View Full Version : Happy 73rd Birthday Mary Anne! (2nd of April)

02-04-2017, 5:06am

Happy 73rd Birthday Mary Anne (http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/member.php?u=6102)!

Hope you have a wonderful day, and very best wishes from everyone here at Australian Photography.

(2nd of April)

02-04-2017, 6:35am
Arh....'Cake Day', enjoy https://photos.smugmug.com/photos/i-KmpJqSR/3/Ti/i-KmpJqSR-Ti.gif

02-04-2017, 8:34am
:party5::party6: Enjoy your day. :party6::party5:

02-04-2017, 9:30am
Happy Birthday ..... to Mary Anne:bcake::bcake:

Mary Anne
02-04-2017, 10:00am
Thank you we are blocked in by floodwaters we have no electricity no Internet neighbours son got a generator going at 9 am this morning so we can plug the freezer in and I charged up the mobile..

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

02-04-2017, 10:08am
Thank you we are blocked in by floodwaters we have no electricity no Internet neighbours son got a generator going at 9 am this morning so we can plug the freezer in and I charged up the mobile..Bugger!

02-04-2017, 11:30am
How dare it rain on your :party5: Mary Anne.

I hope you have a :party6::party6::efelant::efelant::animal3::animal3::music::music::bcake::bcake::bcake::music::music::animal3::animal3::efelant::efelant::party6::party6:
day anyway.

Stay safe.

Mary Anne
02-04-2017, 1:47pm
Thanks Kev I am trying, very bored though. I have just come in from mowing the front grass it's nice and green now
It's not raining as in from above thank goodness. We have had enough rain for now :nod:

Lance B
02-04-2017, 2:42pm
Happy Birthday, Mary Anne! I hope you have a great day and are spoiled rotten! :D


Claire M
02-04-2017, 4:50pm
:music: 'Happy Birthday to yooooo, Happy Birthday to you!' :2biggn:
:crossed: Hope you get plenty of sunshine real soon Mary Anne! :nod::flowersnap:


02-04-2017, 5:57pm
Happy birthday, and thanks for being a tad older than me!! Doesn't happen that much, so it's always nice not to be the only one up there. 8*)))))

Have a great day !

02-04-2017, 6:59pm
HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MARY ANNE. I would have my birthday wishes to you earlier but I was out celebrating my granddaughter's 1st birthday today! :party6::party5::efelant::bcake::)

Mary Anne
02-04-2017, 9:11pm
Thank You Lance, Claire, Bob, and Narelle it was a lovely day my Daughter managed to find a way here that was not underwater, and that was all I wanted.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

04-04-2017, 7:02am
Happy birthday Mary Anne! Sounds like you had a good day despite the over-supply of water and weather.
Can't work out how to get dancing bananas on tapatalk, so my post is a bit boring.

sent from Earth via tapatalk

04-04-2017, 7:18am
Happy birthday Mary-Anne :jumping11: :)

Mary Anne
04-04-2017, 3:07pm
Happy birthday Mary Anne! Sounds like you had a good day despite the over-supply of water and weather.
Can't work out how to get dancing bananas on tapatalk, so my post is a bit boring.

sent from Earth via tapatalk

Thanks Matt, yes plenty of water around, hubby drove me down to the Local Lagoon just down the road and around the corner before lunch.
Such a mess and a few houses on the other side of our street the Logan River side have lots of belongings on the footpath I feel for them.
Don't worry about :banana: :banana: I have trouble with Tapatalk to :nod:

Three Good Things came out of that Rain and Flood Matt .

How Cute is this small Trio Meet Huey Dewey and Louie... And Mum :D


Happy birthday Mary-Anne :jumping11: :)

Anne Thank You, I appreciate you taking the time :nod:

05-04-2017, 12:06pm
Happy belated birthday Mary Anne - hope you had a great day (and that the flood waters have receded) :th3::)

Mary Anne
05-04-2017, 3:08pm
Thank You Adam.. Yes the flood waters have almost gone.

06-04-2017, 3:35pm
How Cute is this small Trio Meet Huey Dewey and Louie... And Mum :D

Very cute indeed :D

Mary Anne
06-04-2017, 3:44pm
So true Matt, I will try and get down to see them again tomorrow..

08-04-2017, 11:23am
Late to the party again MA! :D I just don't seem to see the posts on this Forum! I wish birthday notifications came up more obviously - perhaps they do and I just miss them! :eek:
At least now you should be back to normal (weatherwise) and power etc back on.
Onwards to No74! :D

Mary Anne
08-04-2017, 11:51am
Thanks Lyn a lovely surprise, I look at this Forum as soon as I get on to AP most days, Yes we are back to normal now Thank Goodness :th3:
Tony is driving me down to the Lagoon this afternoon to see the Cygnets and Water Birds and hopefully all the water will be gone where the grass used to be.
Onward to No 74 is right :D

08-04-2017, 8:05pm
Have a very happy one i.e. a Mongo free day !

Mary Anne
08-04-2017, 9:14pm
Mongo Thank You I appreciate you taking the time to type this little message. :nod: