View Full Version : Nikon D850 first photos and thoughts

Lance B
10-09-2017, 4:51pm
Picked my D850 up on Thursday and went to the zoo as it is usually an easy place to get decent subject matter for testing and checking out how it performs. However, as well as I thought I set the camera up by methodically going through the menu step by step, alongside the D810 menu and setting it up in a similar fashion, there is always something that is missed and it was that I forgot to decouple the AF from the shutter button after linking it to the rear AF-ON button. Hence I was getting a number of OOF shots that I initially thought was an AF fine tune issue but obviously found out (late in the day!) that it wasn't. Anyway, I did manage to get a few shots off that worked out.

What's the D850 like? If anyone is familiar with a D500, then it's bascially a D500 in an FX body with 3 fps less at full tilt. So, for me it was nothing really all that new as the D500 is an amazing DX camera, arguably the best ever DX camera there is, and thus I wasn't as excited as some about the D850 simply because I could see it was just a FF version of the D500. The D850 just takes what the D500 has and moves it to FF and as far as responsiveness is concerned it is pretty much identical. If you've ever gone from D810 after shooting the D500, you'll understand it is quite lethargic in comparison. The D850 is like a sports car in comparison to the D810. So, I am excited in a way because I have a "one body does it all" camera - wildlife/birds, sports, my 10 month old crawling grandson, landscapes and just about everything else. No need to swap cameras. Although, sometimes it is good to have two different cameras and I will probably keep the D500 and sell the D810. Make no bones about it, though, the D850 is one hell of a camera!

A couple of photos. I am not going to pretend these are great examples, but the first is a sample of ISO7200 with no post process noise reduction other than what is the default by Capture NX-D and the camera set to "Norm" high ISO noise reduction. Capture NX-D is quite foreign to me and I really don't know how to get the best from it and I am sure that a better post processing job can be achieved. My RAW converter of choice is Capture One Pro 10 and I can't wait for that to support the D850. Not only that, but I would be better able to make a comparison with the D810 files and the D500 files.

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/200s f/5.0 at 400.0mm iso7200


D850 + 70-200 f2.8E FL VR, 1/200s f/4.5 at 160.0mm iso640


D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/250s f/5.0 at 400.0mm iso3600/original.jpg

The last photo has had a little bit of Noise reduction through Noiseware.


- - - Updated - - -

Had a little bit more time to try the D850 yesterday with some wild birds. However, they weren't cooperating very well and only managed a few. Various ISO's from ISO110 to ISO9000

Best viewed at 100%

Noise reduction turned off in camera.

1) Eastern Yellow Robin:

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/640s f/4.0 at 400.0mm iso110


2) 100% crop of above photo


3) Grey Fantail. Didn't quite nail the focus, but still acceptable. No post process noise reduction used.

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR + 1.4x TCIII, 1/1600s f/5.6 at 560mm iso2500


4) Yellow Robin. Used Noiseware noise reduction in post process

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR, 1/200s f/5.6 at 560mm iso8000


5) Yellow Robin. No post process noise reduction

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR + 1.4x TCIII, 1/160s f/5.6 at 560mm iso3200


6) White-browed Scrub Wren. Used Noiseware noise reduction in post.

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR + 1.4x TCIII, 1/640s f/5.6 at 560mm iso9000


7) White-browed Scrub Wren. Used no noise reduction in post.

D850 + 400 f2.8E FL VR + 1.4x TCIII, 1/320s f/5.6 at 550.0mm iso5600


Ross the fiddler
10-09-2017, 8:51pm
Well, they look rather nice so I don't doubt you are pleased with this camera, along with its performance.

10-09-2017, 9:49pm
Now I want one.....

Should have opened this thread! [emoji23]

24-04-2018, 10:40pm
They look pretty good to me, I have the D750 and I have never really tried using such high ISO, but after looking at these I would be more than happy with the lack of noise that has been achieved with your D850.

26-04-2018, 7:18pm
How very impressive. As stated, you must be really happy with these results. I’d bet the skills of the guy pressing the shutter button was a big contributor to the quality on display too. ;)

The one I’m blow away by is the 100% crop of the eastern yellow robin chap. Incredible quality from what I can see.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

27-04-2018, 5:25am
It amazes me the ability of the newer cameras to handle such high ISO - that first with only in camera noise reduction and at ISO 7200 looks very clean. Some fabulous detail in these shots as well but I do agree with Geoff that the person pressing the shutter has a great deal to do with the quality of the images. Think I need to start putting some Lotto entries in :D

27-04-2018, 8:07am
Thanks for sharing, interesting comments about the 850 and the 500.

27-04-2018, 1:53pm
Impressive! What more needs to be said.

Neil Robert
27-09-2019, 8:34pm
I've just started using the D850. Image quality is incredible. Pity there's no built-in flash, but otherwise nothing to complain about.

27-09-2019, 11:19pm
They all look pretty good to me.