inside. Some fibrous packaging for the main diffusion but I’ve added a double sheet of a more foamy packaging for a second layer of diffusion as the images were still getting blown out. Some rubber bands for stability.


17-11-2017, 9:11am
Oh lol. What a masterpiece. How easy is that to carry around on a nice peaceful bush walk? Love it.

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17-11-2017, 10:07am
It's a real pain in the arse and I'm going on a kayaking holiday all next week and I'm dreading the shape it will end up in after that. I think my next one will be the Pringles tin design

23-11-2017, 8:49am
Here is a pic of what I use.

Cheers Rev.133456

23-11-2017, 7:59pm
A mate of mine made up this simple one and works great - doesn't use it now but it's not bad

27-11-2017, 3:31pm
Holy cow REV! Are the side lights for autofocus?

28-11-2017, 6:09pm
Holy cow REV! Are the side lights for autofocus?
Yep. I do a lot of macro at night, when the little critters have roosted up for the night.;)
Cheers Rev.

05-12-2017, 2:15pm
This thread makes a whole lot more sense to me now. Thanks to all for the info and links within. I’m really going to try this pringles thing.

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