View Full Version : Photobucket sticks own head in bucket

02-07-2017, 8:25am
Does anyone here use Photobucket? Presumably not as surely someone would have posted about their nasty (read insane) new policy.


(No personal interest here: I have always had my own hosting, which costs very little and lets me do pretty much as I like. Just thought I should pass on the news.)

02-07-2017, 8:56am
Yeah. I have one but not paid one, and have not used it for years. So many pop-ups and crap, which apparently still happens even after you pay.

Grant S
02-07-2017, 9:25am
I used them for quite a while, but haven't been there for about 6 months. Based on this I doubt I'll be back.

02-07-2017, 9:29am
Thanks for the heads up Tony,

I still have a cheap paid account I don't use much. Clunky and a pain to use. Way behind other sites.
Should close it now as it will be even more useless to me.

Got to watch them if you have public albums on Photobucket - Check out these two paragraphs in their T&Cs

When you make your Content public, you grant us a worldwide, non-exclusive, royalty-free, non-revocable, right and license to copy, sell, convey, distribute, stream, post, publicly display (e.g. post it elsewhere), reproduce and create derivative works from it (meaning things based on it), whether in print or any kind of electronic version that exists now or is later developed, for any purpose, including a commercial purpose with the right to sublicense such rights to others.

ยท By making your content public, you are also giving other Members on Photobucket the right to copy, distribute, publicly perform, publicly display, reproduce and create derivative works from it via the Site, third party websites or applications (for example, via services allowing Members to order prints of Content or t-shirts and similar items containing Content, and via social media websites), provided such use is not for a commercial purpose.

02-07-2017, 9:52am
^ Wow! Those are shockingly bad T&Cs.

And they expect you to pay them? :eek:

02-07-2017, 10:14am
I wonder if the "drive to be seen and published" is so strong in the user community that many will be happy to sign their rights away, in what appears to be such a shockingly, blatant, greedy grab for money and rights?



02-07-2017, 10:16am
I have heaps of photos on Photobucket, but have not used it for 12 months. I only used it to put enlarged photos on ebay. Guess I will take them down.

Mary Anne
02-07-2017, 4:50pm
Had a paid account many years ago, then a freebie a few years back got sick of no one helping when things went wrong, so looked elsewhere.
I also have my own hosting site though do use flickr occasionally.. I tried to read the T&C on PB though even there the ads pop up then the page greys over.

Mark L
02-07-2017, 8:50pm
I was amused by a comment in the link Tony posted,
"Anyone else surprised #photobucket isn't offering Bitcoin as the only method of payment?":)

02-07-2017, 9:20pm
Perhaps a name change is also imminent: PhotoBasketCase:rolleyes:

12-07-2017, 7:13pm
I have been using free Photobucket (link set to private) but will now have to find a replacement. What do others use? What will happen to my current links to Photobucket?:confused013

12-07-2017, 7:23pm
Same thing happened to me this week Brigitte:( Gazza suggested "smugmug" which l have started to use. It does cost, but nothing like what PB are asking. And no commercials:nod: Haven't thought about where l will go with my pics sitting in PB at the moment:scrtch:

12-07-2017, 8:51pm
I've used Smugmug for years. Yes, you do have to pay for it, but it works. If there is a problem, the support team are pretty prompt. I do have a free Flickr account also, but only use it for the odd competition which wants photos uploaded to Flickr.

Mary Anne
12-07-2017, 9:17pm
I have been using free Photobucket (link set to private) but will now have to find a replacement. What do others use? What will happen to my current links to Photobucket?:confused013

There is always flickr if you want a freebie, or upload from your computer to AP.
I also have a SmugMug account and I have to agree with farmmax they answer very fast :nod: there is no waiting around for a reply from them.

Any images on here from PB will disappear in time all the ones from my earlier threads have, even though I was a paid up Member then.

12-07-2017, 9:33pm
deviantart has been great for me for over 10 years.

Alternatively you could use any space your internet provider allocates to you.
Most of them are pretty meagre, but allow many different forms of access for you to use if needed.

You gotta love the irony tho!!
PB allows anyone else including thirdparties to use your images for free, yet you have to pay to use them on any thirdparty sites yourself :confused013

13-07-2017, 11:19am
Does anyone use google +? I've used photobucket and Flickr in the past but for whatever reasons, I use google photos now and it seems ok. It's worth noting I only use it to share photos with my family, who are not on Facebook. So my use of it is really basic, but I have no real issues with it.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

13-07-2017, 4:09pm
When I first started this photography caper I went to Photobucket. Then the ads annoyed me so I payed the money. Still got ads, and have noticed over the past 12 months that the site has detiorated as far as I am concerned. I cancelled the money side of it but I would like to get my photos off of it, but don't know how to go about it. Am with Flickr now.

13-07-2017, 6:12pm
Seems PB has been going down hill for awhile. I've had an account with them for years.

it will be interesting to see if they are still around next year.

Mary Anne
14-07-2017, 12:45am
I would like to get my photos off of it, but don't know how to go about it. Am with Flickr now.

It was easy enough last week Lyn I downloaded a few albums, Roses was one.
I don't need these images I just wanted to know the date I took them as they are all on my external HDD's going back to 2006 many taken with my 1st P&S camera.
I am trying now and they are giving me a hard time guess many people in the Northern Hemisphere are doing similar so try in out in our daylight hours.

If you can get in past all those Ads :rolleyes: Sign In > Up the top Review the latest changes > Look at the pricing...
< Go back to your library find what album you want to download > on the right side of the page under Actions check Download Album.
They grey out that page so hang in there you could be waiting for quite a while
A window will pop up to see if you are a Robot, then another window where you will see *You are about to download and the name of your Album* check download.

Been trying for awhile to get a Album of nine small images downloaded to see if it still works and nothing is happening.

This is what happened last week when I downloaded a Album of 351 images.. After I checked that last Download a message came up telling me to could take a while.
And they would send me an email when it was completed and they did so I got into Downloads and copied that Album on to my computer with no problems at all.
Then I downloaded another large album with around the same amount of images, as I wrote up top it was easy.. Though a waiting game as you need plenty of time.
Or you could do it by single images though that takes even longer, I tried that way first. Hope this is correct as lots is from Memory :2smile:

14-07-2017, 2:16pm
Thank you MA - actually, that all sounds a bit hard. I will probably adopt the "ostrich's head in the sand" approach and do nothing. But thank you for all that info.
I guess I could slowly delete all my photos?

30-07-2017, 6:40pm
I've been using PB for over ten years but like many others here have found it increasingly annoying with the adds and ambiguous privacy settings. I'll be changing but just leave a few of the more recent images up there until they can my account.

05-08-2017, 8:05pm
Saw this on another forum, it is said to work but I can't vouch for it.

edit your post and add " ~original " before the [/IMG][/url] at the end of the link/file name

06-08-2017, 6:36am
Saw this on another forum, it is said to work but I can't vouch for it.

It doesn't work, they turned off the linking options. That is the format all forums (BBCode) use to link images from anywhere else on the net. It's standard BBCode. What PB have done is disabled the ability to do this with images stored on their servers, unless you pay $499.00 per annum.

Nick Cliff
06-08-2017, 7:17am
Rick at this rate it may be cheaper to print our photos in future with this business model emerging.I have been thinking quite seriously about buying a good printer as I wonder with technology changing at what stage will the present systems of photo storage may superseded. I am told good inks and papers should be capable of lasting a 100 years at least.
The thing is I suppose is knowing what are the good paper and inks,

cheers Nick