View Full Version : I need to log in regularly .....

15-10-2017, 7:52pm
I've been away. Away from the computer and away from the camera for longer than I prefer. When I tried to log in again, my month (?) had expired and I now need a key to open the door once again.


Knock knock ......

15-10-2017, 8:19pm
Welcome back. the inactive cycle is are reducing one, each time you go inactive, it triggers a smaller cycle next time you post. Eventually if you don't stay active, your access revokes every 24 hours. So joining in and participating is the only way to retain access to most of the site.

15-10-2017, 8:52pm
Welcome back Poppyrob.
Rick; just a question, does that "reducing" cycle "un-reduce" or "reset" if a user subsequently remains active for a specified/sufficient length of time?

15-10-2017, 9:22pm
Welcome back Poppyrob.
Rick; just a question, does that "reducing" cycle "un-reduce" or "reset" if a user subsequently remains active for a specified/sufficient length of time?

yes, after 6 months of regular activity. So if someone gets down to the 24 hour point. They have to post every day for 6 months. However if someone is at say 7 days, they only have to post once a week for 6 months. After the 6 month time-frame, the inactive cycle is reset to 90 days.

15-10-2017, 10:13pm
yes, after 6 months of regular activity. So if someone gets down to the 24 hour point. They have to post every day for 6 months. However if someone is at say 7 days, they only have to post once a week for 6 months. After the 6 month time-frame, the inactive cycle is reset to 90 days.


15-10-2017, 10:30pm
That is absolutely ridiculous

- - - Updated - - -

I can save my passwords on my computer for fred miranda photo.net luminous landscape etc not even visit the sites for months and not have to re log in

Mary Anne
15-10-2017, 10:57pm
That is absolutely ridiculous

- - - Updated - - -

I can save my passwords on my computer for fred miranda photo.net luminous landscape etc not even visit the sites for months and not have to re log in

Well this isn't those sites, this is AP and that's the way it goes :D

Mary Anne
16-10-2017, 12:29am
Hello Poppyrob and Welcome back, hope to see you posting on the Forums again soon :nod:

16-10-2017, 6:49am
That is absolutely ridiculous

- - - Updated - - -

I can save my passwords on my computer for fred miranda photo.net luminous landscape etc not even visit the sites for months and not have to re log in

If you don't like it, send me a PM to close your account. Easy!

16-10-2017, 12:21pm
Hey guys, just to clarify, I have no issue with the Aus Photography system as it stands. We all live in a busy world, and sometimes we get sidetracked with other issues and sometimes we just forget. As I get older, it's the forgetting stuff I'm not particularly fond of ... :o Besides, when I 'fall off the edge', it's very easy to climb back aboard.

This time I'll TRY to maintain a little more active roll. Now, where did I put that camera ... ?

16-10-2017, 12:30pm
Hey guys, just to clarify, I have no issue with the Aus Photography system as it stands. We all live in a busy world, and sometimes we get sidetracked with other issues and sometimes we just forget. As I get older, it's the forgetting stuff I'm not particularly fond of ... :o Besides, when I 'fall off the edge', it's very easy to climb back aboard.

This time I'll TRY to maintain a little more active roll. Now, where did I put that camera ... ?

All good, just wanted to explain how the system works, so you understood what happens. For info, you are presently at a 15 day inactive cycle, so you just need to join in about once a fortnight to maintain your access. If you go inactive again, it then drops to 7 days.

Mark L
16-10-2017, 9:16pm
Poppyrob, it's easy to stay active. Just get involved somewhere every couple of days in the Members challenge forum. .... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?58-MEMBER-CHALLENGES
Posting in Caption This keeps you active, just be sure to have a photo ready to post if you win Caption This.:)

That is absolutely ridiculous

How so? Poppyrob has made 28 posts in nearly 8 years (that's not real active) and still only needs to post every 15 days for the cycle not to reduce.
This seems to be primarily a CC forum and that requires encouraging activity. Fred Miranda doesn't need to encourage activity. I'm currently watching 3 Australian photo forums die through lack of activity.:( Maybe AP is doing something right then.