View Full Version : Eye-Fi help

Mr Felix
19-03-2017, 8:55am
I think that is the term.

I have an SD card with inbuilt wifi which allows "eye-fi" so you take a picture and it sends the picture to your PC (unknown details on even that) in "real time" so you don't have to keep taking the card out and putting it in the PC.

I shall try to search google, but hope it is ok to ask here for anyone who uses it and how to set it up.
But on the camera and what kind of PC you need. For now, the only "wifi connection" to the PC is via my home ADSL router. Is that how it works?

Thanks in advance.

19-03-2017, 10:07am
30 seconds....


20-03-2017, 11:00am
Had two, too slow, then they both broke, wouldn't have them again

20-03-2017, 11:26am
Had two, too slow, then they both broke, wouldn't have them again

I had two Toshiba FlashAir cards rather than the Eye-Fi cards. They were okay with transferring smaller sized JPEG images, but didn't do RAW images. Of course neither allow remote control of the camera. I use them to allow clients to get images straight from my camera to do their social media posts real-time. They can have them all downloaded by the time I leave the event if they want, straight to their smartphones. I see the latest Eye-Fi Pro X2 shown in the link I posted above allows posts directly from the camera to social media and transfers RAW files too. Still, it wouldn't be much faster than 70mbits/sec from what I can see. I found it interesting that different models of the Eye-Fi allowed access to different devices rather than to all types. Still, there is probably a niche for them as they offer storage as well as Wi-Fi whereas the latest Canon product that I'm using in the 7D Mk II takes up the SD slot but doesn't offer image storage, so you need to two slot camera.

20-03-2017, 12:31pm
This is the card I use in the 7D Mk Ii now. It allows remote control of the camera, but has no storage on it. It works in the 7D Mk Ii, 5DS and 5DSR. It may also work in future dual-card slot cameras from Canon.
