View Full Version : Back from Forum Purgatory

08-02-2017, 5:33pm
Hi all,
I am back from Forum "automatic" restriction.. or whatever it is. I feel like I'm on some sort of probation. I have to say I'm a member of quite a few forums over the years in differing areas of interest (4x4 vehicles, watches, cycling, photography) and this is the FIRST forum that suspended my account for not posting enough.. Is this a uniquely Australian thing?? All my other forums are international as I'm an Aussie based in Africa and quite frankly, Internet is our access to the world. I've done my fair bit of posting in all of them (most won't let you post too much in the beginning.. to force you to get to know the Forum and to stop you just posting sales threads). This is the first place where you don't post, you don't read!

So one of you site admins PLEASE enlightent me as to why this is.. or you'll see another post like this one in oh.. about 70 days :D

As to why I haven't posted.. well, quite simply there has been nothing to post about.. I've been battling for about 6 months on and off to try and get my Epson printer and the CIS ink system up and running so I can print some images and finally feel satisfied about my photography.. Digitally ain't doing it for me at the moment! And I still haven't come right with the printer.. although after some bleach, alcohol and distilled water and windex, we should be right..
And quite simply I don't like posting just to post.. or hear the sound of my voice. If I've got something important to say, I will.. but forced posting?! Really.. are we all such babies?

Ok, rant over.. On the photo front I've been hit by a particularly strong case of GAS (for any of you who don't know what this is, it has nothing to do with digestion).. Living in a shopping hellhole means that my camera fixes come only by visiting neighbouring South Africa.. where finally I was able to trade in my horrible 28-300 Nikon VR lens for a beautiful old school (and by old.. I mean OLD) lens, the 80-200 AF-D Nikkor... Was simply amazed when on safari I could count the whiskers of the white lion I was shooting (photographically speaking of course.. I abhor lion hunting.. they taste so terrible!).. as well as see where the dentist missed a spot of tartar on the incisors.. Now I am searching for an old D2Xs as it's a birth year camera for my youngest son.. They're going for fairly cheap these days but rather rare (d2x are MUCH more common). Hard to find a low usage unit but I might just have found one.. in Australia no less! The power of Ebay.

So, this is my purgatory post. See you in 70!

Mark L
08-02-2017, 9:39pm
Why did you decide to become a member here?

08-02-2017, 9:50pm
Would have liked to have seen that pic of the lion you just described:nod::) Cheers.

09-02-2017, 2:47am
IT's always a learning curve in different fora.. Why did I join? Because I'm a photographer interested in photography in Australia, and thought this place would be a good place to meet fellow fotogs discussing places to take pictures, show off pics, discuss cameras and technique etc etc etc..

And my lion photo.. Well, once I figure out how to post an image! it will be along..

And lastly how the #@$&* do you change your Avatar picture?

09-02-2017, 5:52am
Just turned my sarcasm filter off!

So one of you site admins PLEASE enlightent me as to why this is.. or you'll see another post like this one in oh.. about 70 days

Sure, I will!

Last year we gave away over $12,000 in prizes to site members. Find me another photography forum (not one of the corporate international ones) that does this. Now to reward those who are active (ie not you) we only allow active members to enter our competitions. A reward for contributing, assisting other members, giving advice. etc.

So to ensure only our active contributing members get to win great prizes, we inactivate those who don't bother. After all the very definition of a forum is 'place to interact'. Explain to me why we should let someone who doesn't bother contributing, win a photography holiday to New York, or Cuba?

Oh and as you have finished your post, with see you in 70, just be aware the activity cycle halves each time, so now you will need to come back in 35 days to post again, then if you repeat your inactivity, it will be 15 days, then 7, then 3, then daily. Why am I advising you of this, when I could not bother and just let you find out for yourself when you come back in 70 days? Cause I am nice..at times:D

And my lion photo.. Well, once I figure out how to post an image! it will be along..

Did you bother reading the message you got when you joined which gave you a links on how the site works, how to do things..like post photos, or do you prefer to just rant and hope jumping up and down stamping your feet, will get you what you want? But seeing as you asked so nicely: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Indexes:How_Do_I and this one: http://www.ausphotography.net.au/forum/showlibrary.php?title=Getting_Started_on_Ausphotography_AP :p

Why did I join? Because I'm a photographer interested in photography in Australia, and thought this place would be a good place to meet fellow fotogs discussing places to take pictures, show off pics, discuss cameras and technique etc etc etc..

yet here we are, 8 months later... no discussions on places to take photos, no photos, no camera or technique discussions :confused013

And lastly how the #@$&* do you change your Avatar picture?

If you are on lots of #@$&ing forums, as you say, you will #@$&ing notice that most of them used commercially available forum software and run the same basic way. Look in the top left of the screen when on the site and click on #@$&ing settings. Hope that helps :)

So now it is up to you, join in.. or not!

Mary Anne
09-02-2017, 7:39am
Believe me we all know about GAS on here. And all the best with that newly purchased Old Nikon Lens
Sorry you feel that way about this Great Forum, and good Tips from ricktas ↑ so hope to see you posting soon :nod:

09-02-2017, 1:24pm
At the risk of incurring the wrath of the site owner, I must admit I do tend to think there might be a better way to separate one's level of activity and eligibility for prizes. Whilst I accept that valuable prizes should only be available to regular contributors, I see no reason for any other restrictions. In my view, a less active member is still a member. To my mind, a member who contributes rarely should not be treated as a 2nd class citizen.

I figure that whatever level of interaction and participation someone feels comfortable with should be accepted, without placing demands on their level of activity. A post in a Forum which simply acts as a placeholder is of no more value than a post that simply isn't made at all.

I have friends I see maybe once a year, yet I do not treat them any differently to those I see regularly. I just see us as a community of like minded individuals who shouldn't be forced to adhere to a specific quota to remain friends.

I realise that this rule has been in place forever, but it doesn't mean I think it's a good rule!

09-02-2017, 6:01pm
At the risk of incurring the wrath of the site owner, I must admit I do tend to think there might be a better way to separate one's level of activity and eligibility for prizes. Whilst I accept that valuable prizes should only be available to regular contributors, I see no reason for any other restrictions. In my view, a less active member is still a member. To my mind, a member who contributes rarely should not be treated as a 2nd class citizen.

I figure that whatever level of interaction and participation someone feels comfortable with should be accepted, without placing demands on their level of activity. A post in a Forum which simply acts as a placeholder is of no more value than a post that simply isn't made at all.

I have friends I see maybe once a year, yet I do not treat them any differently to those I see regularly. I just see us as a community of like minded individuals who shouldn't be forced to adhere to a specific quota to remain friends.

I realise that this rule has been in place forever, but it doesn't mean I think it's a good rule!

No wrath Bob. i see the difference in your scenario, in that those friends you see once a year..generally greet you in a positive 'how are you".. or 'what have you been doing' kinda way. I am sure if as soon as you met up with them they said 'we know you have been doing blah blah blah' in a disapproving tone, or 'we called round a few months ago and you were not home which was inconsiderate of you" .. and each time you met up it was the same. Would you still want to remain friends?

If you go and look at the introduction threads, where people have come back and said 'hi, been away, had a baby' or similar, I am quite happy to congratulate them and welcome them back, and often do so.

Just one post every couple of months is all it takes to remain active. Sort of like catching up with old friends.

Jorge Arguello
11-02-2017, 1:02pm
didn't expect to find interesting this topic, but I read the thread.
On one side, I understand the frustration of being inactivated due to lack of activity (I have been inactivated a few times for relocation, travel, illness, but also for lack of dedication).
But I reckon that, even it sounds a rule for kids, I like the idea to encourage you to post.# And yes, to avoid posting anything "just to post", we might need to work on our passion (which in this case might be photography).# I tried to read about photography, software, printing, cameras, etc.# and when I came here I found a post about the topic I read.# Sometimes I want to argue about what I read (like Capture NX D) and to do it I need to investigate further.# Makes sense, that is why the posts here, in terms of content, has good quality.
I enjoy reading posts, and I think is a site that encourage you to be frequent, consistent, in photography.