View Full Version : I'm back!

28-05-2017, 12:03pm
G'day everyone,
after a 5 year absent I'm back.
Been a very busy 5 years with changing jobs, new built house and taking thousands and thousands of photos.
I've been very lucky to take lots of photo's and love every moment of it.
It's now time to expand my images and get paid for my work.

I'm looking for help on to where is the best place to purchase a new camera.
I would love to get a Canon 1D II but have settle for a Canon 7D II with a EF 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6L IS USM Lens.
Any leads would be great.
I've had a look online and price from the Canon website to other sites vary a lot.

Many thanks.

28-05-2017, 12:32pm
Welcome back.. and we have upgraded you to intermediate, based on you being a beginner in 2011 and have now taken thousands and thousands of photos.

See you on the forums.

Mary Anne
28-05-2017, 3:54pm
Welcome back Pup. Thousands of photos you have shots in the past five years, me too..
As this is the Introduction Forum you won't get much Help here about where to buy cameras..
Best you start a Post on the Gear Talk Forum Here (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?32-Gear-Talk) you should get lots of Help there.
Hope to see you posting on the CC Forums soon and don't forget to comment on other Members Posts as that's what makes Forums work :nod:

28-05-2017, 4:32pm
Thanks for the welcome back and for the upgrade.
Just last year 2016 I took just over 8000 and so far in 2017 i'm at 3500 pics.
98% are sport action shots the other 2% is landscapes of the locations I'm at.

My question will soon be posted in the Gear Talk Thread, in Canon.

Mark L
29-05-2017, 8:05pm
You became a member here over 7 years ago.
Considering your equipment I'd think you could think about CCing others photos to help them.:th3:
Hang on, post some of your photos for CC so we can decide if we need to help you get better. :p

30-05-2017, 6:55am
Sure I can share some pics but wont be until the end off the week, days off.
where is the best place to post for easy viewing.

30-05-2017, 7:52am
Pup. Just post your pics in the appropriate CC forums: Landscapes, Pets, Wildlife..., etc,
depending on subject matter.

30-05-2017, 12:55pm
Cheers mate it's been awhile since posts still navigating around the site. :th3: