View Full Version : Home contents insurance (covering camera equipment) Options

15-09-2017, 7:50am
Home contents insurance (covering camera equipment)

I know I will need quotes for details but any general information?


Perhaps a top 3 list of companies that I should get quotes from?

* I live in Perth
* Have about $5,000 worth of portable camera equipment (inc laptop) that I would want covered (perhaps max 10k someday.)

Best value to get camera equipment covered as part of him (when taken away)? Or specific?

I usually have extensive travel insurance, so it should be fine traveling *not that I have traveled much recently...

Thank you

15-09-2017, 8:11am
Most will do it and prices will vary from other people's experiences due to your specific circumstances. My advice, check its new for old not replacement/market value, check the single item limit, check that all your gear is not counted as one item (as travel insurance often does), ask for details on what they require as evidence in the event of a claim and get that sorted and read the PDS, don't assume anything, confirm it is written in the PDS and ring them up to confirm if you're not sure. Have fun and remember, insurance companies are on a par with banks when it comes to being complete scum committed to screwing the unwary customer as hard and long as they can.

Edit - double check that extensive travel insurance and make sure it covers what you think it does.

15-09-2017, 8:22am
If you use the camera to generate income ("for hire or reward") you need a camera-specific policy, and it costs a fortune. For $10,000 cover, you might pay something not far off $1000 a year. (I used to pay more than that amount for about $20,000-odd of cover; then they put the price up to over $2000 and I told them where to stick it. There used to be (probably still are) two companies that offer it, Chubb (through an Australian agency the name of which I forget) and another one I can't remember which is part of the Wesfarmers empire (which also includes Coles, Bunnings, coal mines, all sorts of things). I had a policy with the former for some years, then the latter. (I'll have that info on file if you need it for some reason.)

So long as you aren't making any money from photography, it is vastly cheaper to have an "all risks" home insurance policy. You pay $100 or $200 extra on top of a standard policy and it covers your cameras anywhere, i.e., even when you are not at home. Allianz has been good for me; doubtless there are others.

I reckon your best bet is to contact an insurance broker. Brokers get paid through kickbacks from the insurance companies (like travel agents and airlines), so you don't pay for their advice and knowledge directly. This is good (because you don't have to pay anything up front) and bad (because the temptation for them is to sell you whatever policy gives the best kickback rather than whatever policy is best for your needs). So it is best to choose a broker you like and trust. Basically, unless you know someone who can recommend a broker, you just have to go and see a few and make a judgement call. (Same as choosing a doctor or a plumber really.)

A good broker will be able to find the policy and the company that works best for you.

Here is hoping that your insurance is a complete waste of money because you never have to make a claim. :)

16-09-2017, 10:59am
I have a fair bit of photography gear, so I had to think hard about insurance. My main concern was my house is broken into when I am not home and they find my camera gear. My second concern was camera gear in my car when I was going out to a place to photograph. Lastly the risk of losing my gear or damaging my gear when traveling.

After getting quotes from my insurance company I decided to buy a safe (in fact two safes). I have had one safe for over 8 years now, and recently added a second safe to keep my bodies and lenses in when I am not home. For the second scenario, I never leave my gear in my car unattended. If I go out somewhere to take photographs I only take what I need and always take the gear from my car when I leave my car. For the third risk I get general insurance when i travel. If i know I am taking more equipment than a general policy covers then I add the extra and pay the extra premium. This saved me this time last year when I did damage a body whilst traveling.

A safe can cost around $300 second hand from Ebay and save you hundreds in insurance premiums over the years. The best form of insurance is prevention.

Last but not least I would suggest you record the serial numbers on the lenses and bodies, date of purchase and purchase price (even if bought second hand). I would also suggest you scan the original purchase receipt (and keep on file) and photograph the cover of any manual that come with the equipment. In this case if you are ever unlucky enough to have to make a claim you have all the information you will require. I write from experience on this subject.

Mary Anne
16-09-2017, 12:36pm
Always a good idea to do a Search.. The Search Bar is up the Top of Page right side, more to read > http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/search.php?searchid=737063

17-09-2017, 9:24am
Always a good idea to do a Search.. The Search Bar is up the Top of Page right side, more to read > http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/search.php?searchid=737063


hmmm, what is this magic you speak of.

Yes I did, but saw the need to post. If you are trying to be helpful, then perhaps links to relevant threads would be useful.

Thanks to the others who actually contributed with positive posts in this thread.

Mary Anne
17-09-2017, 11:38am

hmmm, what is this magic you speak of.

Yes I did, but saw the need to post. If you are trying to be helpful, then perhaps links to relevant threads would be useful.

Thanks to the others who actually contributed with positive posts in this thread.

That link was working yesterday when I posted it as I read a couple of them there were 12 Threads on that link

So you read those Threads about camera Insurance and still felt the need to start another thread ? So much info there.
In case you didn't read them all you can type into that search bar *Insuring your Camera* I won't put that link on again seeing there is something wrong with it.

Oh and BTW Welcome to AP.

17-09-2017, 12:11pm
That link was working yesterday when I posted it as I read a couple of them there were 12 Threads on that link

So you read those Threads about camera Insurance and still felt the need to start another thread ? So much info there.
In case you didn't read them all you can type into that search bar *Insuring your Camera* I won't put that link on again seeing there is something wrong with it.

Oh and BTW Welcome to AP.

When you do a search, the site creates a unique link for you. If you share that link, it will not work. The search result is only valid for you, at the time of searching.

So Yonder28 would need to search for himself to get results.

Mary Anne
18-09-2017, 7:44am
When you do a search, the site creates a unique link for you. If you share that link, it will not work. The search result is only valid for you, at the time of searching.

So Yonder28 would need to search for himself to get results.

Thanks for that Rick as I never knew that.

18-09-2017, 12:51pm
Thanks for that Rick as I never knew that.

It works the same as New Posts.. it is specific to each user.