View Full Version : Photographers Wall

06-06-2017, 5:01pm
Is it just me? or do other people hit a wall when it comes to picking up the camera. Since I have come back from overseas I have really been struggling to pick up the camera and take some shots. It been nearly six months, I'm trying to find time to go out and take photos but there seems to be something always getting in the way. Perhaps this is a good thing re-evaluation can sometimes lead to re-invention and trying something new. Now we are approaching winter I'm guessing that some astro photography might be a good cure for the camera blues. I was just interested if others have faced this and how you got over it.

Kind Regard

06-06-2017, 5:07pm
I know what you mean, Livio. For yonks I have not taken a picture:(:(
Now I am asked to do some architectural shots to put a townhouse on the
rental market:eek::eek:

I nearly didn't want to [insert various excuses here], but then I would just get older
and not have done any-such-thing. It is hard learning new ideas, but it is sort of
"paying off" in that regard. Financially --- forget it!!

So I'm just saying: been there, done that... Now trying something different.:confused013:confused013

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PS: This is a valid "Other"-type photographic discussion, so I will put it in F/Stop:nod:

06-06-2017, 6:08pm
Not just you .... I think it happens to most people. I've got back into it by rejoining a camera club, because the interaction and competitions tend to revive my interest. I've also branched out into trying off-camera flash, which is new to me - so something new can be a good path to follow.

I think we all lose our mojo for all sorts of things, and sometimes a break is good (even from people). Take time to smell the roses - you can always photograph them later.

06-06-2017, 6:18pm
yep. you have lost your Phojo and it is not uncommon at all. I think sometimes having a break is good, as long as you plan when you will pick up the camera again.

06-06-2017, 7:56pm
Thanks ameerat42, Helps a lot, in knowing it is not just me, and I really did not have an idea where this should topic should have gone. f/stop sounds about right.
I really hate the idea of an expensive camera sitting in a box idle. So I think I am about to draw up a challenge list and start having a go. Gotta see if I can get the phojo back

Kind Regards

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Thanks Bobt, I think you are are right, it's time I tried something new, rather than try and be a jack of all trades I might just pick a style and go with it for a while. You have given me a few Ideas

Kind Regards

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Hi Ricktas, Thanks the thing that was irking me the most was the cost of the cameras just sitting idle in the box. I think you are right I have to make a plan and get back into it, some have suggested something new. I might just try a different branch or style for a while and see where that might lead me.

Great to know I'm not the only one who is going through this

Kind Regards


Mark L
06-06-2017, 10:08pm
.... So I think I am about to draw up a challenge list and start having a go. Gotta see if I can get the phojo back

Here's your challenge list maybe .. http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?195-Member-Challenges-52-2017

Gives me a reason to take a photo when I'm not so interested in taking a photo.:confused013

06-06-2017, 11:04pm
At certain times of the year my workload is so heavy, there is not really time to take casual photographs. In many ways, I think this has been a good thing. It is a forced break from taking photos. When free time comes around again, I'm sure I enjoy the photo taking more, because of the break.

I never worry or feel guilty because I'm not taking photos. There are plenty of other exciting and challenging things to do in life. What you are going through is normal and not a bad thing. Enjoy the break and hopefully you will come back with renewed vigour and new ideas.

06-06-2017, 11:23pm
I have only taken some inside shots. I think the weather has a bit to do with it. I am pretty much house bound. Melbourne is pretty cold these days.

07-06-2017, 6:58am
Definitely not just you, I think everyone experiences this at times. I also think we get a bit ho hum about what is around us locally and that contributes to the lack of enthusiasm as well. Trying to find something different to shoot might help as do challenges such as the 52 Mark referred to.

07-06-2017, 6:33pm
Thanks The Grump I'm glad to hear it is not just me. I like the idea of inside shots there are plentiful subjects and I might look at a cheap light tent

Kind Regard

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Thanks farmmax what you say makes perfect sense

Kind Regard

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Thanks Glenda,

I'm going to go with your idea of trying to shoot something a little different, perhaps something I can set up in a room inside small something I can have some fun with.

Kind Regards

07-08-2017, 12:32am
I was the same. I had to find a way to snap out of it. I was always making excuses as to why I didn't have time. So I shoot cars normally. But I picked up the camera and got my photographers assistant (my son) to give me a hand and be my model. Plus an plane or two didn't hurt. Here are some shots from my backyard. https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/d3044b25f3c1c0655a1db6151a8ecfc0.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/884365d069e996d8abef2ff2b335bdc2.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/5af5a350478909d82cc040a5126b92d5.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/7951096dfbadb18871bee0f04061f9c2.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/bdcee5afdcc8f899910d8951c1ee5b51.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170806/43e48e5579ecec3444f6ec73d7a48533.jpg

The point is that you don't have to leave home to get some good shots. It pushes the creativity when you think you are limited. It's like exercise for photographers. Well anyway it took me way outa my comfort zone and I feel I didn't do too bad first time out.

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08-08-2017, 12:04am
Sounds like a few of you guys might work in photography so the joy it gives you as a hobby may take a backseat sometimes?

I definitely go through patches of enthusiasm, but with two young kids I'm constantly taking photos, more or less daily. I can go weeks or months without taking landscape/seascape shots and I do miss it, but too much of it does lessen its appeal, and results suffer consequentially. The times apart always leave me salivating about holidays, where I take a lot of photos.

With my iPhone I always have a curious eye for an interesting frame too.

But yeah, otherwise the kids keep me snapping, and with a camera already in hand, it always results in a decent handful of non-kid photos too.

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08-08-2017, 8:37pm
Yep, gets us all, I find that when I stop pushing it and start relaxing about it, it becomes enjoyable again and gets its own momentum back. Thats why photography is such a great hobby and not my profession-have enough pressure already.

08-08-2017, 9:04pm
Yep, gets us all, I find that when I stop pushing it and start relaxing about it, it becomes enjoyable again and gets its own momentum back. Thats why photography is such a great hobby and not my profession-have enough pressure already.

Totally understand, I'm in a profession that is high stress as well.

When I pick up the camera it all melts away. That's part of the reason I take photos.

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