View Full Version : N.S.W members be aware of fires tomorrow.

Mark L
11-02-2017, 8:52pm
I know it's a late heads up, sorry about that, but we've been dealing with today.
On Sunday so many areas of N.S.W. will experience fire weather conditions that have never happened before (in recorded memory ;))
If you smell or see smoke coming from the west or north/west be aware. Under normal conditions fires will send embers 5 and sometime 10kms ahead of the fire. Embers are generally what start fires that destroy houses.
Ember attack 5-10 kms in front of the fire, ffitt, old hat.
Tomorrow ember attack could be up to 50kms in front of the fire if the fire gets going. That means you don't have to live near bush to keep
an eye out. Just make sure you have a hose about that can put out a small ember fire.
Any fire that starts tomorrow has the potential to move 100 kms in a day.:(

So if you live in any red parts here be ultra-aware and if you live in an orange part be aware (yep Sydney)......

And another map I have access to for you to ponder,

Be aware and fingers crossed.

11-02-2017, 9:17pm
Ta Mark. Heard all about it on the news tonight. The warning was pretty dire from the
fire chief. - !!!

12-02-2017, 1:23pm
Stay safe Pal.

Looks like you have some nasty stuff happening not too far from you.

12-02-2017, 4:02pm
Keep safe.

12-02-2017, 4:09pm
C:cool::cool:L, but now strong winds here:confused013

Mark L
12-02-2017, 6:24pm
Stay safe Pal.

Looks like you have some nasty stuff happening not too far from you.

And then it got worse. :(:(

12-02-2017, 7:13pm
Yeah, stay safe Mark.

Mark L
12-02-2017, 8:04pm
Thanks for the thought's.
I've collected a few thoughts of a day none of us want to do again. I'll be doing day three tomorrow.:(:(
So I stay safe because I run around an air-conditioned room passing messages to people that need to get them.
I do the radios from and to our people on the fire-ground.
So the first half of the day was spent dealing with the southern edges of the the worse fire in the state. (many, many properties have been lost in this fire.:( Huge livestock loses.:(
Then we had another fire start that I then had to deal with the radio communications with multiple aircraft.
Enough about me. The blokes that go out on the trucks do an amazing job.:th3: They are backed up by many people in air-conitioning that also do a sterling job.

This is the message we were sending out every 30 minute,
"All stations, all stations, this is a message from the IC. (Incident Controller)
No one is to fight this fire. No one is to place themselves in front of the fire.
You are to deal with the preservation of life and property only.”

One Click
13-02-2017, 6:50pm
Thanks for the thought's.
I've collected a few thoughts of a day none of us want to do again. I'll be doing day three tomorrow.:(:(
So I stay safe because I run around an air-conditioned room passing messages to people that need to get them.
I do the radios from and to our people on the fire-ground.
So the first half of the day was spent dealing with the southern edges of the the worse fire in the state. (many, many properties have been lost in this fire.:( Huge livestock loses.:(
Then we had another fire start that I then had to deal with the radio communications with multiple aircraft.
Enough about me. The blokes that go out on the trucks do an amazing job.:th3: They are backed up by many people in air-conitioning that also do a sterling job.

This is the message we were sending out every 30 minute,
"All stations, all stations, this is a message from the IC. (Incident Controller)
No one is to fight this fire. No one is to place themselves in front of the fire.
You are to deal with the preservation of life and property only.”

Thanks for sharing with us Mark, I'm sure I speak for everyone on here in saying our thoughts are with you. I know myself I only had to hear the word Mudgee and straight away you came into my mind. Stay safe and sleep well when you get the chance.

Claire M
14-02-2017, 12:52am
I really hope you (and all the fire fighters) will have a well deserved, decent rest when the danger period is over with, and
Hopefully in the not too distant future. Certainly a nasty trio of fires and hope no more homes and people's livelihoods will be destroyed. All the best.