View Full Version : What do you think is 'Photographic Portraiture' ?

26-07-2017, 8:05pm
I brought this up in another thread, since closed, but I am still none the wiser as to just what constitutes 'Photographic Portraiture.'

The Olive Cotton Award for Photographic Portraiture .... http://www.smh.com.au/nsw/olive-cotton-award-photographic-portrait-prize-awarded-to-image-without-a-face-20170724-gxhr4y.html

If you look at the winning entry, you will possibly see the reason for my confusion. I googled 'Portrait' and 'Portraiture' to get a better understanding of what the competitions guidelines may have been.

Portraiture seems to involve the act of creating a portrait.

Merriam-Webster defines a Portrait thus:

Definition of portrait

1... picture; especially : a pictorial representation of a person usually showing the face

2... a sculptured figure : bust

3... a graphic portrayal in words

The other dictionaries all more or less follow the theme that a portrait is a recognisable interpretation of the subject.

The artist, Justine Varga, was quoted as saying ... "She was quite bemused that I asked her to inscribe on the negative and basically spit on it," she said. "You know, she's my grandmother. She's not really into that sort of thing."

Her winning entry, Maternal Line, may have 'artistic merit', but I fail to see how it can be considered a portrait, and one that can be identified as a representation of her grandmother, without an accompanying description. Surely Photographic Portraiture doesn't need an addendum to tell the viewer what they are looking at.

What do you think?

26-07-2017, 8:28pm
The phrase "a portrait is a recognisable interpretation of the subject" seems to sum it up pretty well.

It is unwise to insist that a portrait be recognisable in any particular way (e.g., in the same way that a passport photograph must be) and I can imagine a perfectly valid portrait that captures recognisable aspects of a person in a highly abstract way - but note that even here they key word "recognisable" remains.

For example, if you could photograph the way Person X laughs (not what they look like when laughing, what the laugh itself is like), then I'd regard that as a perfectly valid portrait, provided of course that the work is recognisable as a view of Person X. Far-fetched example? Of course. But consider what some of the greats in ages past have done with abstraction. Think of Monet's random-looking dots on canvas: his ostensible subject is often near-unrecognisable, and not even important, but his real subject - light itself - has never been shown so clearly and vividly.

26-07-2017, 8:30pm
Well, beyond being produced by some sort of photographic process, and having as its main point that it reveals something of the nature or character of the sitter, I don't really see why you need to worry too much about definitions.

26-07-2017, 8:49pm
Well, beyond being produced by some sort of photographic process, and having as its main point that it reveals something of the nature or character of the sitter, I don't really see why you need to worry too much about definitions.

I don't worry to much about definitions, but after viewing the winning entry I felt I needed to update my understanding of what constitutes a portrait.

Jim, if you viewed the portrait , could you please explain to me just what it revealed to you about the nature or character of the sitter.

26-07-2017, 8:55pm
I hadn't seen that particular work before, and having done so I confess to feeling a little lost. Mind you the resolution of that image is very low. If I saw a better reproduction no doubt all would become clear.

26-07-2017, 8:57pm
Well, according to the APS Rules, "A photograph is a visible image originating from the action of light or other forms of radiant energy upon a photographic medium or device." The definition of portrait is less clear as it doesn't separate portrait and people (which to me is a little too ambiguous). That definition says " People/Portrait (P) - A photograph of a person or persons that may range from a head study to fill body length. This section includes candid photographs and formal portraits." I would have thought that "portrait" could be a bit wider than that because I think you can create a portrait of someone in a less structured manner than suggested by the APS rule.

I guess each competition organiser can specify whatever definition they like, and I'm not sure what the parameters were for that "photograph" you mentioned, or whether that "image" actually complied. Judges have been known to accept images which are not really legitimate. :rolleyes:

26-07-2017, 9:26pm
My personal take:

1. Judges are a bunch of morons
2. It will have an impact on entrants who will be annoyed at how the judging was handled and won't bother to enter again
3. Judges are a bunch of morons (no matter what their interpretation of a portrait is)

26-07-2017, 10:48pm
If it was a people's choice award, l'm sure the outcome would have been different. But l don't mind creativity either, so another category needs to be in there somewhere, when the presentation is so obscure. Can't see how both can live in the one room, vying for the same prize?......
As is. this pic could take out any category:D

26-07-2017, 11:42pm
No, I couldn't by any stretch of imagination call the winning work a "portrait". Obviously my imagination must be extremely lacking:D

27-07-2017, 6:46am
I find it really hard to see that as a portrait, even as some sort of expressionistic aspect of the subject. Considering the photographer told her grandmother what to do on the photographic film, and the grandmother initially did not want to, the resultant 'portrait' does not give us any insight into the grandmother, her life, or her passions, in any way.

A photo of a flower then telling me it is a portrait of a life long enthusiastic gardener would at least give me something to think about and relate to the gardener.

I suppose though if I was running a competition and wanted some free advertising in the SMH, picking a winner like this one would certainly get me a lot more exposure than I could afford to pay in advertising. Ah the cynic in me comes forth.

27-07-2017, 8:49am
To me, outside the context of a wildlife competition, a portrait is a picture of a human, not another type of animal. Am I being too narrow in my definition?

27-07-2017, 9:08am
To me, outside the context of a wildlife competition, a portrait is a picture of a human, not another type of animal. Am I being too narrow in my definition?

No, because you said "to me".

To me, however, the idea of a "definition" as such, could be problematic.

In the case of the picture in question - Er did I say "picture? - my ultimate rationale

27-07-2017, 9:17am
" Portrait " - what portrait?

27-07-2017, 9:30am
If I saw a better reproduction no doubt all would become clear.

So if it was clearer then it would become clear? That's pretty clear. I'm glad we cleared that up! :D

27-07-2017, 12:03pm
No, because you said "to me".

To me, however, the idea of a "definition" as such, could be problematic.

In the case of the picture in question - Er did I say "picture? - my ultimate rationale

Good point re the "to me" part. [emoji3]
I think I'll just look at the entries in the upcoming portrait comp over in Fremantle and see if, to others, the portrait definition includes non human images.

27-07-2017, 4:18pm
I'm thinking; solid proof that global warming is having an adverse effect! Almost certain to be a result of heat stroke affected judges! :p
What infernal brain fading conditions were they forced to operate within, is my initial thought here ...

Anyhow .. confirmation that the world is getting madder every day.

I reckon Rick got it in one ...

.... I suppose though if I was running a competition and wanted some free advertising in the SMH, picking a winner like this one would certainly get me a lot more exposure than I could afford to pay in advertising. Ah the cynic in me comes forth.

27-07-2017, 4:41pm
Good point re the "to me" part. [emoji3]
I think I'll just look at the entries in the upcoming portrait comp over in Fremantle and see if, to others, the portrait definition includes non human images.

Looked at this out of curiousity, and this is their definition ( under Rules and Regulations ) .

" DEFINITION OF A ‘PORTRAIT’ FOR FiPP and FiPP-Phone 1 ) Entries must feature an image in which a human being (or more than one), or part thereof, is the key element. 2 ) The image may range from a head to a full-length study or depict a part of the human form. It may include accessories and backgrounds in character with the subject. 3 ) Ideally the portrait should show some aspect of the personality of the subject. 4 ) A self-portrait is acceptable. 5 ) When relevant to the portrait's impact, text may appear on the image, provided that it does not serve to identify the author "

27-07-2017, 5:07pm
Their definition of a portrait is only relevant to their competition, though.

27-07-2017, 9:20pm
Their definition of a portrait is only relevant to their competition, though.
So where's the universally accepted answer?
And yet again the photographic definition de jour comes down to the answer "whatever you want it to be"
Anyone else seeing a pattern....?

27-07-2017, 9:29pm
Well, there isn't a universally accepted answer, but that doesn't mean that a portrait is whatever you want it to be. I have a fine award winning photo of a hoverfly buzzing some flowers that I'd be keen to submit, but I'm pretty sure that even the Olive Cotton Award wouldn't accept it as a portrait.

In fact I refer you to my first post on this thread as the definitive standard. Trust me.

27-07-2017, 9:30pm
So where's the universally accepted answer?
And yet again the photographic definition de jour comes down to the answer "whatever you want it to be"
Anyone else seeing a pattern....?

Yup .... the universally accepted answers are kept in the same box as the more general answers such as what makes a good photo, which is the best camera and how did millions of people vote for Donald Trump. Personally, I'm more distressed right now at the shrinking size of Tiny Teddy biscuits. Those who seek answers are better off contemplating their navels, which is probably why Buddha has a very large stomach. I'm thinking of using the same excuse to justify my own.

I think I may have forgotten to take my meds ....... :eek:

27-07-2017, 11:07pm
Well, there isn't a universally accepted answer, but that doesn't mean that a portrait is whatever you want it to be. I have a fine award winning photo of a hoverfly buzzing some flowers that I'd be keen to submit, but I'm pretty sure that even the Olive Cotton Award wouldn't accept it as a portrait.

In fact I refer you to my first post on this thread as the definitive standard. Trust me.

funny you say that. There was a recent weekly comp with the subject of portraits. Two images entered were of animals. A bird (surprise surprise) and a turtle (IIRC). They both received average scores in the 5s, even though the scoring guide gives a score of 1 for an entry that doesn't fit the theme. TBH I'm not sure I scored them 1 either, so maybe I too should have refreshed myself on the scoring scale but my point is, there is a pretty broad range on the subject of portrait. Sounds like that insect shot of yours may "fly" in a portrait comp after all.

28-07-2017, 6:25am
Yup .... the universally accepted answers are kept in the same box as the more general answers such as what makes a good photo, which is the best camera and how did millions of people vote for Donald Trump. Personally, I'm more distressed right now at the shrinking size of Tiny Teddy biscuits. Those who seek answers are better off contemplating their navels, which is probably why Buddha has a very large stomach. I'm thinking of using the same excuse to justify my own.

I think I may have forgotten to take my meds ....... :eek:

Maybe we should petition Arnotts to rename Tiny Teddies as Tinier Teddies ... may end up reducing stress levels and .... produce tinier tummies too!

As for which camera .. easy peasy .. the one that 'other photographer' is using.

I have two navels .. in the fridge at the moment cooling off until it's the right time to be eaten. The correlation made from 'contemplation of a citrus fruit' to the 'size of Buddha's belly' was an abstract adventure.
The only recent contemplation of a navel on my part has been whether it's best juiced or eaten whole :D

On the topic of DT .. well, quite a number of people also thought that HC operated a child sex slave ring out of a pizza shop too .. and 18% of those that did believe this report still voted for her! :confused013
For the typical, delusional, rightwing freak (and we know that 'the world is full of them') it makes sense for them to be attracted to a rightwing xenophobic, rambling lunatic with no understanding of reality and speaks in the kind of gibberish hyperbole that attracts those RW loonies.
But for 18% of a group of people to vote for someone that believed to be in control a child sex slave operation .. especially one run out of a pizza shop! ... now that made no sense.

ps. I reckon you don't need the meds too. That portraiture prize is proof that the world is seriously messed up much more so than yourself .. and they're not taking meds(I think).
OTOH, maybe they missed their meds too and that's why things got so messed up.

The point here being that your reply made sense .. so meds don't seem to be a valid reason to assume anything out of the ordinary with your state of mind.
Their assessment of a portrait is messed up tho, so we can only assume they missed their meds or something else to that effect.


28-07-2017, 8:27am
Their definition of a portrait is only relevant to their competition, though.

Agree - as stated " and this is their definition ".

28-07-2017, 9:08am
On the topic of DT .. well, quite a number of people also thought that HC operated a child sex slave ring out of a pizza shop too .. But for 18% of a group of people to vote for someone that believed to be in control a child sex slave operation .. especially one run out of a pizza shop! ... now that made no sense.

Personally, I think they'd be better off just choosing one state to vote on behalf of the whole country, and for the majority ethnic group in that state to determine the next president.

The state I'd choose would be Montana. The dominant ethnic group there is cows - they have three times as many cows in Montana as people. I'm sure they could produce a better option than the trump!

However, you're right - when there are Trumps in the world it does tend to make the rest of us feel sane by comparison. :nod:

28-07-2017, 6:42pm
However, you're right - when there are Trumps in the world it does tend to make the rest of us feel sane by comparison. :nod:

On no you didn't... I am sitting here in my madness and you collectively call 'us' sane?

But to assist you with the Trumps of the world and give you a giggle.


28-07-2017, 7:58pm
On no you didn't... I am sitting here in my madness and you collectively call 'us' sane?

But to assist you with the Trumps of the world and give you a giggle.


Love it! One thing we're going to miss when he self-destructs is the 'bleedin great target on his head. A bit like Joe Bjelke Peterson (for those who remember him). A satirist's joy.

I've even started looking forward to the morning news to see what pothole he's stuck his foot into next.

28-07-2017, 9:14pm
The latest giggle in this fiasco is whether Ms Varga actually owns the copyright of the entry.

From The SMH today ....

Photographer North Sullivan, former president of the Australian Commercial and Media Photographers association and judge of the 2008 Moran photographic prize has questioned whether Varga, or her grandmother, was the owner and creator of the work.

"I believe there is a very real concern that Ms Varga has misappropriated her vulnerable grandmother's copyright in a work the old lady reportedly created, at Ms Varga's behest, using pens, crayon and spit on a sheet of plastic film," he said.

Oh dear, this is turning into a big pile of dog's dooey.

05-08-2017, 12:08pm
At least sanity still seems to prevail in the Archibald and Wynne Prizes.
