View Full Version : Ideas for Photography Series

11-10-2017, 6:51pm
Anyone have any concepts or ideas or themes for a photography series?

For example I have a friend taking photos of people's hands doing things they love (like fixing a car, cooking, etc.) as a portrait through hands.

I need an idea too, any suggestions are welcome as long as they are feasible, though I'd prefer not to use people since it can be a little tricky to match schedules and I'm in uni so I dont have much time and I've got a deadline.

Thanks so much!

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11-10-2017, 6:58pm
Are you asking this as part of a photography course?

11-10-2017, 6:59pm

Book-at-a-Bar (My favourite :D)
.....you get the idea, maybe?

I'm sure there'll be plenty more suggestions...

Cheers - :beer_mug:

11-10-2017, 7:02pm
Are you asking this as part of a photography course?Not a course exactly. It's just a unit I have to take. I'm actually studying film and games.

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11-10-2017, 7:07pm
Ahh. its just that we see this often. People joining up and asking us for help with their course unit. So your question is often repeated.

Here is my idea. Go into your bathroom, and your entire series as to be about what you can photograph in your bathroom. You cannot photograph the same thing, in the same way, twice. Now here is the clinch. I want to you take 200 photographs.. now I bet as you start looking around for different angles etc, you start to get some really interesting shots.

11-10-2017, 7:11pm
Ahh. its just that we see this often. People joining up and asking us for help with their course unit. So your question is often repeated.

Here is my idea. Go into your bathroom, and your entire series as to be about what you can photograph in your bathroom. You cannot photograph the same thing, in the same way, twice. Now here is the clinch. I want to you take 200 photographs.. now I bet as you start looking around for different angles etc, you start to get some really interesting shots.[emoji23][emoji23] nice but my tutor is unfortunately not into things like that. He'll think I forgot about the assignment and did it at home. It happened with another assignment we had. I originally wanted to do nature taking over man-made structures but can't seem to find anywhere to photograph.

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11-10-2017, 7:14pm
[emoji23][emoji23] nice but my tutor is unfortunately not into things like that. He'll think I forgot about the assignment and did it at home. It happened with another assignment we had. I originally wanted to do nature taking over man-made structures but can't seem to find anywhere to photograph.

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Well your tutor sucks. If his personal views restrict what he thinks of his students photography ART results, he should not be a tutor. His insular view is undermining the students creativity.

Next idea. Lines. Road markings, rail lines, lines of table.., people standing in a line, symmetry .. especially in black and white, can be very powerful images.

PS. hope once we have helped you with this, you give back to other members by helping them, a critique or two etc.

11-10-2017, 7:17pm
Well your tutor sucks. If his personal views restrict what he thinks of his students photography ART results, he should not be a tutor.

Next thin. Lines. Road markings, rail lines, lines of table..symmetry .. especially in black and white, can be very powerful images.

PS. hope once we have helped you with this, you give back to other members by helping them, a critique or two etc.Yeah it's actually really annoying of him. Our most recent assignment was one where we photographed a person and each image had to communicate an aspect of their personality and he had a go at me for not making them obvious enough. It's annoying that he won't give the audience credit. I'm sure if it was in a gallery and people were told the prompt, they'd understand the aspects I was trying to communicate.

He gave us a chance to change our photos or retake them after feedback but I just submitted my original pictures because I think it's ridiculous that his opinion sways my marks.

And of course! I look forward to it. Maybe I'll post some of my own if my model consents :)

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