View Full Version : Tourism Tasmania Instagram and Photographers

Grant S
03-02-2017, 3:56pm
Come across this today and wondered what others thought. Are any members here closer to the dispute?


From my perspective both sides have valid arguments, but I (of course), favour the rights of the togs over control of where their images are used.

03-02-2017, 4:43pm
Having seen the screen at the airport, it is not really advertising anything. it simply promotes the beauty of Tasmania. There are no ads on the screen, even between the images. It is simply a slideshow of amazing Tasmanian scenery. However, I too can see the view of the photographers here. I do not have an instagram, so cannot really comment on how it works, but if people are #tagging their images with the code so that they get included, would it not be simple to remove the #tag if you did not want your photos presented?

Its been in the news down here for the last few days, but interesting to see it making news on the big island as well now.

Note that the screen was turned off today, till the dispute is resolved.

03-02-2017, 9:29pm
Blimey! I'm pretty quick to stand up for photographers rights and I hate the rights grabbing and copyright infringement that seems "standard" these days. But really, that's a bit of a storm in a tea cup. To tag your photo to the tourism board, bring it to their attention and then complain when they display the Instagram feed with you fully credited is a bit churlish. I'm with you ricktas, take the tag off and move on.
It was tourism and photography that alerted the photographers to the locations in the first place.
On a related note, it always amuses me when photographers complain of the tourists that turn up and get in the way of their shots. A photographer is only a type of tourist. And guess what, it's all the pretty pictures we take and show off that let the "tourists" know where to go.

04-02-2017, 7:54am
I see one photographer said in the article "...even though we're sharing them with them (Tourism Tasmania) to share with people coming to Tassie". I reckon a digital display at Hobart airport is doing just that and think in this case the photographers are overreacting. At least they are getting credited which is not always the case. Will be interesting to see how it ends though.

Mark L
06-02-2017, 9:26pm
I heard a story on the radio on Friday, it's so hard to remember, but I'll try.:D
Tourism Tasmania asked photogs if they'd like to post photos to the Tourism Tasmania Instagram place for use on Instagram. Fine thought many, as long as it's promoting Tassie on Instagram only (that's what they were asked for).
Then all the photos start turning up as a Tourism Tasmania promo at whatever airport that's important in Tassie.;)
The photogs only gave permission for their photos to be used on Instagram, not as a promotion at that airport in Tassie.
Tourism Tasmania said they were only streaming their Instagram place at the airport.
Them not streaming any more suggests?

06-02-2017, 10:35pm
Them not streaming any more suggests?

That as the Tasmanian Government's agency they are very politically driven and risk averse. Therefore they've stopped streaming in order to avoid legal wrangling that they probably wouldn't go into even if legally entitled to carry on because its "not a good look". Maybe?