View Full Version : The Intro

04-06-2017, 10:31am
Hi Everyone, just the intro post to start things off with.

A keen serious amateur from the eastern side of Melbourne, getting back into it after many years of other things getting in the way. Now that the bug is back it's time to step up my game a little, hoping this will be a very handy resource to push things along and see what takes my interest this time around.

Currently using Canon DSLR kit, and on the hunt for some serious glass for it.


04-06-2017, 10:32am
Welcome to AP Murray. See you and your photos on the forums.

Mary Anne
04-06-2017, 11:24am
Hello Murray and Welcome to AP..

04-06-2017, 3:33pm
Welcome to AP.

04-06-2017, 6:14pm
Hi there and a warm welcome to AP.....enjoy:tog:

Mark L
04-06-2017, 6:51pm
G'day Murray and on obvious welcome aboard.
Don't be afraid to ask ques tons and make comments.
"I like that photo because ... " or "Why did you do .... " can help you learn.
Just get involved here somehow so we can all learn.:)

Plays With Light
05-06-2017, 9:13am
Hiya Murray, welcome to AP. As MarkL said above, get posting and start the learning! ;)

05-06-2017, 1:32pm
Hi Murray, You're off to a great start, shooting with a Canon AND living in the Eastern suburbs! A bit like being born with a silver spoon in your mouth. You should find lots of help from everyone else around here - even those who live in the West or even in other states have been known to have a bit of knowledge. :D