View Full Version : upcoming trip

25-08-2017, 8:23pm
I am soon to go on my first guided tour of china (Haven't done a guided one in 30years... always traveled independantly). I don't think that taking a full kit will be advisable as it will be hot, crowded and not much time in any one place. I was thinking of taking my K5 with either a 35mm prime (quality lens) or 17-70 (flexible but less quality) and the flash. I will also take a nikon P610 (f3.3-6.5 Mega zoom) which gives quite good pics. The question is, do i take the prime lens and go for the quality or take the 17-70 and go for the flexibility?

Help appreciated.

26-08-2017, 6:34am
What do you want to photograph?

What you should take depends on what you are going to take photos of. People, street scenes, landscapes.. where do your photographic interests lie? If you want to get a mix of say landscapes and portraits, then the 17-70 gives you some good wide angle ability and some great lengths for portraits and street.

Just the same as anywhere else, what lens you use should be determined by what your subject is.

26-08-2017, 10:31am
Very true Rick. I might actually take both lenses and leave the telephoto, as it is the real weight in the bag. The fixed nikon camera can do long shots quite well. I prefer closer shooting, but the great wall will demand some landscape i am sure