View Full Version : Worst own goal of all time

23-09-2017, 5:16pm
A primary school in South Australia runs a day for charity each year. Students wear a dress to school and ask people to sponsor them with a gold coin. The money goes to provide desperately needed, life-changing education for girls in Africa.

Enter everybody's second-least-favourite nut case politician with an ill-considered tweet: "One school in SA now has 'wear a dress day'. This gender morphing is really getting absurd."

Discovering himself in a deep hole, he started digging even harder: children have been politicised and indoctrinated he claimed, encouraging boys or allowing male teachers to wear dresses on the last day of term for charity is inappropriate.

The school expected to raise $900 from wear a dress day, maybe a bit more with any luck.

Thanks to Bernardi's truly spectacular own goal, people all over Australia have got behind the charity and the school has done a little bit better than expected. Well, quite a lot better than expected. As of ten minutes ago when I made my own donation, they were up to $250,810. Yes, that's more than a quarter of a million dollars in three days.

Awesome effort Australia! Well done all!


Steve Axford
23-09-2017, 5:54pm
Classic! :)

23-09-2017, 9:31pm
Yeah, I went to donate about 3.30 Thursday and their system had frozen with the traffic, couldn't get on until about 7.00pm that night.

Now who else is deserving enough that we should get him to bad mouth them

Seems the fundraiser has been around for years and the CEO of the Education Dept SA has dressed up for previous campaigns (and supplied the photos)

24-09-2017, 5:31am
I donated too. I wonder if Mr Bernardi realised this is more about a dislike for him than anything else. A protest donation if you will.

Sadly, I suspect his spin-doctors will have him come out in the near future (see what I did there) and announce that it was all said on purpose to get publicity for the charity and look how successful he made the charity. How great he is and how he loves helping out charitable causes..blah blah blah.

24-09-2017, 9:03am
maybe retard did it on purpose to stimulate the positive response it generated:lol: NOT

24-09-2017, 10:41am
This story and the one today about the community reaction in Cobargo both made me smile and show that despite the best efforts of politicians and the Murdoch press Australia is still full of lovely, generous people. :)

Mark L
24-09-2017, 7:37pm
I wonder if Mr Bernardi realised this is more about a dislike for him than anything else.

And if he does he'll need to "harden up petal."

26-09-2017, 10:15am
I'm not sure if anyone else saw the Adelaide Advertiser article about this that included a photo of Bernardi and his wife at the top of stairs in their (clearly substantial) house.

Adjacent to them were 2 pieces of art. One the left a 1m high wooden cross. On the right a very large painting of Dame Edna

26-09-2017, 10:22am
I'm not sure if anyone else saw the Adelaide Advertiser article about this that included a photo of Bernardi and his wife at the top of stairs in their (clearly substantial) house.

Adjacent to them were 2 pieces of art. One the left a 1m high wooden cross. On the right a very large painting of Dame Edna

Hmm! I wonder what they did to get DAME EDNA CROSS!!!:confused013 (Naughty possums!)

03-10-2017, 1:28pm
Everytime I hear or see politicians with foot in mouth disease it reminds me of the old saying “How do you know when a politician is lying?”
You see their lips moving.