View Full Version : New to A.P. from Perth

26-05-2017, 1:36pm
Hi peeps.

My name's Haze, from Perth.
Long time interest in photography. Back in 1996 in high school I was top student year 12 along with the old skool film SLR's! Since then I have been a bit of a point and shoot type, but I decided to 'get with the times' and got myself a mid-range :nlogo:D7200 DSLR :camera: about 2 years ago. Only recently and along with my bro-in-law having piqued an interest also when he got his Canon 100D - have I began to really explore my camera features and abilities for a semi beginner/intermediate type shooter.
Tonight we are headed up to The Pinnacles (cloud permitting) to try our hand at night shooting with the galaxy, star trails and light FX in the pitch black with those famous limestone structures as our foreground and background feature. So it should be a very fun and very late night!

Types of imagery I love are birds, skateboarding, slow exposure, movement, sports action, my cats, animals...anything really that I think has that 'something' once captured and requires next to no hardcore editing and looks amazing as it is...

So, here I am...to learn, enjoy, capture and share with A.P.

Thanks for having me :)


26-05-2017, 1:49pm
Hi fellow sandgroper. There's plenty of wildlife down Caversham way. Pinnacles is a great spot for a bit of astro. See if you can get a hold of some of those little fake tea lights that are battery powered (2 $ store) and put them around the scene. They throw a subtle glow that works well with long exposures. What time is the milky way up at this time of year, pretty late isn't it?

Mary Anne
26-05-2017, 1:53pm
Hello Haze and Welcome to AP. A very interesting intro, good that you are letting us know what genres you like shooting.
And all the best with what you have planned for tonight. :2smile:
Join right in and start posting on the Forums, click on Library up the top of the page if you want to know anything.
And if you cannot find it just ask :nod:

26-05-2017, 3:16pm
Welcome to AP, Haze...

26-05-2017, 5:23pm
Welcome to AP Haze. Looking forward to seeing some of your photography on the forums.

27-05-2017, 6:38pm
Thanks everyone! Well last night was soooooo fun! But I have no idea how to put photos in here.

Mark L
27-05-2017, 7:48pm
But I have no idea how to put photos in here.
Have a look here ... http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I
There's a few ways. #2 is the way to do it from your computer if you don't have flickr or something else to link to.

29-05-2017, 12:22pm
Hi Haze and welcome to AP! :)

29-05-2017, 2:37pm
Hmm...The link doesn't help me much - there's no way I can upload direct from my computer. :/

- - - Updated - - -

Thanks David!

29-05-2017, 3:00pm
Haze. Start up a thread in the General Help section titled something like "How Do I Attach Pictures from My Computer".

The query will get better traction there. (And, hey! I'll even pitch in:eek::eek::eek:)

30-05-2017, 10:24pm
Welcome Haze from a colleague just down the road in the south west. Look forward to seeing some of your photos. Might head to Perth towards the end of the week for an early morning wander around the city so see what you can do weather wise for me.

31-05-2017, 2:48pm
Let's see if this works... TESTING TESTING!
<a href="http://s18.photobucket.com/user/Hazeyone/media/18738723_10155424006641177_8616448516260169650_o.jpg.html" target="_blank"><img src="http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/Hazeyone/18738723_10155424006641177_8616448516260169650_o.jpg" border="0" alt=" photo 18738723_10155424006641177_8616448516260169650_o.jpg"/></a>


- - - Updated - - -

This is stupid. How on earth do you add photos to a photography forum?! Can't upload from my computer or photobucket in an easy straightworward manner ###...and I'm not a complete computer idiot either. This blows...I'll just stick to facebook groups. So much more user friendly.

Mary Anne
31-05-2017, 3:30pm
Its very easy Haze, copy the IMG tag the last one and paste.

http://i18.photobucket.com/albums/b118/Hazeyone/18738723_10155424006641177_8616448516260169650_o.jpg (http://s18.photobucket.com/user/Hazeyone/media/18738723_10155424006641177_8616448516260169650_o.jpg.html)

31-05-2017, 3:45pm
Ok well I installed tapatalk app on my phone which allows me to upload direct. Woo! Sorted! Hooray!https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/797e41882be009640c9934ace73f3a2e.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/be162d09942c4d358570a6216874c2c7.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/2013f89b41f59a58f9a96c1b3a4152ef.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/8bbb84393294739371b5024104bae08f.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/641db3a35ab469049358ca65de13ca70.jpghttps://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20170531/0a079684d833ebf36223bf1ccb7a93be.jpg

Mary Anne
31-05-2017, 3:48pm
As this is not a CC Forum you will not get any.. Best you post them here > http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?77-Night-Astro
And dont forget to leave more space between each image, and that is too many for CC two or three is plenty.

31-05-2017, 4:00pm
I was using a phone app so I don't know if you can make gaps. Ugh this is all too hard... I can't win.

Mary Anne
31-05-2017, 4:31pm
Then do it from Photobucket like I explained on here. http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showthread.php?152470-New-to-A-P-from-Perth&p=1409411#post1409411

I use Tapatalk myself when I am away from home, only use it to reply though.
I use a iPhone and if I want to make a space between a reply I touch Return
The more times I touch Return the more spaces it makes. Do not know how it would go with photos though..

Try it out Here on the Test Zone (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/forumdisplay.php?114-The-Test-Zone)