View Full Version : Camera Store & Nikon 85mm 1.8G

18-08-2017, 5:28pm
Ok so I'm shooting a conference in a fortnight and I'm thinking I need the 85mm. I don't have it and I think it would be a good addition especially for a low light environment.

I'm also new to Brisbane and have been out of the scene recently so looking for somewhere to purchase or am I still better buying online. Any recommendations would be greatly appreciated as well as thoughts on the 85mm. I really want the 1.4 but can't justify the cost.

18-08-2017, 5:52pm
Are you hankering for light, perhaps for the conference?
Have you looked at reviews and tests of these two lenses?

Your post reminded me of a like situation of mine a long time ago.
I was "after" a faster lens. I had an f/1.7 at the time. A friend let me
borrow his f/1.2 :D:nod::eek: Wow! I took some shots with it at f/1.2.
Got them developed, vomited at the results, and tried more at various
stops up to past f/2. That's when that particular lens started to get
close to the IQ of the f/1.7, which was good at all apertures. I gave back
the lens poste haste after that.

This is just to illustrate: check 'em out.

18-08-2017, 6:09pm
I have read some reviews and they are in general very good. I was going to hire it and have a test but they don't have it and only have the sigma equivalent. Plus for $100 for two days that's a fair chunk off buying a new one......

18-08-2017, 8:57pm